Springwind by Charlotte Boyett-Compo

Springwind by Charlotte Boyett-Compo
Publisher: New Concepts Publishing
Genre: Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy (Futuristic)
Length: Short
Other: M/F
Rating: 4 Cherries
Review by Lilac

In a futuristic society where werewolves are the law enforcers, naïve Bailey MacKenna has run up against the biggest, baddest, burliest wolf in the pack. Sweet body trembling beneath Crevan Byrne’s knowing touch, Bailey finds herself a prisoner not only of his muscular arms but his overwhelming seductive powers. Staring into amber eyes hot with uncontrollable desire, she is soon lost to the dictates of her own heart and Crevan’s rock-hard body.

This quick reads takes place in a futuristic world where werewolves called Modartha are the law enforcers and group called the Resistance is out to change things. Bailey MacKenna doesn’t know what to expect when she runs into werewolf Crevan Byrne, but their brief and rough encounter changes things for both of them. What Bailey doesn’t know is that her uncle asked Van to protect and keep the naive Bailey from joining the Resistance. Van hopes that their encounter will scare her, but he is taken with the young woman who trembled beneath his touch and is determined to make her his. Soon Bailey finds herself facing the desire of the strong wolf and risks losing her heart.

Springwind was a very quick read featuring a fascinating world and characters. The story provides a nice blend of paranormal and futuristic with steamy romance. Although their first encounter was a bit too rough for my tastes, I enjoyed the relationship between Bailey and Van. At first I wasn’t sure about Van as his initial actions didn’t exactly endear him to me, but he grew to be a great hero with many layers to his personality. His strength and confidence was a nice complement to Bailey’s naivety. This was undeniably an interesting read.

Wyndsheer by Charlotte Boyett-Compo

Wyndsheer by Charlotte Boyett-Compo
Publisher: New Concepts Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Short Story
Other: M/F
Rating: 3 Cherries
Review by Lilac

Jamie MacGivern is not like other men. He is a Lycant, a genetically engineered super human with wolf-like abilities and killer instincts. A loner, he makes his home high in the rugged Pionós Mountains where the locals from the closest village stay out of his way.

When the plane carrying Federal Agent Allison Groves and the prisoner she was transporting crashed in the mountains near Jamie’s hunting ground, she is the only survivor. Waking up in a strange underground cabin, she has no idea who she is or the identity of the handsome man lying beside her. When he tells her he is her husband, she has no choice but to believe him.

Having rescued the beautiful woman he now considers his own, Jamie will do everything in his power to keep her.

Rating: Carnal. Contains graphic sexual content, adult language, violence.

In a tale not for the faint of heart, Lycant Jamie MacGivern rescues a lovely young woman from a plane crash and decides to do anything to keep her. He takes the unconscious woman to his underground cabin, determined to keep her there.

Federal Agent Allison Groves has no idea where or who she is when she awakens with amnesia. When the handsome man at her side tells her that her name is Mairi and she is his wife, she believes him. However, when her memory begins to return she doesn’t like what she remembers about her past. All she knows is that she feels safe and loved with Jamie and that is where she wishes to stay. However, others from both her and Jamie’s pasts have other plans.

As Allison’s fellow agents work to discover her whereabouts, Jamie tries to throw them off, but in doing so his past catches up to him. He and Allison find an unlikely ally in the mystical creature that guards the mountain as they work to keep each other safe.

Full of twists-and-turns and fascinating characters, Wyndsheer is an interesting story laced with both romance and violence. I’ll admit that I wasn’t sure what to think of Jamie at first as I found some of his actions questionable, but as we learned more about him and his past, I began to understand him a bit more. As a Lycant he is both feared and treated differently. His time and the abuse he suffered in prison has made him mistrustful. However, I still didn’t care for the fact that he took advantage of Allison’s situation by lying and sleeping with her while she was injured. In spite of his lies, Allison and he seemed to be right for one another as they both provide the other with the companionship and understanding that they each need.

The author created a fascinating world with this story and its colorful characters. Overall, this was an interesting read that kept this reader on her toes.

Forbidden Pleasures

Forbidden Pleasures by Monica Burns
Publisher: New Concepts Publishing
Genre: Historical
Length: Full
Other: M/F, BDSM
Rating: 5 Cherries
Review by Xeranth

Love’s Revenge: Quentin Blackwell, the Devil of Devlyn, has returned home five years after a bitter betrayal by the woman he loved. He’d like nothing better than to extract his pound of flesh and when the opportunity presents itself, he’s more than eager to accept the challenge. Especially when it means exploring Sophie Hamilton’s delicious curves.

Love’s Portrait: When Julia Westgard commissions a nude portrait of herself, her rebellious behavior puts her at odds with the Marlborough Set’s most notorious rake, Morgan St. Claire. From the first moment Morgan sees Julia’s portrait, he’s determined to have her. But the woman he meets is a far cry from the image on canvas. What starts out as a simple exercise in seduction quickly evolves into a quest to reveal the true Julia Westgard. With each sensually, erotic encounter, he employs every seductive weapon at his disposal….

Rating: Contains graphic sexual content, adult situations, and explicit language.

Forbidden Pleasures is a double whammy of romance, fun and a sensually satisfying read. The stories are loosely linked to each other and their heroes are hard to choose between. It’s a toss up as to whether Quentin or Morgan is the hottest because they both have traits that hooked me.

Love’s Revenge follows Lord Devlyn, Quentin, and he’s got a major bone to pick with the Hamilton family. It was interesting to read about a man, a tried and true rake, who’d been taken advantage of by a woman so thoroughly, he was almost ruined. Usually it’s the men ruining women during that time in history. Quentin isn’t just your run-of-the-mill rake either; he is a survivor and a man of hidden honor and depths. How do you reach a man who’s been burned so badly? You waltz into his parlor with an outrageous proposition.

Sophie Hamilton is a surprising character. I enjoyed her innocence and bravado. She was such a contradiction that she had Quentin fighting with himself. She was like the sun flirting with the clouds and Quentin was akin to a cave dweller being dragged out into her light. He didn’t want to, fought it even, but in the end, the lure of Sophie’s warmth and feminine power broke through his reluctance. Together they wrought a change that benefited not only themselves but Sophie’s brother, Spencer.

Spencer Hamilton was a nice secondary character for whom I’d love to see a book with him as a hero once he got a bit older. There was something about him that intrigued me. Perhaps it was his bucking the odds, of being a better person that the man who begot him? In any event, he showed enough strength of character for me to want to read about him again.

Sophie’s introduction to the pleasures of married life was quite hot and very fun reading. The story is told from both Quentin and Sophie’s POVs and the dialogue was well paced and natural. Very fun.

Love’s Portrait introduces Morgan St. Clair and his prey, Julia Westgard.

Julia is a tortured heroine who is valiantly trying to heal from her horrid past marriage. She’s a strong character with a few verbal zingers that were a delight. Being a widow, she can do things an unmarried woman cannot and she pushes those boundaries in hopes it will satisfy something deep inside her. The only thing it’s succeeded in doing is put her on the radar of the very tantalizing and infamous rake, Morgan St. Clair.

Morgan has a chip on his shoulder from his past, so he fits the tortured hero mold. His life choices in how to deal with it are interesting and I think made him a better man and person than he thinks he is. He does have major issues with trust and hope, for he has none of the latter as far as hearth and family go. A chance encounter, a mistake even, has him discombobulated while at the same time very focused on one thing, on one person — Julia. Except Julia has no idea. And that is when the fun begins.

Love’s Portrait is a story of the chase. Both Julia and Morgan are chasing each other for different reasons and it’s wonderful how they end up finding something totally different in each other. As we all know, how men and women think can be totally different so it adds a frustrating challenge to Morgan’s pursuit of Julia. In the end though, they heal and the process is very romantic. Of course, when they get together the pages steam and that is fun too. This is the story that illustrates the connection between the first story and this one.

The dialogue was witty and fast paced, the secondary characters –except for Quentin and Sophie – were fiendishly villainous and there was only one burp in a POV shift in an otherwise perfect story.

Forbidden Pleasures is a surefire hit for anyone who likes their historical romances steamy, humorous, and romantic with enough conflict to make the peanut gallery cheer and go wild for our heroes and heroines.

Review: Dangerous Surrender

Dangerous Surrender
by Evanne Lorraine

Detective Zach Longstreet wasn’t the kind of man any sane woman would give a second glance-unless she was just ‘in’ to getting her heart trampled in a post sexual stampede for the door. Unfortunately, he was the kind of man women were drawn to like metal shavings to a magnet-tall, dark, dangerous, and completely relationship phobic. He also hated journalists with a passion.

Ciara is an intricate character who is well-rounded and appealing. She has need-to-please issues with her father, and insecurities that stem from a life-long inability to do so. She doesn’t simper and cow to him, however, which I admired. Her conflict with her father is presented in a realistic manner, and she interacts with him as an adult — not an approval-seeking child. She makes compromises with him because, in spite of everything, she loves her dad. Her differences with her father set the stage for her being a part of the story’s intrigue as well as her hesitancy in getting involved with Zach.

Zach is beefcake cop who is commitment-phobic, but he instantly recognizes something special about Ciara. He doesn’t really want to admit this, however, and is sometimes surprised at the intensity of his reactions to her, such as jealousy and possessiveness. I was drawn to him because of his inner struggles in coming to terms with his feelings for her. It made him human, sensitive and utterly dreamy.

The intimacy between Zach and Ciara is sensual and potent, and I can’t say enough good things about Zach’s stamina! I also found Ciara’s enthusiasm for sex in light of her relative inexperience irresistible. The doubts they both harbor about the nature of their relationship keep the sexual tension high. I think because of this, when they do come together, their lovemaking is explosive and it adds to the overall sensuality of the story.

Although the characters were great and easy to relate to and the basic concept of the story piqued my interest, I felt the attempt to compound the conflict between the two in an effort to keep the suspense high fell a bit short. Ciara, on a few occasions, is quick to believe the worst of Zach when I don’t feel it’s warranted or even probable. Reasons are given for her quick conclusions, but I saw them as unrealistic and manufactured as a way to push them apart again. Zach also doubts her when he makes an assumption in an unlikely situation which I found frustrating.

The suspenseful plot is intertwined with the lives of Zach and Ciara in a way that I both appreciated and admired. The antagonist is hinted at in such a way that kept me guessing and the villain’s identity is revealed at just the right time which increased my anxiety as I worried what would happen next — and, of course, I had to keep reading to find out! Dangerous Surrender is a thrilling romantic suspense novel that is sure to please lovers of the genre.


Review by Chamomile

Review: The Twainer’s Cube

The Twainer’s Cube
by Imogen Sans

It had taken five years for the doctors to come up with a treatment for the coulinium gas poisoning and in that time Ariah had lost everyone who’d been dear to her. Worse, she’d all but lost the possibility of having a family of her own since the attack had also destroyed most of her ovum.

She hadn’t actually considered Norrik Farvish as a potential donor-never really expected to meet the handsome Balton in person-but there was no denying everything about the man thrilled her to her toes-until he confessed that he’d been a part of the raid on Ju Vonice ….

Norrik and Ariah’s lives are intricately woven together in such a manner that engaged me and pulled me into their story. Norrik is a Balton, where on his planet, if they are lucky, males and females bond, or “twain”, when they are destined to be mated. I find the concept of an instinctive compulsion to create an indestructible, permanent union is always appealing because it removes the reader temporarily from the reality of love in the real world — that it is never a sure thing. And a little escapism is what we read romance for, right? Though this idea of a compelled joining is not uncommon in romance, Ms. Sans puts her own creative — and delightful — spin to it.

Ariah is a sympathetic character for all that she has gone through in the last few years. She’s not an exceptionally strong woman, at least not in the beginning, but I still liked her because although she is mindful of all of the bad in her life, she isn’t morose or whiny; she is resigned to her situation and deals with it. She becomes more spirited — and more engaging — when Norrik whisks her away and tries (from her perspective) to control her.

Norrik is a beefcake alien that has everything that a girl could want in a man. But he is keeping many truths from Ariah and most of his deceptions involve her in some form. The lies are justified to a certain extent and as each truth is revealed, Norrik’s yummy factor increases as he demonstrates his long-time care and devotion to Ariah.

Norrik and Ariah have just enough differences to keep their relationship magnetic — she is fiery and spirited, and he is protective and strong — and secretive. They experience many skirmishes, but the steamy passion they feel for one another, heightened by the sizzling effect of their “twain”, is potent and fun to experience.

“Twainer’s Cube” is a gripping adventure that had me intrigued from beginning to end. It’s easy to recommend this rich story with compelling characters, a suspenseful climax and heartwarming ending.


Review by Chamomile

Review: Dragon Lord

by Kaitlyn O’Connor

Raina had never been employed as a ‘domestic’, but she was gung ho to try anything once, however unnerving and ‘strange’ she found the occupants of the remote island estate. Foreigners, she thought, with strange eyes, unfamiliar ways, and an even more alien language …. Very alien.

As unnerving as she found the dark, devastatingly handsome, and infinitely mysterious Simon Draken, however, Raina also found him so compelling, so magnetic she could no more resist him than she could will her heart to cease to beat.

Rating-Carnal-adult language and situations, multiple sexual partners

This book, Dragon Lord by Kaitlyn O’Connor, grabbed me by the heartstrings and the lust-0-meter was in the happy zone.

I’m thinking of re-reading it almost immediately. I can not tell you the last time THAT happened. So pardon me if I wax poetic.

Don’t let the “multiple partners” scare you off. Kaitlyn handles this with grace, caring and the story ultimately appeals to the die-hard romantic in all of us.

The above synopsis doesn’t give you a hint of the roller coaster emotional ride you’re about to embark upon once you start reading. Raina is a woman who’s been on her own for years, a graduate of the foster care system. She’s a survivor with a plucky wit. Her coarse vocabulary lends itself to some wonderful dialogue between the cantankerous housekeeper as well as the body guards Mr. White and Mr. Green. There were even laugh out loud moments, especially the hilarious scene with the soup on the floor. I liked Raina because she’s a woman not afraid to follow her heart, no matter where it leads her.

Simon is the perfect tortured hero. Oh my gosh, did I feel pained for him. His loss, his desperation and loneliness spoke volumes to the inner nurturer inside me. I wanted to save him, but Raina gets that honor.

Audric is just as tortured for different reasons. Always in Simon’s shadow, he’s had to step aside once before because he had the misfortune to love the same woman as Simon. Is he doomed to lose Raina too?

And what’s with the strange eyes, you ask? There’s an awfully good reason and you get to travel to another planet to find out all about it.

This story has everything I love in an erotic romance book, but the strongest element is the romance. It pulled my emotions until I experienced joy, worry, excitement, laughter, amazement, suspense and even a healthy dose of sexual appreciation for how both Simon and (yes, AND) Audric please Raina. And before you raise your eyebrows and scoff at what that sounds like, please know that Kaitlyn handled it with charm and sweetness. I appreciated how she handled the dynamics of their relationship and I think you will too.

As for the HEA? It hit every high note and tied up all the lose ends in such a satisfying way, it had me sighing in pleasure. This is a keeper folks. Make no mistake, this is romance all the way, with the erotic kick thrown in for extra edge.

I’ve read some of Kaitlyn’s other stories but Dragon Lord is hands-down the best she’s written so far. And that’s saying something.


Review by Xeranth