The Theme’s the Thing ~ Keeping It Blue with @MeganSlayer #writing #themes #authorthemes

When I started writing, I was told I needed a theme. Not just a general idea for what I wanted my author overall image to be, but a theme. I know, sounds confusing, doesn’t it? A very wise friend told me as I was setting out, I needed to have something that said, this is Megan Slayer every time someone saw it. Why’d she question my theme? Because back then I had a picture of racing on my blog. The photo was right at the top and to the right. It totally went with my passion, but had only a little to do with my writing because at the time, I’d only written two stories and neither had racing in them. So I set out to create a theme.

I had a few fits and stalls along the way. I knew what I wanted to write–second chance romance. A lot of authors write that. So what made mine different? Back when I started, the heat level was the thing, too. The hotter the better. But heat levels then and now are totally different. What was HAWT back then is hot now. What was ‘oh-my-gosh-scorching-the-page-gonna-melt-the-screen’ hot is now HAWT. Back then, there was dark erotic romance, but not as prevalent as now. So my initial theme of HAWT second chance romance is still viable, but the heat isn’t as hot as I once thought.

I’m still all about my second chance romance. I’ve always had a soft spot for characters who had a rough start in life or whose initial romance didn’t quite work. I want them to have happy endings. Sometimes it’s with the same people and most of the time with new people. When you pick up one of my stories, there will be a second chance romance in it.

But I’ve got another theme I hadn’t planned on. Pretty much from the start of my career as an author, I’ve had blue hair. Why? I wanted something fun to do with my hair and it covered the grays nicely. Plus…it was fun. Still is, to be honest. It’s been brighter at times and more muted at others, but it’s always been blue. Okay, there was that one patch where I had it red for a while… And you know what? People didn’t like it. They wanted the blue back. Craziness, right? Not really. They identified me with the blue hair. That’s you, they’d tell me. When I think of you, I think of Blue. Pretty nice, eh? I love it.

I had thought about a logo, but I’m not sold on one and how do you make a logo concerning blue or second chance romance? I’m not sure.

But I’ll keep plugging along. I’ll stick with the blue hair and the second chance romances. Why? They make my heart happy. The characters demand their happy ending and I’m not going to argue with them. If people think of me and think blue, then that’s great with me, too. I like to have fun. What about you? How do you see me?

We Belong Together by Megan Slayer 

Super Novel


M/M, M/F, M/M/F, M/F/M, Menage, Anal Sex, Voyeurism

From Pride Publishing

Art by Posh Gosh


When the broken road leads you home, we will find each other.

Dare Evans left the small town of Kenton for the bright lights of Hollywood. The moment he climbed on the plane, he missed his college sweetheart. Coming home was always in the cards and a chance sighting is the catalyst he needs. But he’s not alone.

Liam Turner never thought he’d find love so soon after his divorce, but then came Dare. He’s in love and the happiest of his life—but he’s a secret. Dare, the hottest man in the movies, isn’t supposed to be married and certainly not to Liam. Liam’s learned to live with the charade because he knows Dare’s heart…that is until he finds out about Sarah.

Sarah Morrison wants nothing more than to teach at the college, raise her son and live her life. Celebrity was never in her cards. Then Dare and Liam walked back into Kenton. She never forgot Dare…or as she knew him, Daryl. He’s been the only one for her. When she meets Liam, her thoughts change. What if Liam could be the one? What if both men could be? Is she strong enough to withstand the bright lights of fame intruding on her existence?

Can these three people find a way to be together when the rest of the world says they should be apart? When the past joins the present to make a future, love is possible.

Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of ménage featuring m/m/f and m/f/m pairings, voyeurism. This book also contains scenes of murder, references to abuse, rape, stalking.

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Megan Slayer, aka Wendi Zwaduk, is a multi-published, award-winning author of more than one-hundred short stories and novels. She’s been writing since 2008 and published since 2009. Her stories range from the contemporary and paranormal to LGBTQ and BDSM themes. No matter what the length, her works are always hot, but with a lot of heart. She enjoys giving her characters a second chance at love, no matter what the form. She’s been the runner up in the Kink Category at Love Romances Café as well as nominated at the LRC for best author, best contemporary, best ménage and best anthology. Her books have made it to the bestseller lists on

When she’s not writing, Megan spends time with her husband and son as well as three dogs and three cats. She enjoys art, music and racing, but football is her sport of choice. Find out more about Megan and Wendi at: Sign up for the newsletter here: 

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