Hunter Brown and the Consuming Fire

Hunter Brown and the Consuming Fire by Christopher and Allan Miller
Publisher: Warner Press
Genre: Action/Adventure, Contemporary, Fantasy
Age Recommendation: 10+
Length: Full Length (366 pgs)
Rating: 4 Suns
Reviewed by Lupine

After returning from his first trip to Solandria, Hunter Brown finds himself alone with memories of his adventures and many unanswered questions. He returns to school with the sneaking suspicion he is being watched, but his tendency to think he is being trailed by the Shadow lands him in a heap of trouble.

Soon, Hunter takes a wild ride to Solandria with two new friends, Trista and Rob, and a furry creature, Boojum. The land has greatly changed. The Codebearers have been scattered and the Resistance is weak. With more questions than answers, Hunter, Trista and Rob begin their quest, led by a mysterious flame. Their goal is to find the Seven mentioned in the Author’s Writ. But they face a brutal adversary, Xaul, who threatens to steal the flame and destroy all that remains of the Resistance.

Has Aviad abandoned them all to the Shadow? Will Hunter and his friends find the courage to complete their quest… or will they be too late?

It’s great fun again as we join Hunter Brown in a wonderful new adventure! Here, back in the “real” world of Earth, Hunter finds himself deserted by his friend, Stretch, who will not believe that the world of Solandria is real, or any of the adventures Hunter says he had. Even though Stretch takes all of Hunter’s friends with him when he leaves, Hunter finds new ones in Rob, who is another teenaged Codebearer, and Trista.

Before we know it, Hunter is swept off into another adventure in Solandria. He has a new adversary, Xaul, a Xin warrior with a Vertis sword that has been twisted into the way of evil. Xaul desires The Flame, a mysterious fire that gives mythological powers.

Hunter sets off on a perilous journety to find the flame before Xaul does. Hunter vows to protect the flame with his life, if need be, for if he does not Xaul will take it. And then, it will be used to kill the Codebearers and destroy the Writ.

This was another nail-biting adventure for Hunter, and I didn’t want to put this book down, even when I grew sleepy or had other things that needed doing. The Miller brothers are fabulous authors who color their text with imagination and detail. The characters, as before, were three-dimensional and so realistic. The always jolly Stoney was my favorite character. I liked him because he always tried to do the right thing, even when it was difficult or painful. Even more wonderful was the fact that he was so happy and his joy made other people (including me!) feel better.

The book was also populated with terrifying creatures. The Fangworm was particularly fearsome, at least for me. With its four fangs as long as spears, spikes up its back and skin covered with tough scales, he was a difficult monster to defeat. The Scourge — a kind of mist haze that could take any shape it desired — was a terrifying, albeit clever, construct as well.

Truthfully this book had me hanging off the edge of my seat with every page I turned. Well-paced with an excellent plot, it’s perfect for fantasy and action/adventure readers. I give it four books, and can’t wait for the next installment in this series.

Hunter Brown and the Secret of the Shadow by Christopher and Allan Miller

Hunter Brown and the Secret of the Shadow by Christopher and Allan Miller
Publisher: Warner Press
Genre: Action/Adventure, Contemporary, Fantasy
Age Recommendation: 10+
Length: Full Length (368 pgs)
Rating: 5 Suns
Reviewed by Lupine

Strange visions… hideous monsters…startling revelations… Hunter Brown never expected a summer like this, and it’s only getting started! After one of his infamous pranks backfires, Hunter unexpectedly finds himself in possession of an ancient book and key. Little does he know the mysterious book is a gateway to Solandria, a supernatural realm held captive by the Shadow. In Solandria, Hunter joins forces with the Codebearers, a band of highly trained warriors who form the Resistance to the Shadow. But before he can complete his training in the ways of the Code, Hunter is sent on a mission far more dangerous than he ever bargained for. Now with his life in peril and the future of Solandria hanging in the balance, Hunter is headed for a showdown with the Shadow and a battle to save his soul from a fate worse than death! Is Hunter’s knowledge of the Code deep enough to uncover the secret of the Shadow, or will the truth be more than he can bear? Hunter Brown and the Secret of the Shadow is the first installment in The Codebearers Series. The story incorporates an added layer of symbolism inspired by John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress to communicate spiritual truths and themes to readers.

From the mysterious beginning of the book when Hunter Brown is rescued by the janitor from his school (who turns out to be Evan, a Codebearer), to the moment when Hunter is chased into a graveyard by dispirits trying to steal the Author’s Writ , this book had me hooked.

Falling into a grave and then through it into the Lake of the Lost, Hunter finds himself engaged in a battle with the Shadow who is trying conquer this new world called Solandria. Hunter joins forces with the Codebearers who follow the precepts contained in the Author’s Writ and form the backbone of the resistance.

Hope, a native of Solandria and part of the resistance, becomes Hunter’s close friend. She was my favorite character in this book because of her strength and courage. She never panicked, always stood by her friends and really showed what kind of person we should all strive to be. I really admired her from the moment she entered the story.

Hunter wasn’t always such a stellar character, and had his flaws. But he was determined to do the best he could, and even when he got frustrated he pushed through. I remember how he handled trying to walk into the revealing room – a place where only the humble may enter. Once he accepted that he didn’t know everything and that he had a lot to learn, he was able to get in.

I admit to being a bit frightened by the monsters in this story, especially Kane, a gorwing. With his huge size and strength, sharp teeth, long, curled horns and ability to fly he was by far the most threatening creature in the book aside from the Shadow. The Scrill was also quite terrifying. So powerful, when it attacked one group in the resistance, it massacred the entire company save the captain.

Scene after scene, exciting adventure after adventure, this book kept me glued to the pages. The writing was descriptive, clear and interesting and the story was well-plotted and truly fascinating. With inspirational undertones, this story delivers a message along with the excitement. It taught me that we need to be humble, to not to allow our less positive emotions (like fear, frustration and anger) get the best of us and live our lives not just for us, but for others as well.

I can’t recommend this book enough, and am definitely planning to start reading the next one in the series the moment I’m done writing this review. Kudos to the authors for this marvelous read!