Counterfeit Viscountess by Barbara Burke
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Genre: Historical, Romance
Rating: 5 stars
Reviewed by MistflowerPractical Caroline Saxon must travel to London for the season, when all she really wants is to stay in Ireland and breed horses. But a carriage accident leaves her unchaperoned at a posting inn.
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Attraction flares between the two in spite of themselves. But how will they save Caroline’s reputation and calm the storm of the ton’s gossip?
The romance between Caroline and Christopher was so sweet, I felt as if I had a sugar high and my face hurt from smiling too much. All their sweetness was mixed with members of the London ton who don’t do anything but gossip and speculate. The ton is very good at ripping people’s reputations to shreds, regardless if they are innocent or not. The ton was like eating a Bamboozle jelly bean which leaves a nasty taste in one’s mouth. However, the way Christopher handles the ton is like a refreshing sip of your favorite drink that rinses out the sour taste of the ton and restores the happy ‘in-love’ feeling. I was gushing over Caroline and Christopher’s love tale. They were well matched.
Counterfeit Viscountess is a fun read from beginning to end. I am tempted to read it again just because it made me happy. I felt it was well written, the characters were relatable, and the plot was unpredictable with several interesting plot twists. I can’t recall any hiccups that would typically take away from a reader’s enjoyment. I was swept away from reality for a few hours and I didn’t want to return when I finished the book.
I can easily recommend this romance book. Christopher is worthy of being added to my list of book boyfriends. I wouldn’t hesitate to put Counterfeit Viscountess on my keeper shelf. This novel is the epitome of a classic historical romance book.