Heirs of Prophecy by Michael A. Rothman

Heirs of Prophecy by Michael A. Rothman
Publisher: M and S Publishing
Genre: Fantasy
Length:  Full (369 pgs)
Age Recommendation: 8+
Rating: 4.5 Stars
Review by Poppy

The Riverton family had been enjoying a simple summer vacation when, through a fluke of nature, they found themselves in a strange new land.

The Riverton brothers quickly realize that in this world, they have gained unusual powers. Powers that their parents fear will attract the attention of Azazel himself – the merciless wizard who brutally controls this world.

The two brothers soon learn that an ancient prophecy has finally been initiated by their arrival in Trimoria. As the heirs of this prophecy, they are destined to lead the armies of men, dwarves, elves, and even a misfit ogre against the prophesied demon horde.

Only one thing stands in their way.

The evil wizard who has learned of their presence, and has sent assassins to wipe them from existence.

Heirs of Prophecy is a fun, action-packed book that’s appropriate for all ages.  Truthfully, it’s been a while since I’ve read a middle grade book, so I wasn’t sure it would hold my attention.  It did that and more.  I completely enjoyed it!

It starts off a little slowly with the Riverton family packing for vacation, but once they take their little unscheduled side trip to the land of Trimoria, things certainly pick up!  The author’s done a fine job of showing us the land and its people clearly, with each character being unique.  I enjoyed the family interactions, with the boys being boys and the parents actually parenting!  While I think the boys acted a bit older than their chronological ages, that may have been in part due to the circumstances. Certainly the tween and teen boys from a hundred years ago or more acted with more maturity than those of today. And the Riverton brothers are thrust into a world where they’re required to grow up quickly.

There’s no shortage of conflict here, either. From a bully in the town, to ogres and a crazy, powerful wizard, we’re kept on a roller coaster of excitment.  I’ll admit, once I was done reading this, I shared it with my thirteen year old daughter, and she gobbled it up and asked for more.

I highly recommend this book for both kids of any age (there aren’t any truly terrifying parts that would scare younger children) and for adults who have a love of fun, innocent fantasy.  It certainly appealed to all of those in my household. I’m betting it would do the same in yours.



  1. A great review thank you. I love that’s it’s an entire family being thrown into this new world of adventure.

    This has been a thoroughly enjoyable tour thank you.


  2. Thank you for hosting Michael today

  3. What a good review…and high praise that both you and your daughter liked it. I enjoy it when I can share books with my neices and nephew.
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  4. Anonymous says

    I’m glad that the book is exciting but not scary. Sounds fun!


  5. Thanks for your kind words. They are appreciated.

    I have also cross-linked this review from my site at http://michaelarothman.com

    I was wondering if you could possibly post your review on Amazon as well? That would be really helpful to me.

    Thanks again,

  6. Michael, we post all our reviews on Amazon, BN and Goodreads. It will show up there soon! Thanks.

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