The Morganville Vampires Book 3: Midnight Alley by Rachel Caine
Publisher: Penguin Group
Genre: Action/Adventure, Contemporary, Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Suspense/Mystery
Age Recommendation: 12+
Length: Full Length (245 pgs)
Rating: 4 suns
Reviewed by Tiger LilyClaire Danvers’s college town may be run by vampires but a truce between the living and the dead made things relatively safe. For a while. Now people are turning up dead, a psycho is stalking her, and an ancient bloodsucker has proposed private mentoring. To what end, Claire will find out. And it’s giving night school a whole new meaning.
What do you do when you’re a human blood bank and you’re in the care of a vampire? Hope he’s not really hungry!
That said, you need to read Midnight Alley.
I read the other books in this series and I have to say each ends with a cliff hanger, but this one is a doozy. Things are going from bad to worse in the college town and there seems to be only a handful of individuals who can make things livable.
I liked Claire in the first two books. Here, she becomes a tad predictable. You know she’s the one who will save the day. She’s got a keen sense of who is good and who will cause trouble.
It’s nice for continuity sake, but I wanted to see her trip up and trust the wrong person without getting hurt.Whereas Shane was a hunky hero for Claire in the prior books, in this one, he comes off as a huge jerk. But there are reasons for his attitude. I identified with his moodiness because he sees the world crumbling around him and the only way he knows how to deal is to let the anger bubble over.
There is a lot of back story and side explanations that can trip the reader up. I found myself rereading in a handful of place to keep track of what’s happening. Still, the secondary characters have their own little foibles and quirks which kept me entertained. I liked her over protective parents. Who doesn’t think their folks hover too much? It added a sense of realism and humanity that seemed a bit overshadowed in the book otherwise.
If you want to read a quirky vampire novel, then you need to read Midnight Alley. I give it 4 suns.
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