Dragon Consultant by Mell Eight
Publisher: Less Than Three Press
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Short Story (100 pgs)
Other: M/M, Masturbation
Rating: 4 Stars
Reviewed by XeranthemumThe FAA has been struggling with dragons attacking their planes, and hire Dane, a supernatural consultant, to look into the matter. What Dane finds in the woods is not quite the problem he expected: a group of dragon kits and their sick father.
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The blurb is what hooked me into giving this book a try but the amazing plot, fascinating main character and the mystery of the dragons kept me until the climactic and exciting conclusion. Dragon Consultant was a delightful treat that I really enjoyed reading.
Dane is a hero who is more than human. At first I thought he was Fae but what he really is, is even more fascinating and interesting. It’s a good thing he is what he is because his talents are needed by dragonkind everywhere, they just don’t know it yet. But they will because their survival is tied to his quest.
Part of Dane’s commitment comes from his saving Mercury and his family. I adored how the author presented every one of the kids/kits and provided me with clear insights into their personalities and quirks. I chuckled frequently, smiled and enjoyed their antics, but I also hurt for them because those young kits are survivors of tragic circumstances. The drama from multiple rescues, close calls and the revelation of a darker more evil plot arc kept me flipping the pages. The suspense is gripping and because I grew to care for all the kits and Dane and Mercury, the reading experience was intense and heart thumping.
As for the relationship with Dane and Mercury, it’s slow in growing because the author took time to tell a story. It’s well written and very meaty with lots of layers and that’s why I loved this book so much. It’s not about the sex, it’s about the people, it’s about surviving the odds and coming out winners, and when Dane and Mercury finally allow themselves to express how they really feel for each other, once the fires are out and everyone is safe, they celebrate life in the most basic and passionate way. They finally took that wonderful, physical step and yet it wasn’t graphic. I appreciated the fact that Ms. Eight didn’t feel the need to sex it up – their love spoke loudly and strongly with what the author chose to share and it’s beautiful. It’s the essence of romance and that thrilled me.
Dragon Consultant is the first in a series because it’s listed as a Supernatural Consultant, Book one. I’m excited. That means I’ll be seeing more of Dane and Mercury as they follow the clues to save the other captives, and I get to see how Lumie is faring, how Nickel is growing and if Zinc is truly safe and recovering. The author has presented me with a lot of characters I’ve come to care for and if future books in the series are as well written, and continue to engage my emotions and concern for all the people I’ve met in Dragon Consultant, then I can be counted on to read more books in the series. I’m definitely hooked.