We Hear the Dead by Dianne K. Salerni
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire
Genre: Historical
Age Recommendation: 12+
Length: Full Length (448 pgs)
Rating: 3 suns
Reviewed by LilacIt starts as a harmless prank…then one lie quickly grows into another. Soon Kate and Maggie Fox are swept into a dizzying flurry of national attention for their abilities to communicate with the dead. But living a lie is sometimes too much to handle, even if you have the best intentions. Based on a true story, We Hear the Dead reveals how secrets and lies can sometimes lead you to what’s real and what’s right. And how sometimes talking with the dead is easier than talking with the people around you.
What started out as a harmless prank soon became a way of life for Kate and Maggie. If I’d been in their shoes, I’m not sure if I would have been able to keep up the secret for as long as they did. That being said, I sure think it could have been an interesting way of making a living.
I have to admit that this book took me quite a while to get through it. I’m not sure if it was because it was set back in the 1800s, or if it was because it was based on a true story, or if it was something altogether different, but I didn’t really connect with either of the main characters until the end of the story. When Maggie’s world was shattered at the end (I won’t give away why), that part gripped me and I did really get Maggie’s feelings.
The story was told in two viewpoints, but most of the chapters were from Maggie. I would like to have read more from Kate and gotten to know her better. She seemed to have more of a spark than Maggie and maybe I would have found her story more intriguing.
Even so, this was a good book and if you like historical fiction, then this story of deception and the faux paranormal might be right up your alley. I suggest you give it a try.
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