The Mermaid’s Mirror by L. K. Madigan

The Mermaid’s Mirror by L. K. Madigan
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
Genre: Contemporary, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Age Recommendation: 12+
Length: Full Length (320 pgs)
Rating: 3.5 Suns
Reviewed by Aloe

Lena has lived her whole life near the beach – walking for miles up and down the shore and breathing the salty air, swimming in the cold water, and watching the surfers rule the waves – the problem is, she’s spent her whole life just watching.

As her sixteenth birthday approaches, Lena vows she will no longer watch from the sand: she will learn to surf.

But her father – a former surfer himself – refuses to allow her to take lessons. After a near drowning in his past, he can’t bear to let Lena take up the risky sport.

Yet something lures Lena to the water … an ancient, powerful magic. One morning Lena catches sight of this magic: a beautiful woman – with a silvery tail.

Nothing will keep Lena from seeking the mermaid, not even the dangerous waves at Magic Crescent Cove.

And soon … what she sees in the mermaid’s mirror will change her life …

Does the sea draw you to it when you get near? Or do you feel at home when on the beach with the waves splashing over your toes? Did you ever think that maybe something besides the sea might be calling you?

Lena has loved the sea her whole life, and now that she’s coming up on her sixteenth birthday, she’d really love to have her father teach her to surf. She knows he loves the water, but he won’t even step into it any more. Even though it’s her birthday, he again denies her request to teach her how to surf. She wouldn’t even have known how to swim if her stepmother hadn’t taught her how! Lena has friends, though, and they are not as worried about the water as her father is…

L K Madigan has written nicely fleshed-out characters, who are each, strong and determined in their own ways. You can connect with them and share their emotional feelings.

As she comes of age, Lena wonders why her father won’t tell her about her “lost” mother. She has a happy home life with her Dad and step-mother, but feels she’s missing something—although she doesn’t know what. Her parents are kind but don’t want to hurt her. Even though she could get hurt just as easily by not knowing all the facts, her father is afraid to enlighten her.

The truth can’t be hidden forever, though. When Lena goes surfing in a forbidden place, she comes home with a key she has received as a gift, and her whole life changes…

Lena finally learns why her father was hesitant to tell her the truth about her mother, and now she find she must make a choice on which parent she wishes to stay with. She loves them both and her mother’s life is attractive,but is it the best choice? It was easy to empathize with Lena as she struggled with tough choices and decisions she had to make, because as we grow up we all go through this type of experience. I wasn’t allowed to date until age 16, and thought I was really missing out on life. Then I found out how confusing dating could be – and almost wished I could backtrack… Lena’s experience is not that different from my own so I could relate to her situation and feel how tormented she was while trying to make a good decision.

In a related storyline, Lena and her friend Pem are both just discovering boys and kissing. Kissing is a bit strange to Lena, but Pem seems to enjoy her older boyfriend. She almost wonders if they aren’t doing more than kissing. Lena is concerned that her friend is advancing into a relationship too soon and too fast, but she also is feeling her way through a new relationship and is unsure how to proceed. Then she meets another romantic interest and it gets even more confusing…

The Mermaid’s Mirror is an enjoyable read for a young adult just discovering male and female relationships. It’s also a great read if you like to read fantasy novels, or if mermaids intrigue you.

The Crescent by Jordan Deen

The Crescent by Jordan Deen
Publisher: Black Rose Writing
Genre: Paranormal, Sci-fi/Fantasy
Age Recommendation: 16+
Length: Full Length (188 pages)
Rating: 3 suns
Reviewed By Dogwood

Becoming a werewolf is not an option for seventeen-year-old Lacey Quinn, but death can be a strong motivator. Lacey is so focused on her future that everyday life has passed her by. Counting down the days to her eighteenth birthday, Lacey is almost home free. But when she falls for the mysterious Alex Morris, she lands in the middle of an ancient war between two enemy wolf packs. Tempting dreams, tantalizing lies and a dangerous love triangle ensues leaving Lacey heartbroken and confused. Lacey’s fate rests in the hands of Alex and Brandon, but both are pulling her strings for their own agendas. Even as she slips further into the dark world of werewolves, Lacey struggles to find the truth and save the only family she’s ever know.

Lacie thought her biggest problem was her parents, she had no idea just how big of a problem they were! Lacie’s parents constantly fought. Her father liked to get drunk, and her mom just argued back. They were both dragging Lacie into it all the time, so she spent a lot of her time wandering around her neighborhood, or sitting in her play house. One night while sitting outside she met a new friend. Grant, a larger than life dog, who kept her company, and made everything alright.

Lacie had spent most of her summer hanging at the mall or the beach with her best friend Jillian. She was about to start her senior year, but she didn’t expect things to be much different. Boy was she wrong. Not accustomed to dating at all, she met a handsome new transfer in the office on the first day of school. She flubbed it, at least she thought she did. Crazy as it seemed, this hottie was interested in Lacie, and only Lacie. She was instantly mad about him, but with some trepidations, she blamed it on her lack of knowledge on how a relationship is even supposed to work. A few days later she meets Brandon in the office. That’s when she realized what it means to instantly fall in love. She had no idea she could have feelings even stronger than the ones she had for Alex. And so begins Lacie’s dilemma.

Lacie starts having these vivid fantasies of Brandon, of their future together. But at this point she can’t make out what’s a dream and what’s reality. To be honest, I had a hard time even understanding what was supposed to be the dream, and what was real. So I felt for the girl. The book definitely keeps you interested. You want to know what’s going on and why. There is a point you just start getting suspicious of everyone. I don’t want to give too much away, but obviously Lacie has to choose, between the two handsome men. Is Brandon telling her the truth, which is so hard to believe, and goes against everything she knows? Or is Alex really right for her?

Her head and her heart are battling it out on every page. Your mind changes about as much as hers. You want to believe Brandon when you are with him, but then again, Alex is just so great. That was one of my favorite parts of the books. It wasn’t predictable in the sense, you never really knew who she was going to choose, and you never knew who was telling the truth. Even though the author gave several clues throughout the book, it wasn’t enough to give the ending away. So you just keep reading, without a clue of how much time has passed, or what’s going on in the world around you.

The author had a great way of getting you attached to the characters. So that you would be battling with the same decision Lacie was. What do you want Lacie to do? I found myself asking myself a few times, what would you do? Only to respond with, “I have no idea, thank goodness she is the one who has to decide, not me.” I felt like this was a common coming of age metaphor for a lot of women her age. We all at some point, have to decide, what’s right for me, and what’s right at the moment? Usually, someone will always get hurt. It doesn’t matter how you slice the cake. It’s wonderful how the author is able to just pull you into the story like that, so much so, you feel as though you are actually the main character.

Aside from the fact that I thought this was a great plot, and an entertaining story, I gave it 3 suns. Why you ask? There were a few issues, that I just couldn’t get over. I found it a bit strange how in the beginning the book’s main focus was on the fact that Lacie’s parents were a tornado, fighting pretty aggressively. Then suddenly, it just all stops with no explanation at all. There were just parts of the book, that needed more explaining. I was also troubled by the foul language. There were several times that bad words were used, and it’s just not my style. Also, the book focused heavily on Lacie losing her virginity and needing to sleep with Alex. I felt this could have been avoided. It didn’t seem natural for her parents to be so encouraging of her physical relationship with Alex. It seemed strange. I also am not a fan of cliffhangers, but that didn’t take away from the book for me. Especially, since I saw there is a sequel coming out. That just guaranteed I will be reading it.

Basically, this was a really good book. Not like your typical werewolf story. Almost like a modern day werewolf Romeo and Juliet. I would recommend this book to just about anyone, anyone over 16 that is. I don’t feel it is right for the youngest of young adults. I am not a big fan of fantasy and paranormal books, and I thoroughly enjoyed this one, so I know it can be enjoyed by anyone. So if you enjoy reading period, just pick this one up and try it, you might find you have a new favorite author on your hands.

Orphan! by John R. Weber

Orphan! by John R. Weber
Publisher: WestSide Books
Genre: Action/Adventure, Historical
Age Recommendation: 12+
Length: Full Length (301 pgs)
Rating: 3 Suns
Reviewed by Fern

Homer abruptly finds out at age 13 that he’s adopted when his gruff father, an Iowa farmer, announces it after dinner one night. Homer is crushed and decides he must find his real family, who he learns had been in New York City. On his way, he stops to tell his best friend, Jamie, who feels compelled to go along and keep Homer out of trouble. They hop a train and head east, only to run into danger the very next day. Narrowly escaping a brutal demise, they’re befriended by Smilin’ Jack, a hobo who takes them under his wing. After a series of misadventures and serious scrapes, Jamie falls ill as they reach New York and Homer takes him to the house of their friend Sam, a wealthy girl who had lived in their town but then was ordered back east. Sam helps Jamie get the best medical care possible and lends support as Homer traces his origins to a church-run orphanage. As Homer adjusts to what he learns, his family in Iowa helps raise money for Jamie’s potentially life-saving experimental care, helping Homer to at last know the true meaning of family.

When I first read the blurb for John R. Weber’s novel, Orphan!, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was intrigued by the concept of an orphan who discovers the truth of his parentage and sets off on an adventure to meet his family. However, I wasn’t sure exactly how the pieces would come together, or how I would enjoy the journey along the way.

The start, I’ll confess, was slow. Due to dialogue that was stilted and rudimentary, I couldn’t relate to the characters. Complicating this were the extenuating circumstances and corresponding events which lead Homer to leave his adoptive family behind, which seemed farfetched and difficult to believe. He’s a thirteen year old boy who has learned a profound truth, but his harsh treatment of the man and woman who have raised and loved him as one of their own felt rather extreme. I struggled to get through the first quarter of the novel. Considering this is a YA book, I began wondering what audience would enjoy the material. Fortunately, after sticking to it and pushing through, I was able to discover that if you’re able to see through the beginning, there is a story of interest waiting within the pages of Orphan!.

From the moment that Homer and his best friend Jamie take the wrong train and begin traveling in the wrong direction, the story takes on a life of its own. Danger lurks around every corner and safety comes in a manner that you least expect. Smilin’ Jack isn’t your average hero. In fact, he’s not a hero at all. He’s a hobo. After he rescues the boys and places them under his care, the story comes to life. You’ll hold your breath, grasp for it when your heart is broken, and exhale in relief when things come full circle. As one adventure ends, another begins. It’s not always an easy read, but once Homer and Jamie face the real world, are challenged by it and grow from it, it becomes a real one.

While there are issues with Orphan! I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this book, especially to those who like stories about coming of age. The characters grow as the story progresses, and when things get up to speed it’s an engaging read.

Odin Cats by Sandra Cox

Odin Cats by Sandra Cox
Publisher: Whiskey Creek Press
Genre: Action/Adventure, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Age Recommendation: 12+
Length: Full Length (186 pgs)
Rating: 3 Suns
Reviewed by Aloe

Man with his constant desire to enslave and assert his will has destroyed the earth. From this destruction the earth has been rebuilt similar yet different. Guns in a primitive form exist but no cars or planes. There are no resources to fuel them.

Now two factions vie for power. Man who did not learn from his mistakes and Odin Cats.

There is a legend among the Odin Cats. An Odin will come with the pure blood of royalty flowing through his veins. This cat will lift the ferals out of their oppression and unite the kingdoms of Odin and man.

Imagine a cat that weighs a hundred pounds and has trained like a warrior and can speak English. Now imagine humans in a war with them…

This is a world of Odin cats, humans, and feral cats. The Odin cats have a king and kingdom, as do the humans. The feral cats are caught between the two factions and try to stay alive by stealing and begging what food can be found. None of the cats wants to be a human’s slave.

This well-paced fantasy novel is filled with cat lore, and that really drew me in. These cats act as cats do, but have extraordinary intelligence. The humans act as humans do and sometimes make you wonder just how much they think about their actions.

There are two warring kingdoms, two kings who hate the enemy, and a prince in each kingdom who has taken an oath of fealty and is sworn to protect the kingdom and fight the enemy as necessary. There’s hate, bitterness and regret, along with love, fierce loyalty, and a determination not to quit.

An underlying theme in this book is that war is not good and that differences can be overcome if one tries hard enough. The characters are strong, the action moves along quickly and surely, and danger lurks at every corner.

When the two princes meet accidently during their wartime adventures, both hiding in the same cave, the give and take between the two enemies forges the beginnings of a friendship. You see the tension, the fear, the uncertainty between the two sworn enemies. And you see them begin to realize that working together will be better than trying to succeed on their own.

This action-packed adventure is a good read. You aren’t really sure how it’s all going to turn out with so much mutual hate and mistrust. There may be a sequel – there’s more that could be explored in this world of cats and men.

The Spider Gem: Book One of the Portal Chronicles by Taff Lovesey

The Spider Gem: Book One of the Portal Chronicles by Taff Lovesey
Publisher: Under the Moon
Genre: Action/Adventure, Contemporary, Historical, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Age Recommendation: 12+
Length: Full Length (195 pgs)
Rating: 3 Suns
Reviewed by Aloe

Accidentally invoking the power of a magical portal network, three teenagers, Ashley from Oregon, USA and two Welsh boys, Rhys and Michael, are pulled into Portalia, a fantastical world of sword and sorcery.

Befriended by centaurs, the trio find themselves at the forefront of a perilous quest to thwart the efforts of an evil warlock intent on world domination.

In possession of The Spider Gem, the warlock commands an enormous army of spiders as well as a throng of fearsome and unfeeling lava rock creatures, the Graav.

As the teenagers become attuned to their new world they develop unique skills of their own and soon join forces with the citizens of the world to form an alliance of good.

A mighty battle is inevitable as the alliance of elves, humans, dwarves, centaurs and magical fire eagles, rush headlong towards confrontation.

Can you imagine stepping through a portal into another world? What if it’s a world filled with mythical creatures and an evil wizard?

Rhys goes to stay with his aunt who lives on the Welsh coastline. He stays two weeks each summer and enjoys the fresh air, water and freedom to commune with nature. He also enjoys his friend, Mike, who lives in the same area and shares his interests. Rhys gets his aunt’s permission to visit a cave on the beach and Mike comes along. They take along food, water, a two way radio, and set out for a day’s adventure.

What they find at the back of the cave causes them to be transported to another world. And not only are they transported, they find themselves joined by a girl named Ash. She has no idea how she got there either! Now they are in a world of mythical magic.

There are several subplots in this novel. The main characters are human and have their fears, but also their courage and strength to fall back on. You will meet wizards, warlords, dwarves, elves, centaurs and more as you go through the story. There is a lot of action, magic, and war mixed with unusual creatures and brave warriors.

The plot seems a bit light, but it is written for young adults. The themes are sometimes dark, but they are not overwhelming.

This story will keep you reading while you watch the classic fight between good and evil. You also wonder if the three children will ever find their way back home.

There will be a sequel, and I was happy to hear that. While many have died in the war already, the evil wizard and his coven are still alive – and will be back…

Faery Rebels: Spell Hunter by R.J. Anderson

Faery Rebels: Spell Hunter by R.J. Anderson
Publisher: Harper Collins
Genre: Sci-fi/Fantasy
Age: 8+
Length: Full Length (336 pgs)
Rating: 3.5 suns
Reviewed by Alyssum

Forget everything you think you know about faeries. . . .

Creatures full of magic and whimsy?

Not in the Oakenwyld. Not anymore.

Deep inside the great Oak lies a dying faery realm, bursting with secrets instead of magic. Long ago the faeries mysteriously lost their magic. Robbed of their powers, they have become selfish and dull-witted. Now their numbers are dwindling and their very survival is at stake.

Only one young faery—Knife—is determined to find out where her people’s magic has gone and try to get it back. Unlike her sisters, Knife is fierce and independent. She’s not afraid of anything—not the vicious crows, the strict Faery Queen, or the fascinating humans living nearby. But when Knife disobeys the Faery Queen and befriends a human named Paul, her quest becomes more dangerous than she realizes. Can Knife trust Paul to help, or has she brought the faeries even closer to the brink of destruction?

Talented newcomer R. J. Anderson creates an extraordinary new fantasy world and weaves a gripping tale of lost magic, high adventure, and surprising friendship in which the fate of an entire realm rests on the shoulders of one brave faery rebel.

What would you do if you were a faery and were told you could never go outside because humans were dangerous? Would you obey the rules or be a rebel?

Though Knife never meant to be a rebel, that is exactly what she was in the eyes of the faery Queen. Knife lives in a time when the faery world is crumbling – they have lost their magic. After what they call the Sundering the only one left with any magic is the Queen. Nobody knows what it’s like to have true friendship and the old ones are dying of the Silence, a sort of dementia for faeries.

Knife wants to go outside but it’s forbidden. However, after she becomes the Queen’s Hunter she can go out all the time. After being rescued from a crow’s attack she meets her first human. Making the acquaintance of this human boy throws everything she has learned upside down. Now Knife must prove that humans are not as bad as everyone thought them to be.

Knife is the kind of young heroine that I like: strong, independent and courageous. She has the curiosity to get herself into trouble, and she can’t just let things go. Once she sets her mind to something she must find out the truth even if it hurts. The young man, Paul, has his own set of problems. He is a paraplegic and has sort of lost his inspiration, until Knife falls into his lap. Paul is kind and gentle which is why Knife has such a hard time trying to figure out why everyone hates humans. The faery Queen comes off a bit shady and I really had my doubts about her, but she is not as bad as I first thought.

The weakest part of this story, in my opinion, has to be the middle because it has a bit too much description and not enough forward movement. It was to the point that it slowed down the pace and pulled me from the story. But, once I got over the slump it went quickly and was a pleasant read through to the end.

Faery Rebels: Spell Hunter was a quick, enjoyable middle grade book that I would recommend to anyone who loves books about Fae. I give it 3.5 out of 5 suns.

We Hear the Dead by Dianne K. Salerni

We Hear the Dead by Dianne K. Salerni
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire
Genre: Historical
Age Recommendation: 12+
Length: Full Length (448 pgs)
Rating: 3 suns
Reviewed by Lilac

It starts as a harmless prank…then one lie quickly grows into another. Soon Kate and Maggie Fox are swept into a dizzying flurry of national attention for their abilities to communicate with the dead. But living a lie is sometimes too much to handle, even if you have the best intentions. Based on a true story, We Hear the Dead reveals how secrets and lies can sometimes lead you to what’s real and what’s right. And how sometimes talking with the dead is easier than talking with the people around you.

What started out as a harmless prank soon became a way of life for Kate and Maggie. If I’d been in their shoes, I’m not sure if I would have been able to keep up the secret for as long as they did. That being said, I sure think it could have been an interesting way of making a living.

I have to admit that this book took me quite a while to get through it. I’m not sure if it was because it was set back in the 1800s, or if it was because it was based on a true story, or if it was something altogether different, but I didn’t really connect with either of the main characters until the end of the story. When Maggie’s world was shattered at the end (I won’t give away why), that part gripped me and I did really get Maggie’s feelings.

The story was told in two viewpoints, but most of the chapters were from Maggie. I would like to have read more from Kate and gotten to know her better. She seemed to have more of a spark than Maggie and maybe I would have found her story more intriguing.

Even so, this was a good book and if you like historical fiction, then this story of deception and the faux paranormal might be right up your alley. I suggest you give it a try.

Heart’s Desire by Jessie Coulter

Heart’s Desire by Jessie Coulter
Publisher: Wild Horse Press
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Age Recommendation: 16+
Length: Full Length (169 pages)
Rating: 3 suns
Reviewed by Dogwood

Morgan Raines transferred to a new high school his senior year. Starting over doesn’t bother him, but finding his mate pinned to her locker by her Neanderthal ex-boyfriend does… From day one, Morgan and Skye are inseperable, despite the fact her ex keeps getting in the way. But will Skye’s feelings change when she realizes he turns into a panther every time the moon is full? Or can true love conquer all?

Nothing was going right in her life; Skye felt like an outcast at school and at home. Until the day Morgan Raines, the new guy at school, walks in with perfect timing and turns her life around. He saves her from her ex-boyfriend and her dad. It all seems a little too good to be true, and it’s happening so fast. Skye is afraid to share her true feelings with Morgan – she’s afraid he will be scared off by how strong her feelings are so early in their relationship. Little does she know, he is already aware, and he has a secret of his own. Will Skye be able to handle the secret? Will she be able to handle the stress from her ex-boyfriend and father?

Skye is your typical teenage girl, just trying to make it through high school so she can move out on her own. She is pretty easy to relate to and a very likable character. You find yourself rooting for her through the entire book. You also find yourself falling in love with Morgan Raines right along with Skye. There may be a few scenes in the book you will have to stop yourself from drooling.

Despite my enjoyment, I did have a few issues with this story. There were times I found it hard to believe two people could fall so hard so fast with one another. These two moved really fast for two high school kids. I also felt the characters were a little flat. I wish there had been a bit more information on who Skye and Morgan were as individuals, as well as, more time being spent on the two of them getting to know each other. The relationship was mainly hard to believe because there were more scenes of lust than love. The two were either pawing all over each other or arguing. What happened to the scenes when they went to Jo’s diner together, instead of with other people?

Aside from all of that, you want these two together. You like them as a couple, so you want them to make it through all the trouble that seems to pop up around them. The trouble never seems to quit either. Between Chris the ex-boyfriend, and Lorna her arch nemesis, trouble is brewing around every corner.

The story also sends out a positive message. Skye is having to deal with an abusive father, and an oblivious mother. Several times you want her to either call the cops, or cross your fingers a neighbor does. The whole town seems to be aware of her problem, no matter how hard she tries to hide it, yet they do nothing about it. The positive message being, you can’t just sit back and watch someone get hurt. Alcoholism is a serious disease and it needs to be addressed.

Chris is a classic ex-boyfriend, who you desperately want to turn good. No matter how annoying he is in the story you find it hard, like Skye, to dislike him. Her best friend Lindsay, seems a little less like a best friend, and more like a friend to eat lunch with. I really feel this book would have been more enjoyable if the author had delved more into the descriptions of each character. Nonetheless, I found myself wanting to finish this story.

All in all, I enjoyed reading this book. I foresee a future series with this, since there were a few areas with room to explore further. If a series did come out I would be first in line to read them. I would love to know what happens next in the life of Skye and Morgan. What is life really like for the two now that she knows he turns into a panther? Is she really okay with it? If you enjoy a fast-paced fantasy romance with two main characters hard not to love, then you need to check this out. You will probably find yourself reading this in one sitting.

The Vampire Diaries: The Return: Shadow Souls by L.J. Smith

The Vampire Diaries: The Return: Shadow Souls by L.J. Smith
Publisher: Harper Teen/Harper Collins
Genre: Action/Adventure, Contemporary, Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Suspense/Mystery
Age Recommendation: 12+
Length: Full Length (599 pgs)
Rating: 3 suns
Reviewed by Tiger Lily

On the run . . .

Elena Gilbert’s love, the vampire Stefan Salvatore, has been captured and imprisoned by demonic spirits who are wreaking havoc in Fell’s Church. While her friends Bonnie and Meredith explore the evil that has taken over their town, Elena goes in search of Stefan.

In order to find him, she entrusts her life to Stefan’s brother, Damon Salvatore, the handsome but deadly vampire who wants Elena, body and soul. Along with her childhood friend Matt, they set out for the slums of the Dark Dimension, where Stefan is being held captive. It is rumored to be a world where vampires and demons roam free, but humans must live enslaved to their supernatural masters. . . .

Elena will stop at nothing to free Stefan. Yet with each passing day the tension between Elena and Damon grows, and she is faced with a terrible decision: Which brother does she really want?

Back in Fell’s Church, Bonnie and Meredith have made some dire discoveries. They hastily try to follow Elena and warn her—only to be caught up in Elena’s most dangerous adventure yet.

What do you do when the love of your undead life is ripped away from you yet again and imprisoned in the scariest place possible? Go after him!

That’s just what Elena sets out to do in The Vampire Diaries: The Return: Shadow Souls.

First and foremost, there is a lot going on in this story. There is a multitude of characters to keep straight and a strained love triangle that still needs a bit of ironing—but if it all went smoothly, there’d be no action, angst, or story.

LJ Smith really got me entangled in this story when Stefan is in the Dark Dimension. Talk about a creepy place. I felt like I was really there with him and, trust me, I wanted to get out.

The issue threading through the series is perfect Elena’s seesawing decisions to love Stefan or Damon. I can identify with her dilemma. Stefan tends to get swept away and needs her rescuing. He also is very beta to her alpha and that got tiresome after a bit. But then there’s Damon. The bad boy is very, very bad, yet it’s so good. I can see the attraction to his dark moodiness, but there’s his bloodlust and ill will that gets in the way of his sexiness. And every time Stefan’s away, Elena feels the pull to Damon. What a conundrum—which brother to love.

Although there are bits of dialogue that seems stilted and still a bit of soap boxing, the story is worth the read. But be prepared for the ending. I didn’t see it coming and it totally saved the book for me. The ending is a real breath taker.

If you like moody antagonists, doting heroes, and strong heroines, then you need to read The Return: Shadow Souls. I give it 3 suns.

The Return: Nightfall by LJ Smith

The Vampire Diaries: The Return: Nightfall by LJ Smith
Publisher: Harper Teen
Genre: Action/Adventure, Contemporary, Paranormal
Age Recommendation: 12+
Length: Full Length (586 pgs)
Rating: 3 suns
Reviewed by Tiger Lily

Elena Gilbert is alive—again.

When Elena sacrificed herself to save the two vampire brothers who love her—the handsome, brooding Stefan and the sleek and dangerous Damon—she was consigned to a fate beyond death. Until a powerful supernatural force pulled her back.

Now Elena is not just human. She has powers and gifts that were bestowed on her in the afterlife. What’s more, her blood pulses with an overwhelming and unique force that makes her irresistible to any vampire.

Stefan wants to find a way to keep Elena safe so that they can make a life together. Damon, however, is driven by an insatiable desire for power, and wants Elena to rule as his princess. When Stefan is lured away from Fell’s Church, Damon seizes his chance to convince her that he is the brother she is meant to be with. . . .

But a darkness is infiltrating the town, and Damon, always the hunter, is now the hunted; he becomes the prey of a malevolent creature that can possess him at will, and who desires not just Elena’s blood but her death.

What’s a girl to do when she’s turned into a vampire and can’t talk, but she can feel everything? Turn to her friends for help.

Sound interesting? Then you should read The Vampire Diaries: The Return: Nightfall.

I’ve read all the prior books in this series and I love a good neck biter book. I must say though, this one is a bit of a doozy. Whereas the earlier books were around three hundred pages, this one tops out at almost six hundred. In those pages, there is a lot going on. Although I enjoyed the story, I almost wished the author has split it into two books. There is a lot of POV hopping which can deter the reader. I found myself rereading parts to figure out which character’s head I was in. But to be fair, there are a lot of characters and a lot going on in this story.

Elena, who was strong and a force to be reckoned with in the earlier books comes across a tad melodramatic. She feels everything, including the makers of the clothing Stefan tries to put her in. I get the idea of using a book for a soapbox podium, but wonder if this was the podium to take.

I wanted to see more of Damon. Yes, I’m addicted to the bad boy vampire. Like Elena, I was let-down a bit. He comes across as more one-dimensional. I know guys will obsess on female anatomy, but from the earlier stories, I expected him to be a bit more mature than that. I wanted to see the great moment when he shows his prowess as a bad boy and evil but likeable character.

What also detracted from the story was the bevy of characters. I got the feeling the story was geared a bit too much towards pop culture. Although it works, I wanted to see more development. Give the characters time to shine and show their ultimate goodness or badness.

Still, once I started the book, I couldn’t put it down. I’m hooked to see what happens next and can’t wait for the next installment.

If you want a book chock full of teen angst, strife, and torrid romance, then you need to read The Return: Nightfall. I give this novel 3 suns.