Mikayla’s Men by Abby Blake

Mikayla’s Men by Abby Blake
A Bride for Eight Brothers, Book 1
Publisher: Siren Bookstrand
Genre: Sci-fi/fantasy
Length: Short Story (107 pages)
Other: f/m/m/m/m/m/m/m/m, menage, bdsm, anal play, spanking
Rating: 5 cherries
Reviewed by Clematis

Mikayla believed the wrong man and found herself stranded on a planet a long way from home. Faced with starvation or prostitution, she chooses to survive, but things don’t go quite the way she expected.

Matt, John, Peter, Ryan, Ty, Lachlan and Brock have a small problem. She’s a beautiful, talented, kind and incredibly sexy woman snowed in with them for the winter. But she is also a victim and in need of their help. Refusing to use her as the prostitute they paid for, they manage to find enough work to keep her busy.

But they hadn’t counted on Mikayla actually wanting to fulfill the terms of her contract…

Snowed in for the winter with seven sexy brothers, can Mikayla live a fantasy without losing her heart?

You’ll be captivated and drawn in right from the very first chapter. Abby Blake has a winner with a story that has it all: a heroine you can’t help but admire, eight sexy, incredible, divinely masculine brothers, who not only save her from a fate worse than death, but together, give her life new meaning and purpose.

Each interlude Mikayla has with one or two of her heroes, is a delicious and sensually satisfying foray into the unknown. You can’t help but admire her bravery and honor and that of her heroes who think that they really just want a woman to keep them all sexually satisfied for the next year.

Their attitudes and feelings for Mikayla quickly change to acceptance, tenderness, caring and more. The emotional link that binds them all, makes this love story unique, evocative and thrilling, yet satisfying on so many levels, quite a feat for a relatively short story of just over 100 pages!

The writing is wonderfully written, sad, funny, erotic and sweet. The plot, wickedly fascinating and sure to leave you gasping for more. Thank goodness this is just Book one of six.

With well-defined characters and an interesting otherworldly setting, expect an emotional hook to draw you back each time and keep you there till the very end. Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy today!


  1. Love the review and looking forward to reading the series thanks to you.


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