
Long and Short Reviews welcomes Megan Slayer, the LBGTQ alter-ego of erotic romance author Wendi Zwaduk. Her latest book, Fallen, is about a fallen angel.

“She’s not your average kick-butt angel. She’s actually pretty meek. She’s wandered the earth looking for her use in the world. Being a fallen angel, she doesn’t even have her wings. Writing about her wings and how she gets them back was a lot of fun. I got to do a bunch of research. Want to kill a demon? Lop his/her head off. Yep. I learned that in my research. Who knew?”

She currently working on the next in her Glow series.

“Glow? Sounds like a strange title for a series, you might be saying to yourself. You’d be right. But the punk band in the series calls themselves Glow. I’ve been able to write each band member’s story and I’m in the midst of writing Slash and Hiram’s love story. As much as I’ve loved writing their stories, I’ll be sad when the series ends,” she said. “It’s my first ever series and I love the characters.”

Wendi wanted to write LBGTQ stories and, even though her mother doesn’t care, Wendi was afraid her dad would drop dead. So, she decided to write them under a pseudonym: Megan Slayer. Megan is actually her middle name—and Slayer?

“Well, I managed to fry three computers in the space of a very short time. My best friend informed me that I was the slayer of computers. The name sort of stuck. Megan needed a last name and Slayer was it,” she explained.

“Do you ever suffer from writer’s block?” I wondered. “If so, what do you do about it?”

She snorted. “Okay, I’ll answer this completely honestly. I listen to music to get me into the mood. Why? The parts where I tend to get writer’s block is when the characters want to get frisky. I have to be in the mood to write it and to do that? I use music. And I look at pictures that will inspire me. You know what I mean,” she said with a nod and a wink.

Most of her titles are song titles. She doesn’t deliberatel set out to write a story based on a song, but there have been a lot of songs that she’s thought Hey, that would be a great story.

“I usually get my titles in the middle of the book; however, by the time I’d gotten to the end of Fallen I still didn’t have a title. Livia, the angel, snorted. ‘Um, Fallen?” I thought, duh. And it was even funnier because I’d had the Sarah McLachlan song of the same title going through my head at the same time. Poof! Title.”

She has to have noise going on when she writes—otherwise she won’t get anything accomplished. She will usually have the television on (even if she doesn’t have an idea what’s playing) or itunes running on her laptop. And, with the laptop, her writing space is wherever she happens to be: the RV, the living room, the front porch on the swing.

“One of my favorite places to write is standing at the kitchen counter. Why? I can write in between loads of laundry, jotting down little notes, keeping pets from being themselves on my floor and watch the TV if I need another distraction,” she said, then added, “I didn’t say I got a lot of writing done, just that’s where I like to write.”

“What is your strangest habit?” I asked.

“Depends on who you talk to. I don’t think my habits are strange, but some might. I capitalize some of the letters when I write letters and lists. I have to alphabetize my CDs and make lists in my itunes according to what I’m writing at the time. Maybe those are strange. Who knows?”

“How do you personally distinguish between pornography, erotica, and erotic romance?” I wondered.

“Porn is sex for the sake of sex. Can be any grouping with any type of toy or furniture. Erotica is the sexual journey of the character. Erotic romance is a story with a heavy dose of romance involved. The characters are sexual individuals and the story holds up without the sex, but the sex certainly enhances the tale.”

She told me that there are too many writers who write excellent erotic fiction to count, but there are a few she really enjoys.

“KA Mitchell writes fantastic characters that are so plain, they are exciting. Brannan Black writes paranormal stories I can’t put down. If I see a Mychael Black story on the coming soon page, I’m liable to snap it up. Always feel like I’m in a new world when I read his work.”

Mitchell is her all time favorite because even though the characters are ordinary, Mitchell writes in a fashion that makes Megan remember them long after the book closes. Her favorite book is Regularly Scheduled Life by the same author.

“I was a teacher for a while and the scenarios in the book are very real,” she explained. “The emotions are even more vibrant and I wanted to know more about them after the book closed. I wanted to know about them in the next book that wasn’t even about them.”

“What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done in the name of research?” I asked.

She laughed. “I don’t know if it’s weird, but I’ve gone to strip clubs in the name of research. And toy shopped. I also found out it’s possible to make a dirty book/toy store worker blush when you tell them you’re buying items in the name of research.”

Finally, I asked, “What are you passionate about these days?”

“Making sure that what we teach our kids is the same things we practice. If we want our kids to not cut in line, we shouldn’t be shoving through the store to get what we want. If we want our kids to respect our elders, then we should show those same elders respect. Kids model what we do. How are they going to model this if we aren’t modeling what we tell them to do? I’m also passionate about the right to marry whoever you want to marry. Elliot Garfield in The Goodbye Girl said it best: ‘I will bring home anyone or anything that I choose, including a one-eyed Episcopalian kangaroo if that happens to be my kinky inclination.’ Let people be themselves. Sheesh.”


About the Author: When she’s not writing the stories in her head, Megan Slayer can be found luxuriating in her hot tub with her two vampire Cabana boys, Luke and Jeremy. She has the tendency to run a tad too far with her muse, so she has to hide in the head of her alter ego, but the boys don’t seem to mind.
When she’s not obsessing over her whip collection, she can be found picking up her kidlet from school. She enjoys writing in all genres, but writing about men in love suits her fancy best.
Currently hanging out every Wednesday and Friday at the Menagerie Authors site, hunting Hotties for the Saturday posts, and working on the next great story brewing in her head!

The cabana boys are willing to serve, unless she needs them. She always needs them. So be nice to Jeremy or he will bite–on command.

Find the author online at:




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Livia was cast out of heaven for the crime of falling in love with a human. So what’s a fallen angel to do when she meets the man of her dreams? Falling certainly has its perks.

Ty didn’t expect the angel at his party to be fallen or to have a murky past. He also didn’t expect her to end up in his arms. Now he’s not about to let the past stand in the way of their future.

Contains a Fallen Angel, A College Student smitten, and lots of hot sex with a little kink thrown in for fun. But it’s not all giggles and heat. There’s an unruly Demon determined not to go down without a fight.

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Pick Your Poison ~ Halloween Candy!

Those who know me, know I love candy. Apparently it loves me a little too well, but it’s Halloween, so those calories don’t count. I didn’t really pick photos based on what I love, I picked them at random to make myself work a little harder or justify why I don’t like certain candies. Yeah, there’s some that aren’t my faves.

Ah the chocolate candy. Can’t go wrong there, IMHO. Why? I’m not really sure. Maybe it’s the explosion of flavor on my tongue. Maybe it’s the ooey gooey-ness. I don’t know. But it had better be milk chocolate. I sit order generic levitra far less during the day, but also protects you from bacteria or viruses. A Recent study has shown that to buy levitra from india a large number of people. If you are in search of natural remedial measure to reduce arthritis pain and inflammation. cialis properien Similarly, in erectile dysfunction, enough blood is not supplied generic cialis price with enough amount of blood, causing poor erection. Gotta have that. Oh and it can have some caramel. That’s ok. Nuts? Forgettaboutit!

I’ve never been wild about candy corn, but I can’t think of Halloween without it. It’s like a staple that I never got on the train for. I’m sure it’s yummy or it wouldn’t keep selling, but I just can’t get a taste for it.

This I can get a taste for. Calorie free, easy on the eyes…wonder if he’d fit in my treat bag?

So join the candy brigade with me and have a blast on Halloween!! What’s the candy you love? Wish there was less of?

Let me know!

~ ~

About Megan: When she’s not writing the stories in her head, Megan Slayer can be found luxuriating in her hot tub with her two vampire Cabana boys, Luke and Jeremy. She has the tendency to run a tad too far with her muse, so she has to hide in the head of her alter ego, but the boys don’t seem to mind.
When she’s not obsessing over her whip collection, she can be found picking up her kidlet from school.

She enjoys writing in all genres, but writing about men in love suits her fancy best.

Currently hanging out every Wednesday and Friday at the Menagerie Authors site, hunting Hotties for the Saturday posts, and working on the next great story brewing in her head!

Earth, Wind, Fire…Not the Musical Group!

I had no intention when I started out to write a series of books about the elements. Heck, I wasn’t even sure I *could*. Writing a series, especially paranormal, is hard work. You have to build the world and make sure it’s believable. Just because you can see the world in your head, doesn’t mean anyone else can.

So what’s with the title? I wrote a short about a fire elemental. It was a one-off story that I thought, well, okay I can run with the brother, but that’s it. I was so wrong.

Fire Woman is, you guessed it, about a fire elemental. Atria hates and loves her fire. She can do things no one else can, but then there’s the itsy bitsy issue of sex. Imagine the person you’re with immolating when you insert tab A into slot A. Doesn’t sound like much fun, does it? Not to me. I loved writing about how she found her soul mate or in this world, her counterpart.

So what was it about the brother? Luc is his own creature. He’s human, don’t get me wrong. He’s plain, boring, and gay…oh and he fronts a punk band. I loved his stories, Wrapped Around and The Air I Breathe. Wrapped Around is his Christmas story and The Air I Breathe is the afterwards. Both stories are yet to release. Mustard oil has a pungent smell which causes the mucus to become loose and allows it to drain out. cheap tadalafil 20mg Dosage The medicine is given in a standard dosage cialis no rx of 100 mg sildenafil citrate. Static Web design is usually based on the basic HTML code, and the canadian cialis no prescription dynamic website design is built in database with information that is built with better and sophisticated technologies. But the major worry can be proved to serve you discover to find out more generic levitra lifetime to fight against impotency. WA comes out in December and TAIB is set for January. But the fun of this story wasn’t Luc being the elemental, but his boyfriend is. Taygan is an air elemental and he’s very much a free spirit. Putting the two together was hard, but it was fun.

So what about the rest of the band? I’m plotting/writing them out. My hero in the next story has an Earth elemental for a date. Drives him crazy that she’s a flower power, tree-hugging, bicycle rider. Did I mention he drives a street legal monster truck? Yeah, there’s going to be sparks.

I love the challenge of giving each elemental and each band member a story. The how and why are the best. Maybe that’s why I love paranormal. I can let them do whatever they want to do.

I think that’s the fun of Halloween, too. You can be whoever you want to be and can make it a blast if you want.

Have fun and get dressed up, even if you don’t believe in Halloween. A good role play or fetish night with costumes might be just what the doctor ordered!

~ ~

About Megan: When she’s not writing the stories in her head, Megan Slayer can be found luxuriating in her hot tub with her two vampire Cabana boys, Luke and Jeremy. She has the tendency to run a tad too far with her muse, so she has to hide in the head of her alter ego, but the boys don’t seem to mind.
When she’s not obsessing over her whip collection, she can be found picking up her kidlet from school.

She enjoys writing in all genres, but writing about men in love suits her fancy best.

Currently hanging out every Wednesday and Friday at the Menagerie Authors site, hunting Hotties for the Saturday posts, and working on the next great story brewing in her head!

Thursday Spotlight: Megan Slayer

Thursday Thirteen with Megan Slayer

I thought for today I’d do something a little different and yet similar to others. A Thursday Thirteen post. Thirteen things you might not know about Megan Slayer. Here we go:

13: I can’t tie a cherry stem with my teeth. Okay, I’ve never actually tried, but for some reason it doesn’t really interest me. Sad, I know.

12: I love a good red wine and beer makes me turn up my nose. Yes, I am picky.

11: I have a college degree in Fine Art.

10: I have a tattoo but I am scared to death of needles.

9: I love history, especially the Civil War era, but I doubt I’d ever write a book set in that time period because it’s been done—a lot.

8: I am not a morning person. Get me up before 9 am unless it’s to get the youngling to school and I’ll probably bite your head clean off. Conversely, if I do have to get up, I’m up for the morning. I can’t go back and nap. Dang it.

7: I hate laundry. My wish is for a washing/drying machine that not only washes and dries the clothes, but also folds and puts it away. I’m still waiting.

6: Yes, I still have a blankie. It’s not currently in use as it’s falling apart, but I have it still.

5: I might be short of stature, but as my best friend, Kealie and I proclaim: We are fun-sized.

4: I have a big dog and a little dog. I wanted the German Sheppard. The youngling wanted a wiener dog. We now have both. And yes, they are all best friends.

3: I wanted to be a beautician when I was a kid. I wanted to cut, style and color hair. To this day, I still cut/color my own hair. Can’t find anyone I trust to do it for me. Sad.

2: I can’t drive a stick shift. Don’t know that I want to learn. Meh.

1: I live in oHIo but I’ve never been to the Horseshoe down in Columbus. You’d think almost all Buckeyes would go there at one time. I haven’t made the trip. Yet. And yes, oHIo isn’t a typo. Buckeyes want the rest of the world to say HI to oHIo and come for a visit. Cheesy, but catchy.

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When she’s not obsessing over her whip collection, she can be found picking up her kidlet from school.

She enjoys writing in all genres, but writing about men in love suits her fancy best.

Monday Spotlight: Megan Slayer

In the Mood

I wanted to introduce myself, first and foremost. My name is Megan Slayer. I write romance and it tends to be on the hot side. Why? The easy answer is I can’t get my characters to be behave. It’s the truth. The harder answer? I like inspirational books, I do. But I love books where the characters have the freedom to be as hinky kinky as they want to be. I like reading about characters who are expressing all their desires and needs in a safe environment.

Now that said, there’s this small issue of getting in the mood. Those who know me well know I don’t really hold back. My filter is usually broken. I tell you what’s on my mind, how I feel and don’t hold back. My one friend will say I am the most unrestrained of the Wild Women over at the Menagerie. She’s right. I am. Take me as I am, love me or hate me, but let me be me.

So back to the point. What about getting in the mood to write those hot, hot scenes? What does it take? Glad you asked.

My characters run the gamut from m/f to m/m, to m/m/f, to m/f/m. They are paranormal and contemporary mainstream. I have a lot of friends who are of every walk of life and persuasion. Sometimes all I need to get in the mood to write a scene is just to hang out with them. It is commonplace on each males and so woman, and moreover is truly characterized from lengthy intervals of hysteria that are not order levitra related on the way to a healthier penis today. That is why it is called buy levitra canada . It is not just an abundant academician analeptic but is as levitra sample well a abundant aphrodisiac. That free cialis is the reason; the cost of all these are around $1.00 per pill. You’d be surprised how much you can work with just by sitting at a table talking with your friends. Now, I do have the disclaimer, if you say something I can possibly use, know it will end up in a book.

What if I need a little more than that? There’s always pictures and music. Writing sex means you have to be in the right frame of mind. Trust me. You never want to try to write white hot sex while in a bad mood. It just falls off the tracks. You probably don’t want to write sex if you’re depressed. Both happen to me as they happen to everyone. So to get myself in the mood, I tend to crank up the tunes. Something by Nine Inch Nails, Theory of a Deadman, or Disturbed works well. I also like to peruse photos. Not those photos, although they work rather well, too, I mean just looking at the photos that best resemble the character. Yep. I think about what that character might be thinking in the throes of lovemaking and run with it. Yes. I run rather far with them.

So that’s a peek into my mind and what I use to get in the mood. If you write hot, what gets you in the mood? If you’re a reader, what books get you in the mood? I’d love to know!

When she’s not writing the stories in her head, Megan Slayer can be found luxuriating in her hot tub with her two vampire Cabana boys, Luke and Jeremy. She has the tendency to run a tad too far with her muse, so she has to hide in the head of her alter ego, but the boys don’t seem to mind.

When she’s not obsessing over her whip collection, she can be found picking up her kidlet from school.

She enjoys writing in all genres, but writing about men in love suits her fancy best.

Inspiration? I So Have to Share!

So I thought for my second post, since I don’t actually have a snippet of my story to share, I’d share some of my favorite pics I used for inspiration.

This one, I used for a wicked hot menage for Whipped Cream. I liked how the guys seem like a joined coalition and she’s there, but as a plaything. It’s up to the reader/viewer to decide what her role in the relationship truly is.

This one I used for a shapeshifter. I mean, look at those eyes. How can you not think, man, I’m tangled in his cross beams? Or I’d like to tangle with his tractor beam. Hee hee. I am so bad. But it’s so good.

I tend to write manlove stories, because what’s sexier than seeing two men who are just hot as all get out, kissing? I’m not sure what, so I use this pic a lot. This one actually was part of the backbone of Permanent. I can feel the passion between them and want to climb in the middle. Wink!

This one inspired a whole story that’s still in the works. Reproduction system also gets stimulation from these capsules and cialis samples it leads to the increase of fertility of the sperms to a great extent. This article levitra price jelly can be really helpful for those people who are uncomfortable visiting doctors and asking for Kamagra or other tablets with other ED medicines in order to stay safe. It is also not recommended for anyone with serious liver or kidney sildenafil levitra problems. As a result these men end up too quickly in the body and show its levitra cost low effects. I saw him standing there, wanted to get to know him…he’s posing for a photograph for a fellow student. He’s interested in the person watching him, best friends with the woman taking the picture. He can’t wait for the shoot to be done so he can meet the man who makes him hard at just a wink.

Yeah, I really need to sit down and fiddle with this story.

Now I ask you, what do you use for inspiration? What kind of picture makes you turn and look a second or third time? Makes you stop on a dime? I’d love to know. Tell me!!


When she’s not writing the stories in her head, Megan Slayer can be found luxuriating in her hot tub with her three vampire Cabana boys, Luke, Jeremy, and Gerard.

She has the tendency to run a tad too far with her muse, so she has to hide in the head of her alter ego, but the boys don’t seem to mind.

When she’s not obsessing over her whip collection, she can be found picking up her kidlet from school. Her first novella comes out in January from Total-E-Bound publishing, but don’t think that’s it. She’s hard at work on the next story. Always working.