Top Five Favorite Coffee Shop Drinks by Sean Michael – Guest Blog

Long and Short Reviews welcomes Sean Michael who is celebrating the recent release of The More the Merrier.


Thank you to Long and Short Reviews for hosting me today.

The men from the Teddy Bear Club books meet twice a week at the Roasty Bean, an independent coffee shop, owned by one of the members of the informal father and kids club. It’s always an interesting proposition for me, writing coffee drinkers, because I don’t like coffee. Like at all. I don’t even like it flavoring my desserts, even if it does so mildly.

So when I do a top five favorite coffee shop drinks – I am always going to be going with non-coffee flavored drinks. Well, and if you keep reading, you can see what happened when I tried to come up with five for this list…

Top Five Favorite Coffee Shop Drinks

5. I don’t drink coffee, and there are not a huge amount of other drinks from coffee places that aren’t super sweet or that I just don’t like, so I don’t actually have a top five.

4. In fact, I don’t even have a top four favorite coffee shop drinks because most hot chocolates are made with water (ewww) or are super chocolatey, which I am not a big fan of in a big drink – I like my chocolate in moderate amounts and I have to be in the mood. I have tried different things at different places and just wind up saying no, thank you that’s not for me. This saves me money as I’m not always running into a coffee shop for a five dollar drink!

3. Passion Iced Tea Lemonade with five classic pumps – this isn’t my favorite ever drink from Starbucks, but it is the one I order if I happen to be with people getting Starbucks. That or a glass of water…

2. Orange Valencia Refresher – the moment I found this at Starbucks it was doomed. They had it for about another three months before they discontinued it… (I have a history of discovering something that I really like, be it a drink, a food, whatever, and before I know it, I can no longer find it because it’s been discontinued – maybe I should discontinue my taste buds ? )

1. White Hot Chocolate with whip from Second Cup – throw in some burnt marshmallow or caramel flavoring in there occasionally too and I am a happy writer. This is the one that I actually drink the most, although pretty much exclusively between October and March as it is very much a cold weather drink.

I’m sure the guys at the Roasty Bean make a good white hot chocolate, but for the most part, I’m not going to be ordering a drink from there any time soon.

Sean Michael
smut fixes everything

Too much of a good thing?

When Logan gets the call about newborn triplets in need of a home, he steps up, realizing too late the daunting task he’s taken on. He’d be lost without the men of the Teddy Bear Club—especially Dirk.

Dirk even offers to spend spring break at Logan’s home, helping him and the babies settle in. He loves being a dad, and he wants to help Logan find the same joy. It doesn’t hurt that they enjoy spending time together.

Before they even realize it, they’re settling into a routine… becoming a family.

Falling in love.

But their new bond is about to face the ultimate test. Will they come through and realize that with love, there’s no such thing as enough?

About the Author: Best-selling author Sean Michael is a maple leaf–loving Canadian who spends hours hiding out in used book stores. With far more ideas than time, Sean keeps several documents open at all times. From romance to fantasy, paranormal and sci-fi, Sean is limited only by the need for sleep—and the periodic Beaver Tail.
Sean fantasizes about one day retiring on a secluded island populated entirely by horseshoe crabs after inventing a brain-to-computer dictation system. Until then, Sean will continue to write the old-fashioned way.

Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Buy the book at Dreamspinner Press, Amazon, Kobo, or Barnes and Noble.

Top Five Favorite Courses at University by Sean Michael

Long and Short Reviews welcomes Sean Michael who is celebrating the release of Educating the Professor. You can read our review of the book here.

Thank you to Long and Short Reviews for hosting me today!

Growing up, I loved school and that didn’t change when I hit University. In fact, my love got even bigger as I got to focus more on the things I loved. I took summer courses, not because I needed the credits, but because they offered stuff like companion courses Irish Lit and Irish History taught by a professor visiting from Boston University.

So, I thought I’d share my top five favorite courses I took at University.

5. Short Story – I loved this class for the professor as much as anything else – he had a great teaching manner which was probably a good thing as I had two other mandatory courses he taught.

4. Russian – I loved learning this language and even participated in a trip of university students to the Soviet Union.

3. Canadian Fiction – I read some awesome books in this class, including Coming Through Slaughter by Michael Ondaatje which really opened my mind to what fiction could be.

2. Spy Novels – this one had great reads, but also an old prof who meandered from one thing to another that I found absolutely fascinating.

1. Science Fiction – yep, I got to read my favorite genre as homework! Even the fact that the prof was dry as dust and an egomaniac didn’t ruin it. (And to be fair the ego was well deserved, every non-fiction book on Science Fiction I read for papers referenced him in the bibliography.)

Sean Michael
smut fixes everything

Kenneth Brannigan is a small-town history professor. He’s happy with his life, loves the classes he teaches, and lives in a tiny apartment in a converted house with his best friend, Tim, next door. He’s still recovering from a bad breakup and is content to stick to his comfortable routine. It’s Tim who insists he come to the Queer Alliance’s Rainbow Mixer.

At the mixer, Kenn meets David Burgundy, a new-to-town TA who is working on his masters. Dave is drawn immediately to Kenn and is thrilled when Kenn offers to show him the best pizza place in town. One meal leads to two, which leads to Dave and Kenn spending most of their free time together… and Kenn loosening his self-imposed rules regarding dating and sex for some kinky fun.

Kenn’s ex isn’t going to just let Kenn be, though, and the happier Kenn is with Dave, the less the ex likes it. Will Kenn continue to run away from his past, or will his relationship with Dave help him face it head-on?

Enjoy an Excerpt

“I’m sure. So Anita said history. What’s your focus? Is that what they call it? Or would speciality make more sense?”

“My focus is North American history, specifically post-industrial and LGBT studies. I also teach western civ.”

“Cool. I’m archaeology. I’ll be doing my first TA work this year.” He was actually a little nervous. It was a sensation he wasn’t that used to.

“Ah, I remember those days. I’m sure you’ll do fine. Who are you working under? Dr. Jonas?”

“Yeah. She’s one of the big reasons why I decided to do my masters here.”

“Welcome to campus. It’s a good place.”

“Thanks.” Dave liked Kenneth’s quiet voice, and he wanted to engage him in conversation. “You have to tell me where the best pizza joint is. That’s always the first place I try to discover.”

“Do you like thick or thin?”

The temptation to ask if they were still talking about pizza was huge. Dave went for something not quite as suggestive, but he did let his eyes slowly climb from Kenneth’s feet to his face. “I guess it depends what I’m in the mood for.”

“If you like thin, then Oscar’s is the place. If you like thick crust, Davidos is great.”

“Davidos? You know I’m going to have to give a place that’s nearly my namesake a try. Especially if they’re thick….” He let the sentence trail off, his unspoken “Like me” lingering in the air.

Kenneth’s gaze flickered away. “It’s decadent. Try the sausage, if that’s your thing. It’s better than sex.”

Interesting. Kenneth had gotten it, Dave thought, but wasn’t sure what to do with it. Still, Kenneth had brought up sex, so Dave would run with it. “I love sausage—pun definitely intended. And nothing is better than sex. Of course if you need empirical evidence….”

Kenneth chuckled softly. “I’m not in the market for anything more involved than pizza.”

“But you are in the market for pizza. You should come with me to Davidos. Better yet, we’ll have one from each back at my place and compare them, see which one is better.”

“Did you manage to find an apartment? I know that’s the biggest concern around here.”

“I’m rooming with a bunch of folks—it’s how I met Anita. You’d like it. I’m serious, come see it and eat pizza with me and tell me outrageous stories about the academy.” What he really wanted to know more about was Kenneth.

“Oh, I have papers to grade….” Those green eyes were fastened on Dave, though, the interest clear.

“Already? You’re a hard taskmaster. On yourself as well as the students.” He nudged Kenneth’s shoulder. “Come on. Play hooky with me tomorrow evening.”

“How about we meet at Davidos for supper? I don’t have any evening classes.”

Cautious. Dave wondered if there was a story there.

“Sure thing. Six?”

“Six thirty?”

A little pushy too. He kind of liked it. “Six fifteen.” They could meet in the middle.

“I can manage that. Uh. Do you have a phone number if I have to cancel or something?”

“I was just thinking we should exchange deets.” He pulled out his phone and handed it over.

About the AuthorBest-selling author Sean Michael is a maple leaf–loving Canadian who spends hours hiding out in used book stores. With far more ideas than time, Sean keeps several documents open at all times. From romance to fantasy, paranormal and sci-fi, Sean is limited only by the need for sleep—and the periodic Beaver Tail.

Sean fantasizes about one day retiring on a secluded island populated entirely by horseshoe crabs after inventing a brain-to-computer dictation system. Until then, Sean will continue to write the old-fashioned way.

Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Buy the book at Dreamspinner Press.

Winter Blogfest: Sean Michael

This post is part of Long and Short Reviews’ Winter Blogfest. Leave a comment for a chance to win an ebook copy of a book from my backlist – winner’s choice!

I am the cookie Monster!

December rolls around, bringing with it colder weather and very often snow, and of course, Christmas. Along with Halloween, Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love decorating the house – inside and out. I love switching out my dishes – plates, bowls and cups – for Christmas ones. I love shopping for the perfect gifts, and then wrapping those gifts. And I love baking cookies.

I can’t remember how long ago it started, but one year I made four or five different types of cookies, packaged them up and gave them to my folks and my sister. The next year I made a six or seven varieties and added my extended family to the list. The following year there were more kinds of cookies, and I added a few friends to the list. Then even more varieties and some of the neighbors became recipients. Needless to say, it’s become a tradition now.

It begins in November when I start planning. I look through my recipes. I buy magazines with cookie recipes. I plan which cookies I will do again and which new ones I want to try. Perennial favorites include maple cookies, cranberry swirls, egg nog logs (the son’s favorite and though they are a pain to make and I say every year I’m not doing them this year, I still make them because they are the one cookie he asks me to do), chocolate stars, pecan spiced tea cookies, snickerdoodles, white chocolate cranberry cookies, and magic cookies (aka overnight meringues). There’s always a few new ones that I want to try – sometimes they get added to the perennial list, sometimes they are a one off.

Then I plan out my attack. I always do the gluten free cookies first at the beginning of December because we get together early with the extended family and some of them are GF. Then mid-December I make the dough for the ice box cookies because I can do those a few weeks ahead of time and just leave them in the freezer until I am ready to bake them. Then, the week before Christmas, I make all the other cookies, leaving the last day for the ice box cookies, which just need to come out of the freezer, get sliced and baked.

Then I put the cookies together in either baskets or those little holiday themed cardboard boxes that look like take-out boxes, only with holiday patterns on them. Then I deliver the cookies. A regular cookie monster. I even have a sign in my kitchen regarding my Christmas cookie habit!

I hope that you have holiday traditions that you take joy in following, and I hope that you have a wonderful holiday, whether you celebrate a specific one, or just enjoy the season.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a very wonderful New Year to all!

Is it possible to find the heart’s home twice in a lifetime?

Six years ago, Sawyer Burroughs’s life fell apart. His soul mate and husband of four years died of cancer, and he fell into depression… and a bottle. It’s taken six years, but he’s turned his life around and is ready to start again on the other side of the country.

In his new apartment, he’s welcomed by his young and carefree neighbor, Derek, from across the hall. Derek is eager to make Sawyer feel welcome and even offers him a place to stay when Sawyer arrives ahead of his furniture.

The upstairs neighbors are just as friendly, and soon Sawyer finds a place with the friends-with-benefits threesome. He’s not the shy, vanilla lover they think he is, though, and he’s hiding more than a pair of nipple rings. As it happens, the guys have kinky secrets of their own, but for four men to make a BDSM relationship last, they’ll have to figure some things out.

Best-selling author Sean Michael is a maple leaf–loving Canadian who spends hours hiding out in used book stores. With far more ideas than time, Sean keeps several documents open at all times. From romance to fantasy, paranormal and sci-fi, Sean is limited only by the need for sleep—and the periodic Beaver Tail.
Sean fantasizes about one day retiring on a secluded island populated entirely by horseshoe crabs after inventing a brain-to-computer dictation system. Until then, Sean will continue to write the old-fashioned way.

Website | Facebook

Buy the book at Dream Spinner Press.

Top Five Favorite Thanksgiving Dishes by Sean Michael – Guest Blog

Long and Short Reviews welcomes Sean Michael who is visiting with us today to celebrate the re-release of Personal Best 2.

Thank you to Long and Short Reviews for hosting me today!

Top Five lists are actually difficult for me, because I hate choosing favorites. It is easier if there’s a smaller pool of things to choose from, and Thanksgiving is coming up, so I thought I would do my favorite holiday dishes. I have spent many a Thanksgiving in the US with my best friends, so I am familiar with the traditional foods.

Top Five Favorite Thanksgiving Dishes

5. Chex Mix. This is yummy before during and after Thanksgiving as a snack.
4. Biscuits. Who doesn’t love a biscuit?
3. Cranberry salad. This is a dessert – I first had it at my best friends a long time ago and it has become a favorite for not just me, but my entire family, from the spouse and kids, to the inlaws.
2. Brussel Sprouts. Guh. I love them however you cook them, but deep fried with parmesan on them or fried with bacon are my favorite ways to eat them.
1. Devilled eggs. I love these silly things and for some reason only ever have them as a part of pre-thanksgiving dinner munchies. I really ought to simply make them whenever I get the urge for them.

You’ll notice that turkey is not on that list. I’m not a huge fan of turkey. I like it in a sandwich as leftovers and I’m happy to have some on Thanksgiving, but it certainly isn’t the star of the table for me.

Sean Michael
smut fixes everything

Swimmer Mike Gauliet is moving up in the elite ranks of the American swim team, despite his repetitive stress injuries. He’s hiding his pain from coach Jessy Turner, not wanting to give in to it or let his coach and lover down, and by the time he gets treatment, it’s almost too late.

Jessy helps Mike heal, both in an out of the bedroom, and their need for each other grows as quickly as Mike’s career. They’re scorching hot and ready to go to the top competitions when another injury forces Mike to the sidelines. Jessy thinks this one is no accident, and Mike has to work hard to recover the lost ground.

Mike needs a break from the nonstop stress of training, so they move to the coast so Mike can recuperate once again. But their struggles don’t end with getting him back in competition form, and they can’t truly call it a victory unless they can find the balance between their romantic relationship and Mike grabbing the success he’s earned.

Enjoy an Excerpt

Stroke, stroke, stroke, turn. Lap.

Mike was beginning to feel the burn, muscles getting tired, the wall getting farther and farther.

Stroke, stroke, stroke, turn. Lap.

One week until they had another meet. Then a month to training camp. Fuck. That was playing with the big boys.

Stroke, stroke, stroke, turn. Lap.

Fuck, he’d lost count. How many had he done? How many were left? Fuck.


Stroke, stroke, stroke, turn. Lap.

A long body sliced through the water and paced him.

Stroke, stroke, stroke, turn. Lap.

Shit, he must have gone over.

Damn it. That meant he went until Coach said stop.

Fuck a duck.

He was supposed to meet the guys for a movie tonight too.

Stroke, stroke, stroke, turn. Lap.

Coach kept moving with him, close enough he could feel the heat of that body in the water next to him.

Stroke, stroke, stroke, turn. Lap.

His heart was pounding, strokes slowing, his arms so heavy.

Stroke, stroke, stroke, turn. Lap.

They did three more, each one harder than the last.

He was shaking by the end, breathing hard, holding on to the wall.

“Sorry, Coach.”

Jessy’s strong body surrounded him, hands next to his on the wall. “Stubborn fool.”

He leaned into those arms, panting. “Who? Me?”

“No, the other guy who damn near drowned out here.” That voice was gruff, angry. Worried.

“Wasn’t gonna drown.” He could swim in his sleep.

“No?” Coach grabbed his hands and yanked him off the wall, and swam back into the middle of the pool with him before letting him go. “Then give me another five.”

He growled, “Could have at least let me have the wall, asshole.”

Then he gritted his teeth and swam, forcing his body to fucking do it. Coach kept pace with him again, never leaving his fucking side. Just waiting for him to screw up. Well, he wasn’t going to. Damn it. He could go four more laps.




When Mike made the last lap, Coach got out and pulled him out of the water to lie on the deck. “You stupid fool! If I tossed you back in and told you to give me ten more, you would! Start listening to your fucking body instead of just pushing it all the damned time.” Coach started pacing, muttering to himself.

Mike lay there, panting, waiting for the tremors to stop, his heart to slow.

Coach finally stopped pacing and hauled him up over one shoulder, carrying him into the weight room, and put him down on the matted table to work his muscles with those big hands. “One of these days that stubborn pride is going to get you hurt.”

“Either that or win me a race.” Oh, God, that felt good. So good.

“Pardon me, but I don’t believe you were fucking racing anyone out there today.”

“No. No, I wasn’t. I lost count. I’m sorry, Coach.”

About the Author: Best-selling author Sean Michael is a maple leaf–loving Canadian who spends hours hiding out in used book stores. With far more ideas than time, Sean keeps several documents open at all times. From romance to fantasy, paranormal and sci-fi, Sean is limited only by the need for sleep—and the periodic Beaver Tail.

Sean fantasizes about one day retiring on a secluded island populated entirely by horseshoe crabs after inventing a brain-to-computer dictation system. Until then, Sean will continue to write the old-fashioned way.

Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Buy the book at Dreamspinner Press.

Five Happy Place Foods by Sean Michael – Guest Blog

Long and Short Reviews welcomes Sean Michael who is visiting with us today to celebrate the release of his book Personal Best.

Thank you to Long and Short Reviews for hosting me today!

So, I like food. I like to eat. Now some things taste better than others. I mean, I like carrots, but they’re mostly just a food, right? But other foods make me happy to eat so here, without further ado, are five of my ‘happy place’ foods.

Five Happy Place Foods

1. Bacon! You can’t go wrong with bacon, can you? As a side, in another food, as a topping, there’s no bad with bacon.

2. Caramel! Like bacon, it’s kind of hard to go wrong. I don’t like it too dark, because then it starts to be bitter, but on its own, as a topping, just let me lick the plate clean.

3. Scallops! I love these seafood critters. So sweet. I especially love them with a beurre blanc to dip into but will totally eat them on their own.

4. Mushrooms! The little white button ones. The smaller the better. I love ‘em when they’re fresh, fresh. They pop between your teeth and are so yum. I love them also cooked in butter with a bit of salt on them. Or in a salad, or in a bowl on their own with some white balsamic vinegar.

5. Steak! Sometimes I just want some red meat. Give me a steak on the grill, cooked to rare and well-seasoned. I especially like the filet mignon because that meat just melts on your tongue and fills your belly so good.

So there are five of my happy place foods. This is in no way a definitive list because I can come up with five more just off the top of my head: brussel sprouts, asparagus, strawberries, rhubarb, oatmeal. And then I could keep going. But those five are stand outs at the moment.

What are your happy place foods?

smut fixes everything

Mike Gauliet could be a world-class swimmer if he took better care of himself. He’s too good to let go, so his team coach calls in a private trainer, up-and-coming hardass Jessy Turner. Jessy locks Mike down, putting him on a strict regimen of diet and exercise that Mike resents a lot until he realizes the changes are making him a better swimmer.

Jessy finds Mike all but irresistible but keeps his distance and remains professional, focusing all his attention on what’s best for Mike and his career. The two of them resist their attraction to each other for as long as they can, but eventually they have to give into the heat between them.

When things go wrong, though, can they, and their sports careers, survive the strain?

About the Author: Best-selling author Sean Michael is a maple leaf–loving Canadian who spends hours hiding out in used book stores. With far more ideas than time, Sean keeps several documents open at all times. From romance to fantasy, paranormal and sci-fi, Sean is limited only by the need for sleep—and the periodic Beaver Tail.

Sean fantasizes about one day retiring on a secluded island populated entirely by horseshoe crabs after inventing a brain-to-computer dictation system. Until then, Sean will continue to write the old-fashioned way.

Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Buy the book at Dreamspinner Press.

My Top Five Writing Snacks by Sean Michael – Guest Blog

Long and Short Reviews welcomes Sean Michael as he celebrates the recent release of his newest book Daddy, Daddy, and Me.

Thank you to Long and Short Reviews for hosting me today!

So today I’m sharing my top five writing snacks (I can only choose five?). I am a muncher. I love snacking, probably more than I like eating actual meals.

Top Five Writing Snacks

5. Water. Does it actually count as a snack? I don’t know. I drink a lot of it, though, while writing. It’s there and it’s supposedly good for me. And if it’s the “Icelandic” brand I really like it.

4. Nerds. I love things sour/tangy and that’s what nerds are. I like the big box of mixed ones and I throw a handful into my mouth and munch away as I tap away at the keyboard.

3. Fritt Chewy Candy, the orange one. So these are almost like gummies, but not quite. I guess Starburst are the closest candy, but these are long and thin. I actually call this candy crack because I can’t eat just one. I tell myself I’m only going to have one or two and before I know it, the package of six is gone – in my belly.

2. Caramel chocolates. Really, any caramel chocolates – turtles, sweet Georgia browns, caramel M&Ms. If it’s got caramel in it, I like it and I’ll be snacking on it while writing. Hell, I’m snacking on caramel chocolates right now.

1. Chips! Any kind of chips. I like most. Salt and Vinegar are probably my favorite, though. I love the crunch, the explosion of flavor. I can sit with an open bag and just keep sneaking one more, then one more, then on more until suddenly the bag is finished.

So that’s what you can find me munching on at any given time while I’m writing. That and more, but this was only a top five list!

Sean Michael
smut fixes everything

When Jeff agreed to be the sperm donor to his best friend Beth, he never expected a tragedy to leave his newborn and three-year-old motherless. Beth’s loss has totally thrown his life into chaos: his lover has left him, his house isn’t anywhere near childproof, and his boss feels the restaurant has been patient enough with Jeff’s time off.

Donny has always known he wanted to work with kids, and he just finished his degree in early childhood education. He didn’t count on the prejudice he’d face as not only a male nanny, but a gay one at that. Job-hunting has been frustrating to say the least, so when he knocks on Jeff’s door and is greeted by the sounds of things breaking and a pair of screaming children, he thinks maybe he can begin this particular interview with a trial by fire.

Becoming the nanny to Jeff’s children might be a dream come true for Danny and exactly what Jeff needs, but are either of them ready to really be a family?

About the Author: Best-selling author Sean Michael is a maple leaf–loving Canadian who spends hours hiding out in used book stores. With far more ideas than time, Sean keeps several documents open at all times. From romance to fantasy, paranormal and sci-fi, Sean is limited only by the need for sleep—and the periodic Beaver Tail.
Sean fantasizes about one day retiring on a secluded island populated entirely by horseshoe crabs after inventing a brain-to-computer dictation system. Until then, Sean will continue to write the old-fashioned way.

Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Buy the book at Dreamspinner, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble.

Bases Loaded by Sean Michael – Guest Blog

Long and Short Reviews welcomes Sean Michael who is visiting with us today to celebrate not only the release of his newest book but also another special day!


Thank you to LASR for hosting me today – on my birthday!

One of the characters in Bases Loaded is Cajun to the bone and it was a lot of fun peppering his language with Cajun terms. As it’s my birthday today, I thought I’d look up a Cajun cake recipe that Jean might possibly make for me.

I found this one at AllRecipes and it sounds yummy.


3 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups white sugar
2 teaspoons baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
1 (20 ounce) can crushed pineapple with juice

3/4 cup white sugar
3/4 cup evaporated milk
1/2 cup margarine
1 cup chopped pecans
1 1/2 cups flaked coconut


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour a 9×13-inch pan.

In a large bowl, sift together flour, 1 1/2 cup sugar, salt and baking soda. Add eggs, pineapple, and juice. Mix at low speed until well blended.

Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake in preheated oven until a tester comes out clean, 30 to 35 minutes. Have the topping ready when the cake comes out of the oven.

To Make Topping: In a saucepan, combine milk, 3/4 cup sugar, and margarine. Bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Add pecans and coconut and combine. Remove from heat.

When cake comes out of the oven, pour on the topping and carefully spread on while cake is still hot.

I hope you like the cake if you try it, and I especially hope you like the boys from Bases Loaded!

Sean Michael
smut fixes everything

Can they survive the off-season and keep from striking out?

Baseball player Brett must get rehabilitation for his shoulder if he wants another season in the Major League. He and his partner, Benj, take off to the boonies to stay with physical therapist Ralph, a tough-talking, routine-setting guy, and Jean, Ralph’s Cajun lover, who cooks as well as he loves.

Brett and Ralph butt heads from the beginning. Ralph wants Brett to be more in touch with his feelings; Brett wants Ralph to give him his therapy and leave him alone. Benj and Jean get along far better, with Jean showing Benj around the kitchen and reassuring him when things with Brett get strained.

Before Ralph can even begin to work on Brett’s shoulder, though, Brett faces an even more difficult physical challenge, one that does more than threaten his career. He and Benj have to work through some tough issues, making decisions that will affect the rest of their lives together. Their gradual friendship with Ralph and Jean helps them through the bad times, but even that might not be enough to pull them through.

About the Author: Best-selling author Sean Michael is a maple leaf–loving Canadian who spends hours hiding out in used book stores. With far more ideas than time, Sean keeps several documents open at all times. From romance to fantasy, paranormal and sci-fi, Sean is limited only by the need for sleep—and the periodic Beaver Tail.

Sean fantasizes about one day retiring on a secluded island populated entirely by horseshoe crabs after inventing a brain-to-computer dictation system. Until then, Sean will continue to write the old-fashioned way.

Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Buy the book at Dreamspinner Press, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Kobo.

Winter Blogfest: Sean Michael

This post is part of Long and Short Reviews’ Winter Blogfest. Leave a comment for a chance to win an ebook copy of Daddy Needs a Date.

Winter Wonderland

I do love winter. Once Halloween is over, I’m ready for snow and lots of it. By November the trees have lost all their leaves and there are far fewer sunny days. The snow brightens everything up and dresses the trees up in their winter finery. While I love all the greenery in the summer, I love a winter view even more. It’s stunningly beautiful.

There’s also a hush that comes with a snowstorm, as if the snow itself is blanketing the world, not just with a blanket that you can see, but one that dulls all the other outside sounds. You can walk out in a snowstorm and all the falling snow makes no sound as it falls and hits the ground. It’s just quiet. When you go walking in freshly fallen snow, and you can hear the crunch of the white stuff under your boots, but while it’s falling, there’s nothing. It’s like magic.

It’s not just the snow, though, I also love the colder weather. I love coming in from the cold and taking off the layers, slowly warming up from the cold. Hot chocolate doesn’t taste nearly as good any other time of the year. It’s best enjoyed on a cold day – the colder it is the better the hot chocolate tastes. Even holding the hot mug feels good. There is more sun in the winter than in fall, the days often bright and sharp, the sky never so blue as it is on a deeply cold day.

I kind of hibernate in the summer. The hot days play with my mind and I don’t get nearly as much done as I do in the winter. The snow comes and with it my creativity awakens again for the season. I usually get far more done in winter than I do in summer.

Finally, there’s Christmas and the New Year. Christmas is one of my favorite holidays – with the coloured lights and all the decorations. Buying and wrapping gifts, making cookies and cooking for family. I even love the feeling on Christmas Day once all the eating and gifting is over, that sense of relaxation and ease now that everything is done.

As for the new year – I totally appreciate being able to reset, to wipe the slate clean and start over again. That feeling usually doesn’t last very long, but that’s okay, because where I live, there’s still at least three more months of winter to revel in.

So give me my winter wonderland and I am happy down to the bone.

Sean Michael

smut fixes everything.

With four girls, single dad Ryan Withers has his hands too full to look for romance. He’s not complaining—he loves his daughter and the three nieces he adopted when their parents died, and he would do anything for them. He’s caught off-guard when his mother and daughter conspire to play matchmaker.

Alex Bernot works in disaster relief, his job taking him all over the world for extended periods of time, helping others. He’s staying with his aunt while he’s home, and she sets him up on a blind date. Finding a special someone isn’t really on his mind, but he goes to make his aunt happy.
Ryan and Alex enjoy each other’s company more than either of them expected, and they soon make a second date.

Their lives are complicated, though, in very different ways, and soon family needs and their jobs conspire to pull them apart. They’ll need to figure out how to work through the things keeping them apart, but first they’ll have to decide if they even want to….

About the Author: Best-selling author Sean Michael is a maple leaf–loving Canadian who spends hours hiding out in used book stores. With far more ideas than time, Sean keeps several documents open at all times. From romance to fantasy, paranormal and sci-fi, Sean is limited only by the need for sleep—and the periodic Beaver Tail.

Sean fantasizes about one day retiring on a secluded island populated entirely by horseshoe crabs after inventing a brain-to-computer dictation system. Until then, Sean will continue to write the old-fashioned way.

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Destinations I’d Like to Visit by Sean Michael – Guest Blog

Thank you very much to LASR for hosting me today.

Neither Cash nor Brad have done a lot of travelling and certainly hadn’t been to each other’s backyards before the events in Inheritance.

I’ve done a fair bit of travelling myself, but haven’t done all that much in North American. So I thought I’d share some of the destinations in the US and in Canada that I’d like to visit, should I get the chance.

My Top Ten US Destinations
1. Alaska
2. San Francisco
3. Seattle
4. New York
5. LA
6. Chicago
7. Denver
8. San Diego
9. Hawaii
10. New Orleans

My Top Ten Canadian Destinations
1. Newfoundland
2. Victoria
3. Prince Edward Island
4. Vancouver
5. Calgary
6. Edmonton
7. Banff
8. Nunavit
9. Yukon
10. Labrador

Cash McCord’s life is pretty much perfect. He owns the family ranch, loves his work, and invites the occasional cowboy into his bed. But everything is turned upside down when his brother Jack and Jack’s wife Val are killed in a car crash, leaving behind six kids.

Cash is made guardian of the children, along with Val’s brother, Brad Rafferty—a man who couldn’t be more different from Cash if he tried. A Yankee, Brad is a video-game developer who works twelve-to-fourteen-hour days at his desk. They lock horns as soon as they set eyes on each other. Neither man is happy to have the other around, but neither is willing to give up custody of his nieces and nephews.

It’s up to these two polar opposites to keep the kids together and give them a family again. But first they’ll have to keep from killing each other.


Best-selling author Sean Michael is a maple leaf–loving Canadian who spends hours hiding out in used book stores. With far more ideas than time, Sean keeps several documents open at all times. From romance to fantasy, paranormal and sci-fi, Sean is limited only by the need for sleep—and the periodic Beaver Tail.

Sean fantasizes about one day retiring on a secluded island populated entirely by horseshoe crabs after inventing a brain-to-computer dictation system. Until then, Sean will continue to write the old-fashioned way.

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Buy the book at Dreamspinner Press, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Kobo.