The Small Stuff by Paul Davidson

The Small Stuff by Paul Davidson
Publisher: Hadleigh House Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Romance
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

Josh Allen always dreamed of finding his soulmate, only to be told it wasn’t ever going to happen. Maggie Mills found who she thought was hers, only for the relationship to end in disaster. Now, the two are struggling to make their way in the City of Angels, with zero faith they’ll ever find that one true love. Fortunately, the universe has other plans, as Josh and Maggie will soon discover.

Meet the village of people around them: family, friends, local auto body clerks, homeless journeymen, famous chefs, and nighttime talk show hosts-people whose small, insignificant decisions in life are the reason why Josh and Maggie will finally meet once and for all. But when the two realize they’ve been unknowingly crossing paths all their lives, their small love story takes on even bigger significance.

A romantic comedy for the new millennium, The Small Stuff asks the ultimate question: What if the reason we find the love of our life isn’t due to fate or chance or plain dumb luck-but because of the decisions everyone around us ends up making?

What if the decisions around us are what shape us, not our own choices?

Paul Davidson asks an interesting question in this book. What if we’re shaped by our surroundings and other choices besides 0ur own? It makes sense that it would happen.

This is a book of people. Sounds strange to say that, right? It sort of is, but this book reminds me of the saying it takes a village…and in this case, the village is well represented.

This story is written in an easy fashion and goes along at a great clip. There are a lot of characters, so it’s sometimes a bit difficult to keep everyone straight. I did have a hard time identifying with Maggie and Josh because they seemed a bit flat as characters. I wanted to root for them and I did want to know what would happen, but sometimes I wish I’d have connected with them more.

The Small Stuff was enjoyable and quick. It’s nice for an afternoon or weekend read. The message of love and soulmates shines through. It’s a good read. Why not try it?