Halloween Blogfest: Dianne Hartsock

Ghost Stories

Don’t you just love Halloween! All its creepy scariness and delicious spookiness, the ghouls, jack-o-lanterns, witches and ghosts? Oh, especially the ghosts! Nothing’s better than sitting around munching popcorn balls and candy corn, sipping cider and telling ghost stories.

Especially when the ghosts are real. These stories can make me shiver long after Halloween is over. My brother told us a story from the time he lived in Mexico that still fascinates me. He sold Time-Share condominiums there and was at a dinner party in the hills one evening with some potential clients.

Not having his car with him when the party broke up, he called a cab to take him home. It was dusk, the sun having set shortly before. The wind blew up. A storm was coming. The cabdriver picked him up outside the restaurant and they started down the winding, nearly deserted road back into town.

The cabdriver was friendly and they talked about nothing important. That is, until they passed a turn-off on the road and my brother looked back at the gravel driveway leading deeper into the trees.

“I took a young woman home on that road last spring,” the driver said suddenly.

“Did you?” my brother asked. The driver had sounded almost nervous.

“Yeah. It was a night like this, very stormy. I didn’t pass another car for miles, when suddenly I turned a bend and almost ran over the girl walking on the side of the road. I stopped and made sure she was okay. She said her car had broken down and she wanted to go home. I offered her a lift.”

The driver paused for several heart beats. “She didn’t talk as we drove except to give me directions. When we got to the house she said she didn’t have any money with her but if I waited she’d get some from her father to pay me. It was a very nice house so I thought they should have the money to pay.”

“The girl got out and went inside the house. I waited. And waited. After about ten minutes I began to wonder if she hadn’t told her father about me. Angry, I get out and pounded on their front door. A handsome man answered. When I told him that I had given his daughter a ride home and he needed to pay her fair, he gave me a very strange look. ‘What do you mean?’ he asked, getting angry himself.

“Your daughter owes me for the ride home.”

He beckoned me into the hallway and pointed to a picture of the girl on the wall.

“Yes, that’s her.” I tell him.

“Impossible. My daughter was struck by a car last year on the road and was killed.”

True story! My brother has this awed note in his voice when he tells it. Shiver! I’m getting a little creeped out writing this and have the terrible urge to look over my shoulder…but what if she’s standing there? Oh yikes!

Happy Halloween! To celebrate I’d like to give away an e-copy of any book on my backlist to a commenter who tells me what their favorite holiday tradition is.


Breathless Press: http://www.breathlesspress.com/

When it comes to the dark weavings of hoodoo magic, only a few can survive.


It’s started. Bodies have been found in the French Quarter, torn limb from limb. The undead have been seen walking. For Detective Matthew Rieves, this is the worst news he can imagine. Having spent his entire life in Orleans Parish, Matt’s no stranger to the bizarre. Though, despite the growing evidence, he still has a hard time believing in the occult. But when two hoodoo bokors vie for supremacy, it’s the innocent civilians that pay the price.

For Jesse Dalembert, he’d left New Orleans to sever his ties with hoodoo. But when a friend is brutally murdered by the bokor’s zombies, he returns, falling at once into danger and into Detective Rieves’s bed . With their lives on the line, their simmering attraction flares into a passion they can no longer deny.

Working against time, can the lovers find a way to stop the hoodoo war, or will they fall victim to the dark magic, maybe becoming zombies themselves?


After growing up in California and spending the first ten years of marriage in Colorado, Dianne now live in the beautiful Willamette Valley of Oregon with her incredibly patient husband, who puts up with the endless hours she spends hunched over the keyboard letting her characters play.

She says Oregon’s raindrops are the perfect setting in which to write. There’s something about being cooped up in the house while it pours rain outside, a fire crackles on the hearth inside, and a cup of hot coffee warms her hands which kindles her imagination.

Currently, Dianne works as a floral designer in a locally-owned gift shop. Which is the perfect job for her. When not writing, she can express herself through the rich colors and textures of flowers and foliage.

Blog: http://diannehartsock.wordpress.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/diannehartsock
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/diannehartsock
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/4707011-dianne-hartsock
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Dianne-Hartsock/e/B005106SYQ/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1361897239&sr=8-1

Halloween Blogfest: Jocelyn Dex

Who doesn’t love Halloween? It’s a night where adults get to act like kids, dress up like zombies, hookers, demons or deranged bunnies (whatever – ha) and eat candy. Okay, I guess adults could do that any night of the year, but Halloween is probably the most acceptable night to do so in public.

Sempire Seductions, my erotic paranormal romance series, doesn’t revolve around Halloween and there aren’t any deranged bunnies in it but the series does revolve around different types of demons. Hot, sexy demons – some good, some evil, some in between.

I’m thinking if Valia, the heroine of book 2 in the series, went trick-or-treating, her favorite candy to receive would be a pineapple sucker. Yeah, I know, that wouldn’t do it for me either, but it would work for her. What would her costume be? Hmmm. I can totally see her dressing up as a harem girl. Rydin, the hero, would favor something deep, rich and chocolaty and he probably wouldn’t agree to dress up unless Valia used her wiles to convince him. Then, I could totally see him dressing up as Conan the Barbarian.

Me? Well, I love the mini Mr. Goodbars. Yummy! And I’ve dressed up as a cat, a witch, a prisoner and a hobo. One year, I’d like to dress up as a belly dancer. I even have the costume, but I’ve never had the guts to wear it. Maybe this year will be the year.

So, what is your favorite Halloween candy and what is your favorite costume to wear? Let me know in the comments and you’ll have a chance to win a $15 Bitch Face Cosmetics gift card!

valiasvillan_msrValia’s Villain Blurb

When Valia approaches the Ferox demon, hoping for scorching sex and a feed, she doesn’t expect to be handcuffed, transported to the demon realm, accused of dirty deeds she has no memory of committing and held captive for three days. Even though she believes her captor to be crazy, she feels a connection to him she’s felt with no one else.

When Rydin senses the Sempire who locked him up, fed on him and used him as a sex slave many years ago, he knows his wait for revenge is finally over. Burning with the need to punish her, he imprisons her in the demon realm, where she is at his mercy, but as much as he tries to ignore it, a connection sparks between them every time they touch.


Jocelyn was born in Iowa and currently resides in hot-as-hell Texas. She shares her home with her very own 6’4″ alpha male and varying numbers of spoiled cats and dogs. Teaching one of her dogs to file his nails is one of her all-time favorite accomplishments.

She thinks dragonflies are awesome, spiders are creepy and it’s rumored that she sleeps with a machete by her bed in case zombies attack in the middle of the night. Jocelyn loves to paint, loves to read, and loves to write sizzling erotic romance about yummy demons that would make your momma blush.

Here’s where you can find Jocelyn on the web

Website * Facebook * Twitter * Blog  * Goodreads


Here’s where you can buy Valia’s Villain

Ellora’s Cave  * Also available on Amazon & B&N


Halloween Blogfest: Nicki Greenwood

The Hard-Working Harvest

In a temperate zone, autumn is the season where Mother Nature puts on her annual fireworks show of red, yellow, orange, and apples aplenty, but did you know it doesn’t have to be bedtime for your gardens?

In autumn, a flower garden full of native plants can be especially crucial to butterflies and migratory birds. Fall-blooming flowers like mums and sedum are great sources of nectar, while the seed heads of many ornamental grasses, and the berries of native shrubs, can be left standing through the winter as an important food source for birds. (They also look nice, architecturally, against that oncoming and relentless blanket of snow!) Butterflies like the monarch are losing habitat fast, and your flower garden may be the way station that helps them survive. Check out your library or local gardening club for a list of plants to pack your garden with year-round beauty and usefulness.

A vegetable garden can also work hard through the autumn, and even in winter. The length of daylight is what determines a growing season, not just the temperature. A cold frame can help you trap warmth for your plants, like a miniature greenhouse. The frame is simply a wooden box with a glass or clear plastic insert to let in light. Plans abound on the Internet for serviceable cold frames, and they don’t have to be fancy to work. The frame can be set right over your garden bed, facing south to allow for optimal sun exposure. Even a dusting of frost or snow will not harm the plants growing inside. Just brush it off, open the frame, and quickly snip your veggies for the day! As to what plants you can grow in your cold frame, there are many possibilities, from carrots to radishes to spinach and beyond. The harvest doesn’t have to end in autumn, and you can enjoy fresh, home-grown produce long after the leaves are off the trees.

Want to learn more? Grab a gardener friend, or check out the endless array of Websites on cold frame and all-season gardening. All-season gardeners love to share their knowledge, and you may find yourself with a slew of new friends who enjoy sharing their “harvest after the harvest” with you. Happy Autumn!

Win a Williams-Sonoma eGift Card!

To help you cook your autumn harvest into something wonderful, Nicki is offering a $10 Williams-Sonoma eGift card to one lucky commenter on this blog! The prize will be emailed to the poster, so please be sure to include your email address in your blog comment. This eGift card can be redeemed at any Williams-Sonoma store, online, or by phone. Nicki will announce the winner on her website, and in a follow-up comment on this blog post. What a yummy way to spend your autumn!

The Serpent in the Stone - Nicki GreenwoodAbout Nicki Greenwood

Nicki Greenwood graduated SUNY Morrisville with a degree in Natural Resources. She found her passion in writing stories of romantic adventure, and combines that with her love of the environment. Her works have won several awards, including the Rebecca Eddy Memorial Contest. Her first book, EARTH, debuted in 2010 through The Wild Rose Press.

Nicki lives in upstate New York with her husband, son, and assorted pets. When she’s not writing, she enjoys the arts, gardening, interior decorating, and trips to the local Renaissance Faire. Look for Nicki’s newest book, THE SERPENT IN THE STONE, released this summer by The Wild Rose Press.

Visit Nicki at: http://www.nickigreenwood.com/
Email Nicki at: nicki@nickigreenwood.com
Find Nicki’s books at The Wild Rose Press

Halloween Blogfest: Eve Dew Crook

An Autumn Memory
by Eve Dew Crook
Out to drink in the glorious autumn colors, find Indian corn, pick a pumpkin, breathe in the scent of burning leaves, and simply enjoy our favorite season, my husband and I drove around the lovely Finger Lakes in New York State. We passed roadside stands piled high with pumpkins and gourds in brilliant orange and green. Nearby, a road sign pointed to the village of Wilawana.

The name intrigued me. My mind wandered as I gazed at the scenery flashing by.

I couldn’t leave that name alone. It tickled my tongue and teased me into writing a poem.

An Indian doll I had seen in a folk museum flicked into memory, offering inspiration.

Lines Dreamed up on Passing a Road Sign
for Wilawana on Lake Cayuta in Autumn

By the shores of Lake Cayuta
Lived the princess Wilawana,
Daughter of the chief Sebago,
Harvester of herbs and manna.

Fair she was with ebon tresses,
Eyes as gentle as a doe.
Beads and fringe adorned her dresses,
Buckskin mocs wrapped heel and toe.

All the braves adored the princess,
Sighed as she would come and go,
Still, when one asked, “Wilawana?”
Her reply was always “No.”

Till one day a handsome hunter,
Mohawk from another tribe,
Cornered her inside the teepee,
Offered her blue beads as bribe,

Laid her gently on a blanket,
Ran his tongue across her lips.
All she said was, “Wilawana”
And flung her legs around his hips.

Now she walks around the village
Firmly tied to her papoose,
While Chief Sebago sighs and mutters,
“I was wrong to let her loose.”

Squaw dislikes her husband’s moaning
Answers loudly, full of verve,
“To name a daughter Wilawana
Gives you just what you deserve.”

Fantasy or romance? A bit of each, perhaps…but whenever I sniff the first delicious tang of autumn (and it’s a long wait in southern Arizona), it forever after invites me to a vision of icy lakes, riotous colors hypnotizing the senses, crackling leaves, and my own special, alluring Indian Princess.


TakingTheTumble_w7281_750Leave a comment for a chance to win an e-book of TAKING THE TUMBLE

About the Author: I love to travel—have visited all 50 states and 21 countries to collect super memories and great backgrounds for my stories. Favorite pursuits are reading, including long walks listening to talking books, writing (from a play about fairies and brownies in second grade through all my life—stories, novels, plays, poems and limericks), and gourmet cooking when I can find time (I’ve an herb garden with rosemary, thyme, basil, oregano, and parsley). I’m married to an artist, have a photographer son, and now live in the Southwest. I’ve been a newspaper editor, a college professor, taught journalism and sci-fi, but love writing romantic suspense best of all. My first romantic suspense novel is TAKING THE TUMBLE.

Website: http://evedewcrook.com
Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Eve-Dew-Crook/538285129570527
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EveDewCrook

Buy the book at Amazon or The Wild Rose Press.

Halloween Blogfest: Cate Masters

Living with ghosts

Ghost walks are such fun! I’ve been on a few, in New York City and in Gettysburg, and the blend of history and spookiness makes for an unusual night. Even better if a spirit makes an appearance!

So far, the closest encounter I’ve had is with orbs. Plenty showed up in photographs along the Gettysburg walk. But a few loved ones who’ve passed on have returned in dreams, both for me and for my family. I always love to see them. It’s like being able to visit for awhile, though I miss them even more afterward.

My daughter’s boyfriend, Justin Jones (not his real name) had one of the most unusual dreams I’ve ever heard. While my daughter was helping Justin renovate the house he’d bought, built by his great grandfather James, sometimes cabinet doors would open by themselves, and they’d hear noises in the other room. It always gave my daughter the chills.

One night, Justin dreamt an old man sat on his bed and awakened him to ask, “Who are you?” Justin gave his name, and asked, “Who are you?” The old man said, “James Jones.” Justin’s great grandfather!

James asked, “What are you doing here?” and Justin replied, “I live here.” His great grandfather nodded, and said, “I’ll tell her to leave you alone then.”

When Justin told his parents about the dream, they revealed that James had had a younger sister who died as a girl. True to James’ word, no more cabinet doors opened, no more sounds from the next room. Now that gave me the chills when I heard it! I bet James and his younger sister are still there, though. Just more accepting of the new tenant. 🙂

Have you ever lived with a ghost? Or dreamed of a loved one who’d passed on?


One commenter will win an ebook of my fantasy time travel, Cinderella Dreams!

CM_Cinderella Dreams_MDNo one should live a life filled with regret. Once a successful wedding photographer, Genevieve Fuller’s life changed the day her ex-boyfriend wed someone else. Heartbroken for decades, she realizes too late who she truly loved and makes one desperate call to Madame Evangeline. She risks everything to right the wrongs of her past, which she hopes will heal her broken heart. Can Gen alter the course of her own future to include the Cinderella happy ending she should have had the first time?

Available from Decadent Publishing

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Cinderella-Dreams-1Night-Series-ebook/dp/B00E4RH9WC/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1374687682&sr=1-1&keywords=cinderella+dreams+cate+masters

View the book video: http://youtu.be/eq3qLLPceYc

Cate Masters has made beautiful central Pennsylvania her home, but she’ll always be a Jersey girl at heart. When not spending time with her dear hubby, she can be found in her lair, concocting a magical brew of contemporary, historical, and fantasy/paranormal stories with her cat Chairman Maiow and dog Lily as company. Look for her at http://catemasters.blogspot.com and in strange nooks and far-flung corners of the web.
Cate loves to hear from readers! Email her at: cate.masters@gmail.com

Catch up to Cate   Blog     Facebook     Goodreads   Amazon

Halloween Blogfest: Nancy Adams

Groaning Ghosts
Ghosts are scary! Not laundry scary, but still pretty damn scary. I also find them utterly fascinating. I love that thrill of hearing ghostly tales, it gets my adrenalin pumping and I always feel the need to look over my shoulder.

There was only one time that I wanted nothing to do with the ghostly realm and that was when my family decided to move from Toronto to Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. That alone was scary, especially for a city girl, but we moved us into a house whose original owners had passed away in the house…both in the master bedroom! YIKES!

Of course, we didn’t learn of that until we spoke to some locals, though by that point we knew something wasn’t right. We had already heard thumps coming from my parents’ room when we were all downstairs and the tap in the kitchen would turn on by itself.


By far, the spookiest event happened when I was living in the house by myself.

After a day of work, I went home and while making dinner I heard a couple of loud thumps. I brushed it off as the traditional groans of an old house. Later, I was watching a bit of TV and my little yapper, Peppy, walked to the bottom of the stairs just off the living room and looked up like there was someone there. I took a quick look and saw nothing then went back to my show, chalking it up the odd behaviour to bad eyesight as she was getting on in years.

By eleven o’clock, I was ready for bed. I completed my nightly ritual, and then headed up stairs. My German shepherd, Sarah, zoomed up in front of me, while Peppy followed behind. When I reached, the top Sarah was just sitting at the top standing next to my bedroom door. She just sat there, ears perked up, staring past me down the hall. When Peppy finally joined us, she stopped in her tracks next to Sarah, and stared at the same spot. I encouraged them to follow, but neither budged. I even tried grabbing Sarah’s collar but she put on the brakes and then ducked into my room making herself at home on my bed.

I didn’t make a big deal of the creepy feeling I suddenly had and carried on my way. By the time I reached my parents’ room, I had goose bumps on my arms and that creepy feeling, like that some…thing…one, was watching from inside the room. I didn’t see anything threatening, but I did get the feeling that I wasn’t wanted, so I got out of there…fast. I very quickly walked back to my room, closed the door, got into bed and pulled up the covers. Because everyone knows, your covers protect you from ghost. *queue eye roll*

The next morning, the door to my parents’ room was closed. I certainly didn’t close it; there was no way I was reaching in that room to pull a door closed. At the time, I wondered who did; I also wondered what the heck went on in there. Really? All this paranormal activity was happening in a bedroom. What else went on in there! Knitting classes. Sheesh!

It did leave me wondering if desire and love followed us into death. And after what I experienced, I’m going to say…Hell yeah it does.

Now that I write erotic romance, my mind goes into over-drive with the kinky possibilities. What could two ghosts or souls, get up to without having bodies to do it in? A little multiple action? Maybe they had their silk scarves and paddles ready to go. Or, maybe, they were simple folk who wanted to get down and dirty with the classic cowgirl? The possibilities are endless. Maybe the better question should be what couldn’t they do!

Those lucky ghosts.

Whichever is the case, years later I used the events of that night and the layout of that house in helping me write my new paranormal erotic romance, The Soul Within. Guess that means I’m indebted to frisky, ghosts…?

Leave a comment for a chance to win an e-copy of the The Soul Within and $10 GC to TEB or Amazon.com

About the Author:

Besides her addiction to trash novels and bed linens, Nancy has been known to spontaneously rearrange furniture and stay up to the wee hours of the morning reading. Writing is a new passion for Nancy, which began in 2008 with ‘hobby’ writing courses, while her husband was deployed.

Nancy’s favorite genre…is anything romance related, although she does enjoy a good laugh. As for her own novels, she demands three elements, intrigue, humor and a good dose of naughty scenes. So, it wasn’t much of a surprised when the world of erotic romance pulled her in.br>
Her other hobbies include, walking the dogs, running, and painting (not on canvas…the house). Nancy lives in Eastern Ontario with her family and two furry beasts.


Halloween Blogfest: Charity Parkerson

Halloween Time Memories
Hi, I am Charity Parkerson and I am the author of 19 books including 11 Amazon best-sellers. I am also co-host of The Melissa Craig and Charity Parkerson show. If you’d like to check out any of those, you can read about them here: http://www.charityparkerson.com/ and I have a blog http://charity-thesinners.blogspot.com/ but I thought we’d have some fun today.

October is my favorite month, and I thought it might be fun to share a memory from our childhood (or adulthood) about Halloween. There are no rules. It can be funny or sweet, doesn’t matter. As an extra incentive, I will be giving away a $5.00 Amazon gift card to one randomly drawn commenter along with a few Smashwords coupons for some of my books. Don’t forget to add your email address to your comment so I’ll know where to find you.

I will kick things off…

When I was young we lived way out in the woods. There were a total of 4 houses within walking distance, we knew everyone who lived in those houses, and 3 of them were relatives. Each year, my sister and I would dress up in our (usually homemade costumes), get our pillowcases, and walk to all 4 houses. Our first stop would always be my Aunt Effie’s house. Now Aunt Effie was easily 100 years old, and seeing us in our costumes was always the highlight of her year. Each year she made a special batch of cornbread for us. We would knock on her door, and yell Trick-or-Trick then she would scoop out the cornbread and dump it in our bags NO ZIPLOC OR ANYTHING!! This is why we went there first! We would smile and say our thanks, before running down the road, and shaking our bags out in the ditch before moving on to the candy. 🙂

As awful as that sounds, it made her happy to give us that cornbread and it made up happy to see her excited so it worked out for everyone. Now it’s your turn, what is your favorite Halloween memory?

Oh, and I’d love for you guys to join me on Twitter @charityparkerso and on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/authorCharityParkerson

About the Author:

Charity Parkerson was born in Tennessee, where she still lives with her husband and two sons. She is the author of several books including six Amazon bestsellers. You can like her at Facebook.com/authorCharityParkerson. Be sure to visit her at www.charityparkerson.com and you can read her blog at http://charity-thesinners.blogspot.com

Her “Sinners series” was voted one of the top ten best books by an Indie author in 2011- Paranormal Romance Reads

She is a member of The Paranormal Romance Guild, is a Goodreads moderator, a member of Coffee Time Romance, a member of Long and Short Romance Reviews, and is a Library Thing author.

She won author of the week in August of 2011, and is a three-time winner of The Mistress of the Darkpath writing contest.

You can follow her on Twitter @CharityParkerso

Halloween Blogfest: Terry Spear

Where the Horses Run Wild, a True Ghostly Tale by Terry Spear

When I was young, I devoured every ghost story I could, but I’d never come across any real ones. They were strictly fantasy. After the story I tell here, I’ve had a couple of more experiences, but today, I wanted to share my first!

Have you ever encountered a ghost in your wanderings? I have…but the first one wasn’t the usual human type spirit.

On a frigid night, I was sleeping with my Army ROTC cadets from West Texas A & M on the rocky ground in Palo Duro Canyon. But not really sleeping.

The lumpy, rocky ground, the cold, the sounds in the night, the breeze stirring over the cliffs, the thought that rattlesnakes, or tarantulas, or scorpions seeking heat would find their way into my sleeping bag—all kept me awake. I stared at the sky that stretched forever. The Texas sky does, you know. In other places, mountains and trees and buildings might break up the sky, but not out there. Not in the vast wilderness that was the Panhandle of Texas.

The stars sparkled across the dark sky like jewels twinkling in the night. And I was frustrated with myself for not being able to sleep, knowing we had to run up and down the hills in the morning to search for clues on an orienteering course.

Sometime during that night, I finally drifted off, but then heard the sound of horses running, stampeding in our direction. They snorted and whinnied and the sound was frightening.

I recalled deer running through our friends’ tent when we camped off an island in our boat in a lake in California when I was a kid. They don’t go around, I thought. The horses will run straight through us and trample us to death. I tried to wake my sister who was sleeping in a bag next to me. She grumbled at me to leave her alone, and I watched the others in the dark. No one heard the noise but me.

I lay back down, hoping that the horses would skirt around us. I realized the pounding of hooves didn’t shake the ground like it should have. Maybe they were too far away. And then, they moved off in the distance, fading until they were gone. I lay awake for a long time, unable to get over how close we could have been to being trampled, fearing their return. That they’d switch back and come this way again.

Finally, I was able to sleep and before I knew it, we were sitting at a campfire, cold, achy, eating breakfast. I asked about the wild horses. Our cadre said there could be. Sure. But no one had heard anything last night.

Years later, I wanted to write about the wild horses for a magazine, only when I began to research them, I learned others had heard the ghost ponies in the dead of the night. I sat slack-jawed reading the accounts. Ghost ponies? For years, I had believed they were real. The sound of their running, snorts, whinnies were real. It happened.

But they were whispers of the past–of soldiers running Indian ponies off the cliffs in an attempt to keep the gathered tribes from fighting back. Without their horses, the tribes could no longer be mobile. They could no longer mount any campaigns.

The horses were terrified and were driven to their deaths. And now, they live in the canyon forever, a memory of past deeds, a remembrance of their past life.

Leave a comment to win a print copy of SAVAGE HUNGER.US/Canada Addresses Only.

About the Author

USA Today bestselling and an award-winning author of urban fantasy and medieval romantic suspense, Terry Spear also writes true stories for adult and young adult audiences. She’s a retired lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves and has an MBA from Monmouth University. She also creates award-winning teddy bears, Wilde and Woolly Bears, that are personalized that have found homes all over the world. When she’s not writing or making bears, she’s teaching online writing courses or gardening. Her family has roots in the Highlands of Scotland where her love of all things Scottish came into being. Originally from California, she’s lived in eight states and now resides in the heart of Texas. She is the author of the Heart of the Wolf series and the Heart of the Jaguar series, plus numerous other paranormal romance and historical romance novels.

For more information, please visit www.terryspear.com, or follow her on Twitter, @TerrySpear. She is also on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/terry.spear and blog: http://terry-spear.blogspot.com

Halloween Blogfest: Angel Payne

The Sexiest Part of Autumn is Wrapped in Fatigues and Honor
Angel Payne
Darker nights with chimney smoke in the air. Starbucks pumpkin lattes. A huge selection of naughty costume stuff at Party City. The return of “Vampire Diaries.”

There are lots of reasons to embrace Autumn as a sexy season, even for a die-hard Summer-Lover like yours truly. (Hey, I live in Southern California. You can’t walk on Huntington Beach in the middle of August and NOT like Summer, if you know what I mean!)

But the best and sexiest fall season date is 11-11. You got it. Veterans Day.

Woodrow Wilson declared the first Armistice Day on November 11, 1919, with the purpose to “be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory…” In 1954, the name of the holiday was changed to Veterans Day, so as to make us all remember what kind of sacrifices have been made for the freedoms we enjoy.

I have to be honest: before this year, I walked through the world with a pretty blasé attitude about this holiday. But as I ramped up the background research for Mark Moore, my hero in Permanent Marker, then did some prelim notes for a future book featuring a Navy SEAL, I constantly realized how deep in the sand my head was really stuck. I was floored, humbled and moved to tears by the things our servicemen and women give up on a daily basis just so we can have the amazing things we take for granted in our lives. Yeah, things like those Starbucks lattes, those sexy fishnets, even the books I have the freedom and the opportunity to write.

But there are the other things they give up, too. The really hard stuff. Nightly hugs from their kids. The very birth of their kids. Waking up to a kiss from their lover. Being able to even touch their lover. Birthday parties. Weddings. Funerals. Holidays. Dates that can never be replaced. Memories they’ll never have.

To keep OUR lives safe. To protect and to serve ALL of us.

You can’t do sexy better than that.

This November 11th, let’s all try to give a little sexy back. Thank your local veteran. I don’t care what war they served in, or to what capacity, or whether they’re male or female. Buy them that pumpkin latte. Hell, if you’re an exhibitionist like me, give ‘em a peek at those fishnets.

To find out more about a great project benefiting our valued veterans, click here: http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org.

Leave a comment for a chance to win the choice of a $25 gift certificate to Amazon, Bed/Bath/Beyond or (my favorite!) myhotshoes.com.
