Review: The Twainer’s Cube

The Twainer’s Cube
by Imogen Sans

It had taken five years for the doctors to come up with a treatment for the coulinium gas poisoning and in that time Ariah had lost everyone who’d been dear to her. Worse, she’d all but lost the possibility of having a family of her own since the attack had also destroyed most of her ovum.

She hadn’t actually considered Norrik Farvish as a potential donor-never really expected to meet the handsome Balton in person-but there was no denying everything about the man thrilled her to her toes-until he confessed that he’d been a part of the raid on Ju Vonice ….

Norrik and Ariah’s lives are intricately woven together in such a manner that engaged me and pulled me into their story. Norrik is a Balton, where on his planet, if they are lucky, males and females bond, or “twain”, when they are destined to be mated. I find the concept of an instinctive compulsion to create an indestructible, permanent union is always appealing because it removes the reader temporarily from the reality of love in the real world — that it is never a sure thing. And a little escapism is what we read romance for, right? Though this idea of a compelled joining is not uncommon in romance, Ms. Sans puts her own creative — and delightful — spin to it.

Ariah is a sympathetic character for all that she has gone through in the last few years. She’s not an exceptionally strong woman, at least not in the beginning, but I still liked her because although she is mindful of all of the bad in her life, she isn’t morose or whiny; she is resigned to her situation and deals with it. She becomes more spirited — and more engaging — when Norrik whisks her away and tries (from her perspective) to control her.

Norrik is a beefcake alien that has everything that a girl could want in a man. But he is keeping many truths from Ariah and most of his deceptions involve her in some form. The lies are justified to a certain extent and as each truth is revealed, Norrik’s yummy factor increases as he demonstrates his long-time care and devotion to Ariah.

Norrik and Ariah have just enough differences to keep their relationship magnetic — she is fiery and spirited, and he is protective and strong — and secretive. They experience many skirmishes, but the steamy passion they feel for one another, heightened by the sizzling effect of their “twain”, is potent and fun to experience.

“Twainer’s Cube” is a gripping adventure that had me intrigued from beginning to end. It’s easy to recommend this rich story with compelling characters, a suspenseful climax and heartwarming ending.


Review by Chamomile

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