The Sunhammer and the Infinite Cold: Village Monsters by George L. Soriano

The Sunhammer and the Infinite Cold: Village Monsters by George L. Soriano
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Young Adult (14 – 18 y.o.), Sci-Fi/Fantasy, LGBTQ, Paranormal, Contemporary
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

The denizens of Nercaza Rajh call themselves Nercazans, and they have a peculiar life cycle. A Nercazan does not die of old age. Upon reaching a certain point in their lives, their bodies are reborn as they return to their youth. This is known as New Star.

It is also possible for them to switch genders during New Star. This is known as New Cycle.

Follow the adventures of two adopted brothers, Zhuri and Malkavek. They are Nercazan Knights who have pledged to help any who summon them. Having gone through New Star and also New Cycle, they are now sisters.

As well as facing monstrous enemies, they must also face the challenges of their new identities in their new bodies.

Nothing lasts forever.

Some of the most memorable scenes were the ones describing the monsters that the protagonists were fighting. Wow, those were some scary beasts! I shuddered as I imagined what it would be like to face one in person and wondered how these sisters were going to fight back against such powerful creatures. They certainly had their work cut out for them, but I was sure Malkavek and Zhuri could figure out a way to tip the scales in their favor.

While I understand that this was the introduction to a new series, I still would have liked to see more world building in it. There were so many different aspects of this world that were not explained well to the audience, especially when it came to how the cycle of reincarnation worked and why Zhuri and Malkavek were remarkably similar to their previous selves in certain ways while being wildly different in other ones. I was also surprised by how others reacted to them in their current female forms and wished I had more information about what the average person knows about reincarnation in this universe.

I adored Zhuri and Malkavek’s sibling bond. They could switch from arguing about something silly in one scene to protecting each other from violent monsters in the next. There’s something special about growing up together and knowing a brother or sister so well that all it takes is one wordless glance to immediately know what they’re thinking. Mr. Soriano did a good job expressing that here.

The Sunhammer and The Infinite Cold: Village Monsters intrigued me.

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