Out of My Window by Kuldeep D. Gohel
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Contemporary
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by AstilbeA fast fiction fantasy story.
Hope is for everyone.
Mitram was such a kind and gentle protagonist. I liked him the instant I met him and wanted him to have the happy ending in his life that he wished for. Even his flaws made me want to get to know him better as, to be perfectly honest, I sometimes struggle with social anxiety as well. The author’s descriptions of what it feels like to have that condition were nicely written and quite true to life in my experience.
I would have liked to see more physical descriptions included in this tale, especially when it came to what Mitram and Anjali looked like as most of the focus was on their personalities. Even knowing details as simple as whether they were tall or short and what sort of hairstyles they wore would have helped me to picture them more clearly in my mind as I read.
The explanation of how the magic windows worked made me grin. I can’t remember the last time I read something quite like that in fantasy stories, and I spend a lot of time in that genre! Mr. Gohel’s creativity makes me curious to read more from him. He has such a strong writing voice that I almost felt as though I was sitting next to him as he spoke despite the fact that I’ve never met him and obviously don’t actually know what he sounds like. That is an accomplishment for sure, and I look forward to seeing what he comes up with next!
Out of My Window made me smile.