A Closer Look by Karen DelleCava

A Closer Look by Karen DelleCava
Publisher: WestSide Books
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (302 pgs)
Age Level: 14+
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Peppermint

Freshman year is going well for Cassie, a standout sprinter who is about to move up to varsity; school has been fine, her best friend Tara is also running track, and Tommy, that cute sax player she likes has asked her to come see his band rehearse. But in a matter of weeks, Cassie has a secret she is trying to hide from everyone. Her hair has started falling out, and she s doing everything possible to keep it from showing. When her parents tell her it happened to her once before, at age 3, she s horrified, and a trip to the dermatologist confirms what she has been afraid of: that all of her hair may fall out. She has alopecia, and there s no known effective treatment. Cassie eventually gets a wig when she can no longer disguise the truth, and she finally confides in Tommy about it. But when he starts being standoffish and avoids her, she feels betrayed. Then, at a track meet, Robin, her rival on the team, exposes her secret to the whole crowd. With her worst fears realized, will Cassie ever be able to face her classmates, her teammates, and most of all, Tommy?

Cassie’s story is one that is truly inspiring for all ages. At the age where she is just starting to discover boys and have a sense of independence, Cassie must also deal with her hair falling out sporadically. With such a delicate subject, I knew from the first page this story would be riveting. At times, I was so sad thinking about everything this young girl had to go through.

While it may sound vain, my hair has always been my crowning glory. So while reading about Cassie’s alopecia, I found myself in tears at times because my heart went out to her. There were times it was difficult to keep reading because of how upset I was for her. That effect actually speaks volumes about the effectiveness of the subject matter and the author’s ability to make me feel for the main character in the story.

Not only was the subject matter riveting, the charaters were as well. For example, at moments I felt like I could sympathize with Cassie’s mother and other times I wondered how a mother can treat her daughter the way she treated Cassie. Another character I enjoyed was Cassie’s best friend Tara. The way she supported Cassie throughout the whole ordeal displayed a true friendship that can never be replaced. These characters really added a certain amount of depth to the story, which help with the flow and made it much easier to read.

One of the most amazing things about A Closer Look is that I highly recommended it to people around me even before I finished the last page. This will be a great story for mothers to read with their daughters, or for anyone to enjoy on their own. Ms. DelleCava’s book should make it to Oprah’s reading list because after I was done reading it, I was convinced that it has the ability to change lives.

Cracking the Ice by Dave Hendrickson

Cracking the Ice by Dave Hendrickson
Publisher: Westside Books
Genre: Historical
Length: Full Length (365 pgs)
Age Level: 14+
Rated: 4 stars
Reviewed by Snapdragon

Delves into the perilous world of a black teen hockey phenom in 1968, during the highly charged Civil Rights era. Jessie leaves home for New Hampshire, despite misgivings of his parents and girlfriend Rose, to pursue his dreams at an elite, formerly all-white prep school, which he hopes will put him on the path to the Ivy League and NHL. He is realistic about encountering racist fans and opponents at his new school, but finds that he’s in the most danger from his own teammates and coach, who clearly despises him based only on the color of his skin. Full of exciting on-ice action and heart-wrenching realism, Cracking the Ice will have readers rooting for Jessie as he fights for what any standout student and athlete deserves.

The best of Cracking the Ice is on the ice – hockey descriptions are in-the-moment, bring-you-there. “Jessie cradles the puck on his stick and took off, skating ahead ten feet, then dropping the puck and cutting to the left…” Hockey is important, not only as the game itself, but how it impacts the dreams and goals of the main character.

Ultimately, this is a personal journey story: goals, and the future are what drive the main character and the plot. He’s an admirable young man, ethical and strong, but he lives at a time when those dreams seem one step too far: Jessie is a young black man, in the late 60s.

The Civil Rights movement is in full swing; Martin Luther King is a hero – and those events are important backdrop and in a odd way, parallel some of the action. For Jessie gets an opportunity: he’s accepted at a predominantly white prep school with an amazing hockey team. This school might be the ticket to his dreams – but then things start to go wrong. The coach doesn’t want him, even if the principal does. Coarse players go from hazing to threats to worse. The reader will worry and hope that what seems predictable downward turn of events will not be the actual events. The dark side here is dark indeed. It must be admitted that this is an unsettling story. It will stir emotion and anger and leave one wondering how our world could have ever been like this. It is however, sadly believable.

Spoilers would do this story no good at all; it is a worthy, if heartwrenching read, with a fair amount of violence. The best of humanity is explored — and some of the worst, exposed. It is very readable, written with a clear and powerful voice, and is engaging from beginning to end.

Hunted by Cheryl Rainfield

Hunted by Cheryl Rainfield
Publisher: Westside Books
Genre: Action/Adventure, Contemporary, Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Young Adult
Length: Full Length (370 pgs)
Heat Level: sweet
Rating: 3.5 books
Reviewed by Aloe

Caitlyn, 15, a Paranormal, is on the run with her mom, trying to stay one step ahead of the ParaTroopers who would enslave her just like anyone who has powerful psychic abilities. Attempting to have somewhat of a normal life, Caitlyn and her mom hide in plain sight, living in a seedy hotel in a big city, where Caitlyn hopes to blend in by enrolling at the local high school. She secretly fights back against government oppression by blogging about equal rights for all Paras, protecting herself by signing them Teen Para.

When she discovers her long ago kidnapped brother Daniel at school she s elated, but is saddened to find he s controlled by the government ParaTroopers as a Para-slave.

As Para Cleansing Day nears, increasing numbers of Paras are turned in to the authorities and things grow tenser and more dangerous, especially at school. When a group robs a bank and threatens Normals, the shadow of guilt is cast on Teen Para. A killer, the Para Reaper, secretly goes hunting for Paras to drain the life out of them. Despite everything, Caitlyn befriends a Normal girl, Rachel, who is a Para sympathizer, and falls for a cute classmate, Alex, also a Normal, who always makes her feel so good whenever he is around. But it’s not safe for Paras to date Normals, and it would put Caitlyn in grave danger of being discovered.

When ParaTroopers crack down at school after several Paras are discovered, Caitlyn finds herself under increasing scrutiny. Fearing for Caitlyn, her mom is anxious to pack up and bolt, but Caitlyn’s growing attachments make her reluctant to leave. Will she evade capture, or will she be caught and turned into a Para Slave? And just who is trying to frame her? A tautly written, suspenseful thrill ride, Hunted will keep readers on the edge of their seats.

Welcome to a world where you have to hide what you are; if they find out you have paranormal powers, they will make you a slave!

One of my worst nightmares is about hiding from someone trying to get me. I have them over and over again with different circumstances each time. That was why I had to request this book for review. And it certainly didn’t disappoint me.

Caitlyn and her mother have been in hiding for a long time. Her father was killed by Para Troopers and her little brother was taken away during the melee. She and her Mom are afraid he’s dead. He’s not, and that’s where their troubles begin…

This is an exciting, very busy story. Her new school has two normals in it she would like to befriend, but she instinctively knows (or at least believes) they would betray her. All normals fear her kind and it’s best if she just stays to herself. The author does not avoid issues that some might find offensive. Caitlyn’s love interest is black (she’s white) and her normal girlfriend is a lesbian. These issues don’t stand out and none of the main characters let this bother them, but you’re forewarned in case it’s an issue with you.

The conflict between Caitlyn and her brother Daniel is heartrending. It’s also deadly. She loves him, but he has become her enemy. And he’s not hesitant about hurting those she loves to get her power.

The author writes a strong story with an interesting theme. Why is it we always hate those who are different from us? And how could a world like the one portrayed in this story exist? Yet, it’s not beyond belief.

If you like fast moving stories with characters that face a lot of challenges, this is an excellent read for you. It’s geared for young adults, but I enjoyed the read. Why don’t you get a copy and see what you think?

Orphan! by John R. Weber

Orphan! by John R. Weber
Publisher: WestSide Books
Genre: Action/Adventure, Historical
Age Recommendation: 12+
Length: Full Length (301 pgs)
Rating: 3 Suns
Reviewed by Fern

Homer abruptly finds out at age 13 that he’s adopted when his gruff father, an Iowa farmer, announces it after dinner one night. Homer is crushed and decides he must find his real family, who he learns had been in New York City. On his way, he stops to tell his best friend, Jamie, who feels compelled to go along and keep Homer out of trouble. They hop a train and head east, only to run into danger the very next day. Narrowly escaping a brutal demise, they’re befriended by Smilin’ Jack, a hobo who takes them under his wing. After a series of misadventures and serious scrapes, Jamie falls ill as they reach New York and Homer takes him to the house of their friend Sam, a wealthy girl who had lived in their town but then was ordered back east. Sam helps Jamie get the best medical care possible and lends support as Homer traces his origins to a church-run orphanage. As Homer adjusts to what he learns, his family in Iowa helps raise money for Jamie’s potentially life-saving experimental care, helping Homer to at last know the true meaning of family.

When I first read the blurb for John R. Weber’s novel, Orphan!, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was intrigued by the concept of an orphan who discovers the truth of his parentage and sets off on an adventure to meet his family. However, I wasn’t sure exactly how the pieces would come together, or how I would enjoy the journey along the way.

The start, I’ll confess, was slow. Due to dialogue that was stilted and rudimentary, I couldn’t relate to the characters. Complicating this were the extenuating circumstances and corresponding events which lead Homer to leave his adoptive family behind, which seemed farfetched and difficult to believe. He’s a thirteen year old boy who has learned a profound truth, but his harsh treatment of the man and woman who have raised and loved him as one of their own felt rather extreme. I struggled to get through the first quarter of the novel. Considering this is a YA book, I began wondering what audience would enjoy the material. Fortunately, after sticking to it and pushing through, I was able to discover that if you’re able to see through the beginning, there is a story of interest waiting within the pages of Orphan!.

From the moment that Homer and his best friend Jamie take the wrong train and begin traveling in the wrong direction, the story takes on a life of its own. Danger lurks around every corner and safety comes in a manner that you least expect. Smilin’ Jack isn’t your average hero. In fact, he’s not a hero at all. He’s a hobo. After he rescues the boys and places them under his care, the story comes to life. You’ll hold your breath, grasp for it when your heart is broken, and exhale in relief when things come full circle. As one adventure ends, another begins. It’s not always an easy read, but once Homer and Jamie face the real world, are challenged by it and grow from it, it becomes a real one.

While there are issues with Orphan! I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this book, especially to those who like stories about coming of age. The characters grow as the story progresses, and when things get up to speed it’s an engaging read.

Change of Heart by Shari Maurer

Change of Heart by Shari Maurer
Publisher: WestSide Books
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (288 pgs)
Age Recommendation: 14+
Rating: 4 suns
Reviewed by: Lilac

Shortly after her sixteenth birthday, popular varsity soccer star Emmi comes down with an ordinary virus. But when she doesn’t bounce back as always, she gets the worst possible news—she’s had myocarditis that’s destroyed her heart, putting her into congestive heart failure. This formerly energetic teen can now barely walk across a room without having to stop and rest. And the prognosis is bleak: without a heart transplant, she’ll die in a matter of months. It’s only her growing friendship with Abe, the funny, smart boy she meets in the cardiac clinic, that finally cheers her up. But difficult questions race through her mind while she waits: Will she get a heart in time? Will she even survive the surgery? What if her body rejects the heart? When tragedy strikes close to home, Emmi must rely even more on her inner strength in order to carry on.

Imagine being sixteen years old and having everything going for you — friends, school, sports — and then suddenly it all changes in the blink of an eye. This is what happened to Emmi when she discovered that she had a severe heart condition and would have to have a heart transplant.

Growing up, I loved reading books by Lurlene McDaniel about teenagers who had terminal illnesses and this book reminded me so much of her books. I immediately fell right into the story and was engaged by it. The plot flowed nicely and kept my attention. I will say it was a little predictable, but that’s not always bad.

I really liked the characters — for the most part. I felt like Emmi was such a real character. She loved sports and had great close friends. The only thing that shocked me was the way that she talked to her mother (although I know I used to speak horribly to mine when I was a teenager too). I loved her best friend, Becca, and her boyfriend Sam for most of the story until close to the end when something scandalous happens. I wasn’t fond of that part of the story and I feel like it got back to “happy” a little too quickly. And I really liked Abe, the teen guy that Emmi meets who had previously had a heart transplant. They all felt real and normal and like any teen you would see in life.

This story definitely brings to life the importance of organ donation. It’s heartwarming and sad and I would definitely recommend that you have tissues nearby while you read it!

The Girl Next Door Selene Castrovilla

The Girl Next Door by Selene Castrovilla
Publisher: WestSide Books
Genre: Contemporary
Age Recommendation: 14+
Length: Full Length (235 pgs)
Rating: 5 Suns
Reviewed by Fern

While most seniors at her high school are worrying about prom and final exams, seventeen-year-old Sam is desperately trying to save her best friend Jesse’s life. He has a rare, treatment-resistant form of cancer, and his odds of survival aren’t good, and he may have only ten months left to live. Through every bit of his pain and anguish, Sam has been by his side–through the grueling, aggressive treatments and their awful aftermath, to sleeping in his room at night when he’s afraid to be alone. Best friends and neighbors since preschool, Jesse and Sam’s friendship is changing–now they’re falling in love, and the bond between them grows stronger even as Jesse is weakens. Will they have a happy ending…or will their story end in heartbreak?

When I started reading The Girl Next Door, I thought I had a pretty good idea of what to expect; a young girl falls in love with a young man who is going to die. Yet as I delved into the work, I realized that the simplistic way in which I classified the work wasn’t fair at all. In truth, The Girl Next Door is much more than that. This is a book about embracing life, moving forward, and living for those little moments that pass us far too quickly.

Told in a first person narrative through seventeen-year old Sam, the story begins after she’s learned her best friend Jesse is dying of cancer. It’s a rare form of the disease, one that there is virtually no hope of treating. She’s taken to sleeping in his bedroom at night as he’s afraid of being alone. His illness is painful for both of them as they’ve been friends since childhood and each battle their own demons in regard to the news. Jesse, understandably, is afraid of death, while Sam is terrified of facing a future in which Jesse doesn’t exist. As the story progresses, they inevitably fall in love, and it is this which is the focal point, bringing all of the other elements into perspective. I was amazed at author Selene Castrovilla’s talent for revealing just how devastating the loss is for Sam without taking anything from Jesse. There are no villains, no self-imposed obstacles to block their happiness, but rather a knowledge that one day it will all come crumbling down around them, and the only thing they can control is the love, comfort, and joy they can bring one another until the unthinkable occurs.

There are varying subplots with add richness and depth to the work but make no mistake, this is a heartbreaking love story that will remain with you long after you’ve finished the last page. Ms. Castrovilla snared my attention with her fantastic story, Saved by the Music, but in The Girl Next Door, she’s made a fan for life.

On a side note, the material is geared toward a 14+ audience and contains sexual elements, but is very tastefully done.

Saved by the Music by Selene Castrovilla

Saved by the Music by Selene Castrovilla
Publisher: WestSide Books
Genre: Contemporary
Age Recommendation: 14+
Length: Full Length (280 pgs)
Rating: 4.5 Suns
Reviewed by Fern

Willow, 15, is sent by her unstable mother to spend the summer on her Aunt Agatha’s barge in Rockaway, NY. As Willow and Agatha work on what appears to be a hopeless project, converting the barge into a floating concert hall, Willow finds herself both attracted to and repulsed by the hired hand, Craig. At the same time, she is intrigued by her emerging relationship with mysterious and reclusive Axel, who lives on a sailboat docked close to the barge. Frustrated by Axel’s lack of romantic interest, Willow finally accepts Craig’s advances but finds herself a victim of sexual assault. Axel intervenes before Willow can be seriously hurt and then assists her through the process of the investigation. Unable to face her aunt, Willow goes back to live with Axel and learns that he cuts himself to deal with the pain caused by his own abandonment and abuse.

Saved by the Music is a powerful story about two lost souls who find strength, power, and comfort in the presence of one another. Although the title might lead you to believe that it’s music that saves them, it is in fact the close connection they share that provides an unforgettable journey readers are sure to enjoy. Dark, gritty, and brutally honest at times, you’ll get a whole lot more than you bargained for as you delve into the pages, which is always exciting in cutting edge YA fiction.

The story is told through the voice of fifteen year old Willow; a girl who views herself as ugly on the outside as she perceives herself to be on the inside. She can never be beautiful enough, thin enough, smart enough, or interesting enough. A summer spent on her aunt’s barge is intended to help but, thus far, it only fuels her resentment of her emotionally unstable mother and unhappy home life. It’s not until she meets Axel, an eighteen year old with issues of his own, that she emerges from her shell and begins to view the world through less jaded eyes. He’s beautiful, mysterious, and so sad she can’t help but question why. As a near tragedy disrupts their lives, the truth is slowly revealed, and it will take understanding, foresight, and love to circumvent fate and create a path to a brighter, happier future.

The material presented in Saved by the Music is dark, but I didn’t find it extreme or overwhelming. While rape is a very upsetting and difficult topic to broach, Ms. Castrovilla does a wonderful job of ensuring you get the ugliness of the act without alienating the reader. There are other subplots that are equally serious, including suicide and depression, but they are handled with tact and grace, so that the act isn’t glorified but treated as it should be, with total seriousness and respect.

This is definitely a book for the 14+ age range. The subject matter is something that anyone younger could possibly have an issue understanding or relating to. With that said, Saved by the Music is a thoroughly engaging story that I very much enjoyed. Willow is a fantastic heroine, while Axel is perfect as the young man who isn’t entirely as he seems. As the mystery unfolded, I became captivated, and couldn’t stop reading until I finished. I can’t wait to read more from the library of Ms. Castrovilla and am eagerly looking forward to her future works.

Scars by Cheryl Rainfield

Scars by Cheryl Rainfield
Publisher: WestSide Books
Genre: Contemporary
Age Recommendation: 14+
Length: Full Length (233 pgs)
Rating: 4 Suns
Reviewed by Fern

The scars that crisscross 15-year-old Kendra’s arms are not for public consumption. Her cutting is kept secret from her parents, her friends, and even her beloved therapist. But things change when she meets Meghan, a classmate whose promiscuity with boys belies her budding romantic interest in Kendra.

Scars is a dark, honest, and raw portrayal of what can occur to a victim of sexual abuse and addresses the unspoken issues that victim face. It’s not an easy read, but as someone who understands the source material, it is a very accurate depiction and I was unable to put the story down once I started reading.

Told through the voice of Kendra, a young-woman on the cusp of adulthood who has recently began reliving her abuse, the narrative is one that is impossible to deny or ignore. She’s terrified of her assailant and fears that once again he has returned to harm her or, if she doesn’t keep her promise to keep her mouth shut, kill her. As she teeter-totters from strong to frail, you’ll get sucked into the past and present. Her memories are the only thing that can save her, yet, are the very things she fears most. Adding to this is her inability to put a face to the attacker. Although she knows who it is, her mind is blocking the information. Counseling, a flourishing relationship, and her own desire to overcome the terror that has trapped her will reveal what she’s kept locked away. However, not is all as it seems, and when you finally learn the truth, you’ll struggle to breathe.

The writing is wonderful and the pace of the story never relents. Author Cheryl Rainfield has managed to get into the head of her character, breathing life into the pages. The stark realism makes what occurs credible, even if it’s not for the faint of heart.

I should warn that this is a story that should be targeted for an older, YA reader. While the book states that it is for a 14+ audience, I’d consider upping that number by a couple of years. It’s not that the message is bad but rather a parent should ensure their children are prepared to approach the subject matter (rape, molestation, homosexuality, incest, cutting, etc) with an open mind, heart, and understanding of how horrific the world can be. Not all of us live inside beautiful houses, living the dream, with only the monsters in our dreams to haunt us at night.

Something Terrible Happened on Kenmore by Marci Stillerman

Something Terrible Happened on Kenmore by Marci Stillerman
Publisher: WestSide Books
Genre: Historical, Suspense/Mystery
Age Recommendation: 14+
Length: Full Length (200 pgs)
Rating: 4 suns
Reviewed by Cholla

Set against the backdrop of a child murder in 1930s-era Chicago, three teenagers’ lives are about to change dramatically. From different sides of the tracks, Zane and Fred forge a bond through their shared love of cartooning. But Fred quickly realizes that Zane has a dark undercurrent, especially when he violates Maizy, the sturdy but naïve working-class neighborhood girl whose lack of self-esteem and lifelong love for Zane overwhelm her judgment. Meanwhile, Zane’s father harbors a shocking secret that only Maizy and Fred discover, and the events that follow lead all three teens to make difficult, life-changing decisions. Told with compassion and honesty from each teen’s perspective, Something Terrible Happened on Kenmore unflinchingly examines love and loss, friendship and sexuality, all significant factors on the path to becoming an adult.

When the desperation of the Great Depression reaches its darkest, it’s not only the adults that suffer its dire consequences. Children of all ages are drawn into the darkness along with their parents, friends and relatives. Fred, Zane, and Maizy are only three of them, but their story rings true across the decades. You’ll be touched by their stories, angered at their inability to save themselves, and rejoice as they find their way through one of the most difficult times in American history.

While told from alternating perspectives, from the very beginning I felt like Fred was the main character of sorts. He’s the new kid on Kenmore and is learning his way around the area and the people. He seems to be the most average of the three narrators and I liked him a lot. He battles the constant tide of wants vs. what is right and he handles things well usually. While he makes his mistakes, I do believe that they’re all made for the right reasons. For me, Fred was the most relatable of the narrators and I could identify with his situation at home.

Zane is the minister’s son and the only kid from the right side of the tracks. Despite being rich, he feels like he doesn’t fit in with the kids from his own street so he hangs out on Kenmore where the kids are more honest and real. He starts out as an arrogant, self-absorbed rich kid but, as the story progresses he’s forced to change a lot. Of the three, he probably grows the most over the course of the novel. His faith is broken and he’s forced to rebuild, not something that comes easily to a sixteen-year-old. I wouldn’t have wanted to be in his shoes for anything.

Maizy was probably my favorite narrator. Her unrequited love for Zane and her honest, if simple, outlook on life was different from any of the others in the novel. Forced to stay home and care for her brother, Maizy’s life revolves around her front porch. She’s profoundly affected by the murder that starts the story off and it haunts her thoughts. I appreciated her complete and total devotion to her brother and the honest way she interacted with everyone who passed her way. She still had hopes and dreams, even knowing that most would never come to fruition. But it didn’t stop her from hoping for a better life for them all.

Despite the rather bleak circumstances that set the stage for this coming of age novel, the trueness of the narrators’ voices shine through the darkness. I loved the way that the narrator changed, each revealing just a piece of the mystery surrounding the murder haunting Kenmore, giving you the briefest of glimpses into the answer to it all. Very well written in an easy to read style, Something Terrible Happened on Kenmore is a stark and yet hopeful portrait of a teenager’s life in Depression-Era Chicago. Things were by no means easy, but there was still hope on the horizon.

Star In The Middle by Carol Larese Millward

Star In The Middle by Carol Larese Millward
Publisher: WestSide Books
Genre: Contemporary
Age Recommendation: 14+
Length: Full Length (303 pgs)
Rating: 4 Suns
Reviewed by Fern

At age sixteen, Star’s life has changed drastically now that she’s become the mother of a baby boy. Because of the baby, Star’s planning to drop out of school to care for him instead of starting the eleventh grade. Star’s taking classes in parenting at a center for teen moms as she tries to learn to do what’s best for him. But she’s having trouble keeping up with the baby’s demands, and her grandmother is threatening to send her to foster care and force her to put the baby up for adoption if things don’t change. And to top it off, Wilson, the baby’s father, a popular star athlete with a bright future, refuses to believe that the baby is his. But there’s so much he doesn’t know about Star—terrible, painful secrets she’s hidden for years—even from her grandmother.

Star suffers in silence and doesn’t know whom to trust, but she finds support from her friends. She reconnects with Todd, a Goth-style former classmate who’s now a teenager raising an infant daughter. As Wilson’s friends and family push him to accept responsibility for his child, he begins to learn the truth about Star and her disturbing past, facts that ultimately change his life forever. Alternating between Star’s and Wilson’s points-of-view, Star in the Middle allows readers to eavesdrop on the teens’ innermost thoughts and fears, revealing an astonishingly realistic, compelling snap-shot of the difficult lives of teenage parents.

Star In The Middle is a complex and multifaceted story that addresses the issues of teen pregnancy, sexual abuse, responsibility, coming to terms with your mistakes and learning from them. While dark and gritty, the material offers a glimpse of something better for all involved. Told through the voices of Wil and Star, you are given a direct insight into what they are thinking and experiencing.

Star is a young girl who became pregnant and believed the boy she loved would always be there for her only to discover just how much a baby changes things. Her voice isn’t easy to read, especially as her innocence and longing for what she’ll never have – a childhood that is untainted by events in the past – surface time and again. She’s the character you sympathize with, as the burden of responsibility rests on her young shoulders. Wil, on the other hand, is a character that is very difficult to relate to. He left Star when she needed him most and believes the baby isn’t his. It takes time to understand him and at times I absolutely detested him. Yet, it is that very thing that makes the story so believable. Teenagers by design are selfish creatures, so Wil’s actions, while deplorable, ring true.

Although a majority of the story focuses on Star, Wil, and their son, there is also an undercurrent of mystery and suspense. At first, I didn’t see it coming. You are aware that Star has issues, but when you learn where they come from it’s both horrific and incomprehensible. Think of it like an intricate and carefully plotted puzzle, which snippets provided along the way. As they begin forming the bigger picture, you’ll better understand the characters, their motivations, and the ties that continue to bind them.

The themes are not intended for young children, which mean Star In The Middle should be targeted for a 14+ audience. This isn’t anything like the average YA material on the market. Rather, Star In The Middle provides a realistic portrayal of what happens when children have children and the complexities and heartbreak that can arise as a consequence.