Fat Hoochie Prom Queen by Nico Medina

Fat Hoochie Prom Queen by Nico Medina
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Genre: Contemporary
Age Recommendation: 14+
Length: Full Length (290 pgs)
Rating: 4.5 suns
Reviewed by Tiger Lily

What does it take to be the queen?

Margarita “Madge” Diaz is fat, foxy, and fabulous. She loves herself, and is adored by almost everyone else…except queen bee/student-body president Bridget Benson. These two girls have a history that’s uglier than a drag queen after last call. During a heated argument, they decide there’s only one way to end their rivalry: be named prom queen and the other backs off — for good.

Of course, everything looks different in the sober light of morning, but pride is at stake and the race is on. Madge is committed to doing whatever it takes to secure the title, but so is Bridget. And everyone’s got something to hide.

Welcome to Winter Park High School, where the dirt’s not just gonna fly…it’s gonna go into freakin’ orbit.

The book had me laughing from the moment I saw it on the shelf. What a great title! I knew I had to pick it up and trust me, I wasn’t disappointed. The characters felt like my friends and it was like I was back in high school for a while. I laughed, I cried, and I read it over again.

Oh yeah, and I rooted for Margarita.

High school is one gigantic drama and hotbed for issues. Once best friends become mortal enemies and then one day poof! become besties again. Not always the case, but stranger things have been known to happen. Nico Medina’s characters are the best and worst of high school and written in a fresh manner that I couldn’t put the book down. Although this is a follow-up story, I didn’t feel I needed the first one to know what was going on. I plan to read the first one because I’ve found a new must read author.

Margarita, for all her bluster, was my favorite character. She’s flawed. She won’t admit it, but she’s not always the tower of strength and snappy comebacks she wants to be. But as seniors in high school, who is really that perfect? That’s what I liked about her. She’s unique-what you see is what you get. As she evolves in the story, you can’t help but sympathize for her more, even if she gets what she wants most of the time. I love how things all came down to a competition to be the prom queen. Isn’t it every girl’s dream to be the queen? Maybe, but seeing how Magarita goes about it had me in stitches.

If you want a book that’s a look at high school and a whole lot of laughs and a few tears, then you need to read Fat Hoochie Prom Queen. I give this book 4.5 suns! Awesome job!

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