A Shadowed Fate by Marty Ambrose

A Shadowed Fate by Marty Ambrose
Claire Clairmont #2
Publisher: Severn House
Genre: Historical, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Full length (180 pages)
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Poinsettia

A shocking revelation from an old friend leads Claire Clairmont on a dangerous quest in this second in a fascinating historical trilogy based on the ‘summer of 1816’ Byron/Shelley group.

1873, Florence. Claire Clairmont, the last survivor of the ‘haunted summer of 1816’ Byron/Shelley circle, is reeling from the series of events triggered by the arrival of Michael Rosetti two weeks before, which culminated in a brutal murder and a shocking revelation from her old friend, Edward Trewlany.

Stunned by her betrayal at the hands of those closest to her, Claire determines to travel to the convent at Bagnacavallo near Ravenna to learn the true fate of Allegra, her daughter by Lord Byron. But the valuable Cades sketch given to her by Rosetti is stolen, and Claire soon finds herself shadowed at every turn and in increasing danger as she embarks on her quest. Is the theft linked to Allegra, and can Claire uncover what really happened in Ravenna so many years ago?

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First, anyone wishing to read this book must first read the previous book, Claire’s Last Secret. This novel picks up exactly where the other left off and builds upon events and characters previously introduced.

I truly enjoyed getting to know Claire in the first book, and I relished the opportunity to spend more time with her not only to learn more about her past, but also to follow her quest for the truth about her daughter’s fate. Claire has always had a vibrant personality, and while she is less impulsive than she was in her youth, old age has done little to dim her spirit. I’m also pleased to say I saw a lot of character growth in Claire in this installment. In the first book, Claire seemed like a woman still haunted by her past in many ways. She never got over Byron, and she carries a lot of hurt regarding her relationship with him. Claire and her sister Mary did not part on good terms either. In A Shadowed Fate, Claire begins to find some closure. As Claire travels through Italy, she has the opportunity to reflect on various parts of her past, and in doing so begins to forgive not only others, but herself. These glimpses into the past reveal the events that made Claire the woman she is.

Ms. Ambrose has chosen to tell this story in a slightly different format. Claire’s Last Secret was told with sections that alternated between Claire’s life in 1816 and 1873. This book alternates between Claire’s adventures 1873, old journal entries from Allegra, and sections Claire reads from Byron’s confession. I enjoyed the different perspectives, and I especially enjoyed seeing Byron through the eyes of his daughter in her journal entries.

As with the first novel, A Shadowed Fate is not a story to race through. While the danger surrounding Claire and her mission are very real, the beauty of the scenery and atmosphere is what I’ll remember most when I think about this book.

The conclusion is satisfying if a bit abrupt given the story’s leisurely pace. Some pieces of the mystery surrounding Claire’s daughter have been solved, but Claire’s journey is far from over. Ms. Ambrose has again left me wanting to know more!

I’m delighted that I had the opportunity to continue reading this series. I highly recommend A Shadowed Fate to anyone wanting to lose themselves in the Italian ambience Ms. Ambrose has created.

The Summer of Guinevere by John V. Madormo

The Summer of Guinevere by John V. Madormo
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press, Inc
Genre: Historical
Length: Full length (244 pages)
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Ginger

Paulie Passero, underachiever, high school junior, wants the courage to talk to a girl. A road trip from Chicago to rural Pennsylvania doesn’t interest him until his father emphasizes the need for a second driver. Why must they go? Paulie’s dying grandmother disowned her son twenty years ago, and fences must be mended. Unprepared for Smalltown USA, Paulie is bored at first but notices a girl in the back of a passing pickup and is immediately enamored.

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Paulie yearns to help this troubled girl escape the clutches of an abusive father, but will his interference only cause her more harm?

What sixteen year old is thinking about 1968 world events? Not Paulie Passero.

When I first started reading this book my thoughts were, oh no a sixteen-year-old boy that’s girl crazy, I’m not sure if this is the book for me,  a forty-six-year-old female. I am so glad that I continued reading. This book is so much more than a sixteen year old being crazy over every cute girl he sees. This book is about family …dysfunctional, abnormal, broken families. Paulie has only heard about his dad’s side of the family and, this summer, he’s about to take a road trip from Chicago to Pennsylvania with a dad who he’s not that close with.

I thoroughly enjoyed the author’s writing. I looked forward to each chapter to see what Paulie was getting into. Following Paulie’s point of view through out the book was well written from a teen’s point of view. Though the topics of the book are a variety of deep subject matter, Paulie’s personality adds in a taste of humor. I think the storyline is unique and very well told. I felt that the author gave a lot in making the story so full of lively characters and events. I enjoyed seeing Paulie’s growth. He stared out as an unpopular kids with one friend, and mediocre grades. Now he is being faced with meeting a family he doesn’t know, in a small town where everyone knows everybody. The first day he lay eyes on Guinevere Thompson, a girl who has three mean and bullying brothers and a evil father.

As the story advances I was proud of Paulie at the end. He went from a guy who didn’t have a voice around girls to standing up to bullies, taking chances on being punished by his dad for not listening. Paulie matured into a teenager with courage and heart. Though the book is told by a teen and about a teen, the story evokes subject matter that may not be suitable for teens. The subject matter, though hard to digest I think is what set the book apart from other teen love stories. I would like to read more about Paulie as he adjusted to his return home. You’ll miss a great experience if you don’t read this book.

The Eidola Project by Robert Herold

The Eidola Project by Robert Herold
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Suspense/Mystery, Paranormal, Horror, Historical
Length: Full Length (293 pages)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

It’s 1885 and a drunk and rage-filled Nigel Pickford breaks up a phony medium’s séance. A strange twist of fate soon finds him part of a team investigating the afterlife. The Eidola Project is an intrepid group of explorers dedicated to bringing the light of science to that which has been feared, misunderstood, and often manipulated by charlatans. They are a psychology professor, his assistant, an African-American physicist, a sideshow medium, and now a derelict, each possessing unique strengths and weaknesses. Called to the brooding Hutchinson Estate to investigate rumored hauntings, they encounter deadly supernatural forces and a young woman driven to the brink of madness. Will any of them survive?

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The paranormal genre is something I read regularly. With that being said, I can’t remember the last time I read about characters who not only sought out scientific explanations for the bizarre things they experienced in haunted locations but tried to find a way to stop them using logic among other tools. While I can’t go into much detail about this part of the plot without giving away spoilers, I was quite happy with how these characters responded. They were immensely sensible!

I struggled to remember who all of the characters were in this book. Not only were dozens of them introduced, they were written about in ways that didn’t always make it immediately clear who was going to be important to the plot in the longterm and who might only be mentioned occasionally. As interested as I was in the storyline itself, this made it harder to stay engaged with what was going on than I would have like to be.

Some of the most interesting scenes were the ones that featured paranormal content. Mr. Herold did a great job of explaining what was happening in them, especially when it came to showing how the character who was able to see spirits dealt with her special ability. This was something that brought plenty of complications to her life, so I was glad to see how much attention was paid both to her ability and the dead people who tried to get her attention.

The Eidola Project should be read by anyone who is a fan of ghost stories.

Running out of Time: The Disease by Elisabeth Martin

Running out of Time: The Disease by Elisabeth Martin
Publisher: Jopoto Publishing
Genre: Time Travel, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Contemporary, Historical
Length: Short Story (54 pages)
Heat Level: Sweet
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Lavender

“After a global pandemic and the loss of those closest to me, i used a time machine to try and save the world before we run out of time. There’s a problem. One wrong move can cause a ripple effect and harm rather than help.” James

James didn’t want to see his partner die like this.

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It’s a race against time, against the actions he does, and when James realizes who the real patient zero is, he knew for a fact that the future would be determined by whatever move he’d make next.

Will James figure out how to eliminate the threat in a humane way? And will the actions he does really change the future for the better?

With his time machine he built as a hobbyist project years ago, James has the power to travel through time, but what he doesn’t realize, is that sometimes, when the past changes, the future can get a whole hell of a lot worse as well.

This is the first in a series of time-travel books and has the exciting and scary premise of trying to survive a global pandemic. A man, James, figures out a way to go back in time when he sees so many people around him dying. Humanity is in serious trouble. He must go back and find patient zero but then kill her. If anything with his plan goes wrong, the consequences are unthinkable.

When James goes after the unfortunate young lady at the root of this, people do not know his real motive and go after him. James can feel time breathing down his neck. His adventures into the past are interesting, and the people he recruits are important to his end goal. It’s a short story, but we get to know some of the characters enough to worry for them and their future. This story is painted with inventive details that push the plot forward. The world building is well done, and the moral questions brought up will have one thinking. Even if James succeeds in his task, will the future really change for the better? That is another sticky question.

This quick read was entertaining and worth a look for fans of time-travel stories.

His Second Chance by Marie Medina

His Second Chance by Marie Medina
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Genre: Historical, Paranormal
Length: Short story (114 pages)
Other: M/M, Anal sex
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Moonflower

When Petyr had to choose between the fated mate he hardly knew and his pregnant former lover, he told himself rejecting Rollo was his only option. Even when life brought him more heartache, he felt it was all worth it when he looked into his children’s eyes.

Rollo never forgot about his fated mate. When Petyr shows up on his doorstep in the middle of the night, there’s no time for joy as Rollo finds out all his mate has been through since they parted. Petyr is dying, and though Rollo’s blood could save him, he asks for nothing more than Rollo’s promise to care for his children.
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But this time, Rollo isn’t going to give up. The gods have given them both a second chance, and he’s going to prove that to his mate.

In a historical world where years are given names, we get the opportunity to see a second chance in motion.

Petyr met his fated vampire mate but did the right thing when Nora told him she was pregnant. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Petyr is left holding two babies when he finds out he is ill himself. Thinking only of his children, he returns to Rollo to ask for help. Rollo is prepared to do more than help the children and makes no bones about wanting Petyr to return to him.

This was a lovely read with more emphasis on the relationship between these two rather than just a tumultuous roll in the hay. There isn’t much ‘detail’ here which seems absolutely perfect for this story. Time moves on so you don’t feel like Rollo and Petyr are rushing into things.

I thoroughly enjoyed the world-building in here and the characters were a delight. I would love to read more in this series, and I sincerely hope Jonah has his HEA.

A wonderful, gentle read that I absolutely recommend.

The Beat of Black Wings by Josh Pachter (Editor)

The Beat of Black Wings by Josh Pachter (Editor)
Publisher: Untreed Reads
Genre: Suspense/Mystery, Historical, Contemporary
Length: Full Length (362 pages)
Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

With nine Grammys, multiple lifetime achievement awards, inductions into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame, and a Top Ten ranking on Rolling Stone’s “100 Greatest Songwriters of All Time,” Joni Mitchell has established herself as one of the most important singer/songwriters, not only of her generation, but in the history of popular music.

In this collection, 28 crime writers pay tribute to Joni’s musical legacy with short stories inspired by her lyrics, representing each of her seventeen studio albums from 1968’s Song to a Seagull to 2007’s Shine.
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Many of the classics are represented here, including “Both Sides, Now” (in the first literary collaboration between Art Taylor and Tara Laskowski, who have each won major awards for their fiction), “Big Yellow Taxi” (by Kathryn O’Sullivan, author of the Colleen McCabe series), and “River” (by Stacy Woodson, winner of the 2019 Readers Choice Award from Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine), plus such equally fascinating titles as “Cold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire” (by Donna Andrews, author of the award-winning Meg Lanslow series), “The Dry Cleaner From Des Moines” (by Amber Sparks), and “Ray’s Dad’s Cadillac” (by Michael Bracken). This anthology also includes contributions from Alison McMahan, Brendan DuBois, Edith Maxwell and many other talented writers.

The best songs are the ones that tell unforgettable stories.

An insurance clerk fell for a showgirl in “The Pirate of Penance.” He dreamed of whisking her away from the nude dancing she did to pay the bills. I was immediately entranced by their relationship and curious to see what would happen to them next. While I can’t go into any more detail than that, I will say that the twist in the end was delightful.

Charlie, the protagonist in “Cold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire,” was a homeless guy who had a secret weapon to fight against an enemy that only he could see. I had a lot of sympathy for him. He was clearly dealing with some hard stuff and had few resources to draw upon other than the one I already mentioned. Seeing how he dealt with conflict kept me reading. It was well written and compelling.

“Ray’s Dad’s Cadillac” told the tale of a family that bought a new vehicle that seemed to be too expensive for their lifestyle. Figuring out how they could afford it was a great deal of fun. I had a few different theories in mind and was eager to find one which of them, if any, might actually be the correct one. What was truly delightful about the plot was the big twist in it towards the end that I didn’t see coming at all. As much as I’d liked the main character before, my opinion of her only grew even more positive by the final scene.

The Beat of Black Wings was a beautiful anthology that I’d heartily recommend to anyone who is a fan of Joni Mitchell or the mystery genre.

Beyond: A Short Story Anthology of the Paranormal by Lara MacGregor

Beyond: A Short Story Anthology of the Paranormal by Lara MacGregor
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Suspense/Mystery, Paranormal, Historical, Contemporary
Length: Short Story (102 pages)
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

This is an anthology of paranormal short stories, including a time-traveling cat, trips to the astral plane, ghosts, time-skipping humans, a sentient rumor gone wild, reincarnation, and a prankster god and his animal goddess sister.

Weird is a complimentary term when it comes to these genres. Who wouldn’t want to be surprised by a plot twist!
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Normally, I’d discuss stories in a short collection like this individually. Due to fact that all eight of them were pieces of flash fiction, however, I will only be mentioning the ones that I can talk about without giving away spoilers.

A set of brilliant quadruplets were the main characters in “The Invention.” Each one of them excelled in a different specialty, and they were now ready to come together and share their knowledge after all four of them had completed their PhD studies. I really liked the enthusiasm of these characters. They were so determined to use their knowledge and intelligence to change the world. With that being said, they were written in such a way that made them seem much younger than their actual ages. They were as impulsive as young teenagers at times for reasons I never understood. It would have been helpful to have an explanation for this whether it involved them being at least a decade younger than I assumed or their behavior being a side effect of their many gifts.

As someone who deeply dislikes setting my clock forward and back for Daylight Savings Time twice a year, I was immediately drawn to the idea of this having unforeseen consequences for Helena, the protagonist of “The Weird and Wicked Daylight Savings Mystery.” She was so shocked by what really happened when she moved her clock ahead one hour that I couldn’t wait to find out why her life changed so much between evening and morning. The explanation for that was interesting, but I do wish it had been explained in more detail. It felt rushed to me, especially once Helena began to dig deeply into why her memories of her old life so contradicted her new one.

Before you read any more of this paragraph, stop and savor the humor in a title like “The Hamster Who Outsmarted the Prankster God.” It’s a splendid foreshadowing of what is to come in this tale as a prankster god named Adeben met his match in the furriest and least likely of all foes. This was by far the best part of this collection. It was funny, unpredictable, and filled with twists that made me grin.

Beyond: A Short Story Anthology of the Paranormal should be read by anyone who enjoys short and delightfully odd science fiction.

In His Dreams by Annie Harland Creek

In His Dreams by Annie Harland Creek
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Genre: Historical, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Short story (134 pages)
Other: M/F
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Moonflower

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Fin Wyght’s nightmares are transformed into beautiful dreams with the sudden appearance of the lovely Serena, but, are they merely dreams, or a wicked temptation sent to drive him insane with jealousy?

In a world that could either be historical or alternate reality, Fin is trapped in a nightmare because of all the wars he has been involved in. Serena is a dreamcatcher and Fin’s pain calls to her. The only trouble is, Fin can see and touch her. Something that doesn’t usually happen!

This is a good, solid story about good vs. evil with Fin the pawn in the middle. Serena does the best she can, sometimes to her detriment, but both her world and his seem to be against them. The characters in this story are all believable, but the old woman was my favourite. The setting was perfect for this story and nothing seemed out of place or too modern. There are battles of different kinds being waged in this story and it makes for a great read as the pages almost turn themselves.

If you are looking for a fantasy romance, then I have no hesitation in recommending this quick read.

Chasing Cassandra by Lisa Kleypas

Chasing Cassandra by Lisa Kleypas
Publisher: Avon Books
Genre: Historical
Length: Full length (374 pages)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Xeranthemum

Everything has a price . . .

Railway magnate Tom Severin is wealthy and powerful enough to satisfy any desire as soon as it arises. Anything—or anyone—is his for the asking. It should be simple to find the perfect wife—and from his first glimpse of Lady Cassandra Ravenel, he’s determined to have her. But the beautiful and quick-witted Cassandra is equally determined to marry for love—the one thing he can’t give.

Everything except her . . .

Severin is the most compelling and attractive man Cassandra has ever met, even if his heart is frozen. But she has no interest in living in the fast-paced world of a ruthless man who always plays to win.

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Never underestimate a Ravenel.

The chase for Cassandra’s hand may be over. But the chase for her heart has only just begun . . .

At first, Tom, the hero, sounds like a stuffed and starched shirt – rigid, set in his ways and overly sure of himself. That is until he utters the most un-starched comment, “I’ll be your oyster.” In a very short amount of time, Ms. Kleypas provided me the measure of the man, so I’m well aware his statement is wholly out of character. That is also my ‘aha’ moment when I realize that the person doing the most growth, who is going to experience the most changes in circumstances and new awareness, is going to be Tom. My first thought after the first chapter? This, is going to be fun.

If you are a reader who likes to judge a book as readable based on the blurb, a word of caution – I do not agree with the ‘chase being over’, nor that about Cassandra’s heart. I saw the reason for the chase present itself in the first chapter, and even after he received her hand in matrimony, it continued but not quite as the blurb leads you to believe. I perceive it’s not the heroine’s heart but the hero’s. Tom has a dearth of feelings, but Cassandra has an overabundance which will prove to be the hero’s undoing. The results are eminently readable, enjoyable, entertaining and positively delightful. Bazzle’s character is the litmus test – the evidence that the heroine is reaching and thawing Tom’s frozen heart. The twists and turns of their unusual courtship is pure romantic entertainment and very well written.

As for the enemy, again the blurb makes it sound like there’s going to be danger, as in – there might be spies, skullduggery or serious and menacing peril. No one is out to kill anyone, thank goodness. There’s nothing dark or stressful about Chasing Cassandra for which I am grateful. The external conflict puts the heroine in jeopardy; that is true. However, the form it takes is something historical romance readers will appreciate and accept because they understand the gravity of the threat. A nail biting event does exist and it revolves around Bazzle. That scene is where I was truly worried because I’d come to care about his character. How it is resolved gives me great satisfaction, and even while I’m writing this review I am still remembering and appreciating Tom’s actions. He’s a wonderful hero.

Tom eventually seduced Cassandra. Although it was spicy and well written, it also makes me grin from ear to ear. Why? Because I think he was seduced right back, and it confused him. It messed with his will-ordered and efficient mind and I liked that effect. It made the hero approachable, likeable and worthy of the heroine. I especially enjoyed the moonlight waltz. There’s something to be said for shoes that don’t fit.

I was entertained by the contract that Tom and Cassandra came up with. I liked how the author used it to benefit her characters while at the same time giving readers a greater insight into the couple. His reference to ‘tablemats with holes’, and what he thought of fringe, made me giggle. It certainly had me liking him all the more.

Chasing Cassandra was a perfectly delightful read. I have been a bit stressed lately and I can honestly say that the world fell away once I got into the story. I was able to forget the seriousness of life and escape to love, happiness, hope, optimism and laughter. I was treated to a well-rounded happy ever after with characters I really liked. I can easily recommend this a great read.

The Cold Hearth by Garth Pettersen

The Cold Hearth by Garth Pettersen
Publisher: Tirgearr Publishing
Genre: Historical
Length: Full Length (300 pgs)
Rated: 5 stars
Reviewed by Rose

“The sons of Cnute are dead men.” The dying words of his brother’s assailant travel across the North Sea to the English Midlands.

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Now the threat of unknown enemies casts a long shadow. Should they distrust the brooding Saxon neighbor or the two weapon-bearers they hired for protection? Should they suspect either of the two women they have taken on with the other hirelings? Only their Jewish warrior friend, Ravya ben Naaman, seems to be the only one above suspicion.

Once again, Garth Pettersen has wowed me. I somehow missed the second book in the series (though I have already bought it and can hardly wait to dive into it), but I still enjoyed this book just as much as I did the first book.

Harald and Selia are now married and taking up residence in Mercia– far from the king’s court and, they hope, from the various intrigues and machinations that thrive in political turmoil. Unfortunately for them (and fortunately for us) things do not go as smoothly as they would like.

Once again, I love the characters – especially Harald, Selia, Ravya, and Erral. They are wonderfully complex and multi-dimensional. It’s interesting to see how they overcome their pasts and strive to become the people they want to be.

It’s obvious the author has done his research, and I really appreciate all the small things he does to flavor the story, the small tidbits of the daily life of the period and the scattering of foreign words (clearly explained by the context of the sentence).

The story is fast-paced with enough twists and turns to hold the reader’s attention. Wonderful job, Mr. Pettersen! I can hardly wait to read further adventures in The Atheling Chronicles.