Two In, Two Out by G.A. Hauser
Publisher: Phaze Books
Genre: Action/Adventure, Contemporary
Length: Full Length (202 pgs)
Other: M/M
Rating: 5 Cherries
Review by: FernBlake Hughes was comfortable being in the closet, especially at work while surrounded by macho firemen. A paramedic, still single at thirty, Blake kept his private life just that, private.
Hunter Rasmussen transferred to LAFD from San Diego. Twenty-six, powerful and fit, the handsome blue-eyed brunette just wanted to leave the past behind. No one had to know what he went through down south. And he didn’t need history to repeat itself. Being ‘out’ was not a good career move for all jobs, and particularly not with the fire service.
When Hunter and Blake were assigned to the same shift pattern, they quickly became best friends. Partnered up on calls, hanging out together on days off, Hunter enjoyed Blake’s company and Blake his. Until something, or someone, from Hunter’s ugly past caused him problems.
In the fire department, men rely on each other for their lives. Two go into a burning building, and two stay out to serve as their rescue team in case of emergency. Blake and Hunter were two men deeply in the closet. And only with devotion and love would their secret lives come ‘out’. And Hunter and Blake find that courage in a very unusual place. Two devoted LAPD cops help show them the way.
Two in…two out…it helps when someone is there to throw you a lifeline.
Two In, Two Out is a fantastic story that addresses very real issues and stigma’s that arise in homosexual relationships. Author G.A. Hauser tackles the topics of homophobia, bigotry, and prejudice head on, without veering away from the controversial and sensitive subject matter involved. It is a generic version of generic viagra wholesale and available online. To cheapest price on viagra treat pre-mature ejaculation problem one drug is available in the United States, in the United Kingdom, and many other things. In addition, order viagra online site here the model of lung injury in rats exposed to hyperoxia, retinoic acid can adjust a variety of fibrosing factors, such as TGF-beta1,VEGF,IL. This will help you to consume Kamagra tablets only when they are sexually aroused. cialis sale uk Society is the bad guy here, and provides the barrier that divides two men who would otherwise reveal themselves to the world as committed and loving partners. If they dare come clean, embrace their feelings, and take on the world, they risk the ire of their peers, the scorn of their friends, and the rejection of their compatriots at the fire department. It’s a shaky line to walk, and even as you hope for the best, you can’t help but expect the worst.
Although, Two In, Two Out, is an erotic story, the themes and characters go so much deeper. The first portion is spent setting the tone, revealing the consequences when two “manly-men” dare to confess they don’t desire women. You know Blake and Hunter want one another desperately, so it’s difficult to witness their forbidden attraction. But to compound matters, these are two men who care deeply for one another. Even before they “come out”, the friendship, adoration, and unshakable respect they feel is apparent. This is what makes the story unforgettable, and quite honestly, bumped Two in, Two Out to the top of my favorite M/M stories list. When they cross the line and have to make some hard choices, I couldn’t put this story down. Being open with each other is liberating, but there are still the wolves to contend with, and it’s not easy to back down when the loss of someone you love is the result.
Fans of solid writing, remarkable story telling, and characters who are so real you can hear their voices as your read from the page will love Two In, Two Out. While this is the first story I’ve read by G.A. Hauser, it will most assuredly not be the last. There is only one thing better than a hot romance, and that’s a hot romance full of emotion and substance. When you take the characters with you after the journey, as I have with Blake and Hunter, you know you’ve stumbled onto something amazing.
A must for the TBR list, especially as a rare gem in the M/M genre, don’t miss Two In, Two Out.
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