Reunited by Andrew Grey
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short story (32 pages)
Other: M/M
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by FernBack in high school, nobody noticed quiet nerd Kevin Howard.
But everybody noticed handsome, athletic, and ultrapopular jock Clay Northrup.
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But a lot can change in fifteen years, and when they meet again at their high school reunion, Clay is no longer the big man on campus, and Kevin isn’t hiding in a corner anymore.
Can they put aside who they were? Can one night really lead to forever?
Back in high school Kevin was the quiet nerd, while Clay was the handsome jock. Their worlds never crossed. But at their high school reunion the two men find they have more in common than they ever dreamed. Can one special night turn into a lifetime?
I enjoyed this ultra-short story and found it completely relatable. High school reunions are fraught with disasters at the best of times. People you haven’t seen in ages – often on purpose – and all sorts of baggage from the history and people wanting to prove themselves. I enjoyed the fact that this was exactly where Kevin found himself – wanting to prove there was more than the quiet, gay teenager in him, particularly now he was all grown up and comfortable with his life. I also felt a fair bit of sympathy for Clay, who had seemingly had everything at his fingertips in high school but never quite managed to make his dreams come to fruition. No matter where you sit on the whole “reunions are great/evil incarnate” fence I feel Clay and Kevin cover both ends of the spectrum and this helped really balance the story for me, making it feel as if the author was showing how both paths could be taken.
I thought the pacing of the story was excellent too. Although extremely short, Clay and Kevin don’t simply catch each other’s eyes and jump right into bed. This wouldn’t have been very believable to me – particularly since they didn’t have much to do with each other in high school and hadn’t kept in touch in the intervening decade – but I could have understood the temptation to cram as much sexiness into the short page count as possible. The slower pace let me really feel the building tension and sexual chemistry between the two men and while there is a “Happy For Now” ending with no actual sexual intimacy – I feel only readers looking for a strongly erotic story will find the chemistry between Clay and Kevin to not be steamy enough. I also thought it was excellent how the author managed to make the story more than just about two men who had known each other as teens and grown up – there was a small plot twist I didn’t see coming and that really freshened the story for me and made me even more eager to continue reading.
Steamy and sensual, this is a fun short story that I found plenty to like about. A good author I shall happily try again in the future.