The Theme’s the Thing ~ Keeping It Blue with @MeganSlayer #writing #themes #authorthemes

When I started writing, I was told I needed a theme. Not just a general idea for what I wanted my author overall image to be, but a theme. I know, sounds confusing, doesn’t it? A very wise friend told me as I was setting out, I needed to have something that said, this is Megan Slayer every time someone saw it. Why’d she question my theme? Because back then I had a picture of racing on my blog. The photo was right at the top and to the right. It totally went with my passion, but had only a little to do with my writing because at the time, I’d only written two stories and neither had racing in them. So I set out to create a theme.

I had a few fits and stalls along the way. I knew what I wanted to write–second chance romance. A lot of authors write that. So what made mine different? Back when I started, the heat level was the thing, too. The hotter the better. But heat levels then and now are totally different. What was HAWT back then is hot now. What was ‘oh-my-gosh-scorching-the-page-gonna-melt-the-screen’ hot is now HAWT. Back then, there was dark erotic romance, but not as prevalent as now. So my initial theme of HAWT second chance romance is still viable, but the heat isn’t as hot as I once thought.

I’m still all about my second chance romance. I’ve always had a soft spot for characters who had a rough start in life or whose initial romance didn’t quite work. I want them to have happy endings. Sometimes it’s with the same people and most of the time with new people. When you pick up one of my stories, there will be a second chance romance in it.

But I’ve got another theme I hadn’t planned on. Pretty much from the start of my career as an author, I’ve had blue hair. Why? I wanted something fun to do with my hair and it covered the grays nicely. Plus…it was fun. Still is, to be honest. It’s been brighter at times and more muted at others, but it’s always been blue. Okay, there was that one patch where I had it red for a while… And you know what? People didn’t like it. They wanted the blue back. Craziness, right? Not really. They identified me with the blue hair. That’s you, they’d tell me. When I think of you, I think of Blue. Pretty nice, eh? I love it.

I had thought about a logo, but I’m not sold on one and how do you make a logo concerning blue or second chance romance? I’m not sure.

But I’ll keep plugging along. I’ll stick with the blue hair and the second chance romances. Why? They make my heart happy. The characters demand their happy ending and I’m not going to argue with them. If people think of me and think blue, then that’s great with me, too. I like to have fun. What about you? How do you see me?

We Belong Together by Megan Slayer 

Super Novel


M/M, M/F, M/M/F, M/F/M, Menage, Anal Sex, Voyeurism

From Pride Publishing

Art by Posh Gosh


When the broken road leads you home, we will find each other.

Dare Evans left the small town of Kenton for the bright lights of Hollywood. The moment he climbed on the plane, he missed his college sweetheart. Coming home was always in the cards and a chance sighting is the catalyst he needs. But he’s not alone.

Liam Turner never thought he’d find love so soon after his divorce, but then came Dare. He’s in love and the happiest of his life—but he’s a secret. Dare, the hottest man in the movies, isn’t supposed to be married and certainly not to Liam. Liam’s learned to live with the charade because he knows Dare’s heart…that is until he finds out about Sarah.

Sarah Morrison wants nothing more than to teach at the college, raise her son and live her life. Celebrity was never in her cards. Then Dare and Liam walked back into Kenton. She never forgot Dare…or as she knew him, Daryl. He’s been the only one for her. When she meets Liam, her thoughts change. What if Liam could be the one? What if both men could be? Is she strong enough to withstand the bright lights of fame intruding on her existence?

Can these three people find a way to be together when the rest of the world says they should be apart? When the past joins the present to make a future, love is possible.

Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of ménage featuring m/m/f and m/f/m pairings, voyeurism. This book also contains scenes of murder, references to abuse, rape, stalking.

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~ ~ ~ ~

Megan Slayer, aka Wendi Zwaduk, is a multi-published, award-winning author of more than one-hundred short stories and novels. She’s been writing since 2008 and published since 2009. Her stories range from the contemporary and paranormal to LGBTQ and BDSM themes. No matter what the length, her works are always hot, but with a lot of heart. She enjoys giving her characters a second chance at love, no matter what the form. She’s been the runner up in the Kink Category at Love Romances Café as well as nominated at the LRC for best author, best contemporary, best ménage and best anthology. Her books have made it to the bestseller lists on

When she’s not writing, Megan spends time with her husband and son as well as three dogs and three cats. She enjoys art, music and racing, but football is her sport of choice. Find out more about Megan and Wendi at: Sign up for the newsletter here: 

Website, Blog, Fan Page, Amazon Author Page, Bookbub, Instagram, Goodreads, and Twitter

Top Five Books That Influenced Me As An Author by Tere Michaels

Long and Short Reviews welcomes Tere Michaels who is celebrating the recent release of The Heir Apparent.

Top Five Books That Influenced Me As An Author
I was an early reader – thank you Sesame Street! – and very soon after that, my author brain started to form. I wanted to read everything and I wanted to write my own stories as well. The action of scribbling stories on the back of school worksheets to “maybe I’ll be published one day” was a years long process. Baby writer me wanted to “sound” like my favorite authors. I wanted to be them. Figuring out who I was as a writer took time.

Fortunately, in my mad dash to read every book ever (or at least that’s what it felt like), I found these five books, which shaped my voice and freed me to be myself. That lightning bolt of – wait! You can sound like this? Write stories like this!? It was like a door flew open.

So thank you to all the authors on this list!!

1. The Wild Swan by Celeste De Blasis: I can’t remember why I picked up this book but once I did, that was it. The series became almost a fandom level experience for me. These books taught me world building in a very specific way – the world needs to be seen through the characters, not just a list of researched terms. There is an emotional connection between a person’s surroundings and their decision-making, and that level added to your story makes a huge impact. (Also the sprawling cast of characters – I mean, ha. I teach a class called “It Takes a Village” about supporting characters and um, guilty.)

2. Palomino by Danielle Steele: Okay, I read A LOT of Danielle Steele. She made me cry in a thousand different ways over the years – heck, there are moments still tattooed in my brain. Let’s talk about the final scene in “The Ring.” Let’s talk about the Valentine’s Day party in “Fine Things.” Let’s talk the goodbye scene in “Wanderlust.” You get my point! Anyway, Palomino was my first DS, picked up at a garage sale for a quarter. Oh I was hooked! But years later, I realized what Palomino unleashed for me as a writer. In the end, Samantha and Tate’s lives are changed by love – but she isn’t miraculously cured. They get what they wanted but without the promised packaging. A happy ending doesn’t mean everything is perfect! That felt so real to me and it’s absolutely influenced my writing.

3. Lightning by Dean Koontz: This book absolutely knocked me sideways because it was mixed genres with a very specific voice. Romance! Time Travel! Action! Humor! The dialogue felt like real people talking. If I had to pick any book that influenced my Vigilante Series, this would be it. Mixing tropes, weaving together genres, presenting real people in extraordinary circumstances – and highlighting their “um what?” as they experience it… This book felt like permission to go be free and not be afraid to play with all the things I love when I write a story.

4. Ordinary People by Judith Guest: We read this one in high school. This is one of the books that very clearly taught me that sometimes the most devastating emotional moments are QUIET. Or heck, even silent. That big drama is occasionally subtle. That not every terrible thing is loud and violent. To me, this story of a dysfunctional family reads almost like horror – the hair on your arms will stand up even as every moment is so.damn.civilized.

5. Maurice by E.M. Forrester: A gay romance before there was any such thing. Such a beautiful piece of writing from an amazing author (A Room With A View is one of my favorite books), but the true magic of this book is the palpable taste of emotion in every line. It reminds me to slow down, to think about a person’s inner life when I write. To forget easy explanations. To remind myself we are always unreliable narrators to our own lives! “This is the way it is and always will be” isn’t reality, even as we (and our characters!) truly believe it!

The Heir Apparent is my current (re)release. It takes place in the world of the uber-rich, where “one day all this will be yours” is a heavy burden! Henry – heir to a huge fortune – longs to be enough for his demanding father. He balances his work with a secret – a quiet affair with his childhood best friend and currently his chauffer, Archie Banks. But time is running out on their arrangement as Archie prepares to move on. When a terrible act of violence upends their world, Henry and Archie must make serious decisions on how to put their lives together.

The heir apparent to a vast international company, Henry Walker has focused his entire life on pleasing his cold and distant father, a futile effort that’s left him no time for life, love, or making his own decisions. He has just one friend—one dirty little secret—Archie Banks. Raised on the Walker estate alongside Henry, Archie is now Henry’s driver, bodyguard… and occasional lover. Archie is loyal, but he’s about to graduate from college and has plans for his life that don’t include living every moment at the beck and call of Henry’s father. Not even for Henry.

With no warning, a shocking kidnapping leads to tragedy and chaos, thrusting Henry and Archie into a dramatic struggle that threatens them individually and as a couple. Can they find a way to heal the hurt of the past, save the company that is Henry’s birthright, and find a future together?

1st Edition Published by Loose Id, February 2013

About the Author:


Tere Michaels writes happily ever afters in the big city – with heaps of snark, angst and humor. Her focus is on characters and all the ridiculous ways they trip through life and love. She has written fifteen books including her popular Faith, Love & Devotion series and the superhero saga, The Vigilante.

She is a member of RWA and Liberty States Fiction Writers.

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Buy the book at Dreamspinner, Amazon, Google Play, or Kobo.

Biting Love and Halloween Fun with @MeganSlayer

I love writing vampire stories and the season of Halloween. I’m not fond of gore and blood. I faint at the sight of my own blood. I know…it’s not fun. And I love to write vampires?

By Book Illustrator Charles F. Lester (The Project Gutenberg Etext.) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

 Don’t they drink blood and aren’t they a tad gory? They can be. I love the mean, scary vampires. Nosferatu and Dracula are favorites. I’m not wild about pretty vampires. Now let me clarify this. I want vampires that are alluring. The kind that draw you in only to bite the crap out of you. The ones who look sexy, but are scary as heck and will kill you. Those are my kind.

One thing I’ve struggled with when writing my vampires is the alluring factor. You might ask why or you may see the conundrum. I write romance. How can a vampire be romantic and still want to rip out your throat? Isn’t that an odd pairing? It is. Here’s the thing: vampires have to be alluring. They’re the undead. If you saw someone strolling up to you who has half of his face falling off and smells like death…you might not want to offer your blood up to him. He’s essentially a zombie. The walking dead. This is one of the genesis stories for vampires – they’re really zombies who don’t eat brains, but rather drink the life blood from living beings. Okay, so zombies on the whole might not be terribly sexy. So what’s a vampire to do to be alluring? Be sexy. That’s why vampires got the Dracula, handsome, but deranged count overlay. He’s handsome. His minions are pretty. Or her minions. One might be more attracted to a guy with money, nice clothes and something that draws you to him.

So that’s how I want to write my vampires. They can kill you, but they’re still handsome and sexy. They’re still something attractive, but they can turn on a dime.

By Joergsam (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

When I wrote Biting Love, I wanted Anson, my vampire, to be attractive. He’s got to win the trust of Parker. How can he do that if he opens with the line, I can and will kill you? Um, probably won’t work. Grin. So  he has to be charming. Has to be protective. I loved writing Anson and Parker because they’re very opposite, too. Anson is dark, kind of scary and sexy. Parker is a geeky kind of guy. They might not have run in the same circles to begin with, but once they find each other…it’s a whole new thing.

Part of the fun of writing Biting Love has been my getting to work with my dear friend, Madison Sevier, again. We wrote in her Rosie Peaks series earlier in the year when we wrote Faeries After Dark together. Biting Love is the next in the crossover world. Her book, Out Foxxe’d features her characters after Faeries. She went with a shifter and I have vampires. Hehe. And there will be more books in the crossover world. Vampires are like potato chips. I can’t have just one.

Want to know more about Biting Love? Then keep reading!!

Biting Love By Megan Slayer

A Rosie Peaks Crossover Novella

Megan Slayer Publications

M/M, Anal Sex


Contemporary, Paranormal


Mix one vampire with one human who doesn’t believe in the paranormal and add some sizzle.

Anson wasn’t looking for a partner when he spotted the handsome human, but he’s not about to argue when the mood strikes. He’s got to bring a date to the Halloween bash and Parker fits his bill exactly. Now all he needs to do is convince Parker that vampires truly exist.

Parker is practical, intelligent and a little on the geeky side. He can’t believe his eyes—a handsome man has not only hit on him, but asked him out…to a masquerade ball. He doesn’t believe in vampires, but Anson wears his Dracula costume a bit too well.

Can these two find love and trust after all or will the sparks only last until the dawn?


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Now for an excerpt:

©2017 Megan Slayer, All Rights Reserved

“Okay, then where’s your boyfriend?”

“Don’t have one.” Not since Seth dumped him a year ago. Seth wanted to sleep around and Parker wanted monogamy. According to Seth, gay men couldn’t be monogamous. The asshole. Parker tried to get him back, but Seth never called him again.

“You should.” Anson grasped Parker’s hand. “But it makes this so much easier.”

“Me? I? What?” Oh Jesus, he had to stop talking. He made no sense and he could’ve sworn Anson wanted to kiss him.

“It’s rather difficult to ask someone out if they’ve already got a date or boyfriend.” Anson scooted he chair around the table until he sat next to Parker. “Right?”

“You’re asking me out?” He must’ve heard Anson wrong and understood the wrong vibes. “Really?”

“Of course…unless you don’t want to.” Anson trailed his fingers down the back of Parker’s neck. His eyes shimmered. “Not interested?”

“I…yes.” Christ. Start going for what you want, Parker. “I’d like a date. Yes. But I need some time. I mean—not tonight.” Shit. He was fucking up the plan. “I mean…”

“I’m pretty free. What works for you?”

“Uh…I need to get this paper down. But I’ve got time around lunch tomorrow. If I can get this turned in before tomorrow night, I’ll be free for Halloween. Would lunch work? Then if you don’t like me, we’re not committed to a night date?” He’d just talked himself out of a date. Shit.

“No good. I’m…in a class at lunch.” Anson draped his arm across the back of Parker’s chair. “I’m better at night.”

“Oh.” Anson didn’t strike him as a college student. “Which class? I could meet you at your building afterward.”

“Uh…it’s off campus at the sculpture building at the old farm.” Anson nodded. “You know, all of those power tools and bending machines. They can’t have it too close to campus in case one of the artists does something crazy.”

“I doubt that.” He turned in his seat to face Anson. “The worst you could do is burn down the building, but why? Performance art? Nah. You’re all careful. It’s a reason to be out there.” He wanted to touch Anson and prove to himself the man was real. He rested his forearms on his thighs instead. “I’ve never been to the arts building out there, so I wouldn’t know too much about it.”

“Oh? Why not?”

“No wheels.” Embarrassment washed over him. If his dorky personality wasn’t enough to push Anson away, his lack of a car would be the topper. “I had to sell my car to make my tuition payment. My job at the front desk at the student housing complex was cut.”

“That’s awful.” Anson didn’t pull away. He kept caressing Parker’s biceps.

“Unless I can find a sugar daddy or get some cash flowing from my writing, I’ll have to get a part time job over at the burger joint across from the student center. It’s not a bad job, but I’d rather be writing.” He smiled to hide how he felt—embarrassed, dejected, screwed over. He had to get more positivity into his life, but damn it. Life kept throwing him curveballs.

“You never told me what you write.” Anson wriggled his eyebrows. “Anything juicy?”

“No.” Here he wanted to be a writer and he hadn’t self-promoted. Bad Parker. “Science fiction with a little paranormal mixed in. It really depends on the day and my mood. I’ve got one about aliens invading the earth and this one is more paranormal.”

“Really?” Anson smiled.

Parker couldn’t read his expression. “You don’t like it? Too out there for you?”

“No, I’m fascinated.”

“You are?”

~ ~ ~ ~

Megan Slayer, aka Wendi Zwaduk, is a multi-published, award-winning author of more than one-hundred short stories and novels. She’s been writing since 2008 and published since 2009. Her stories range from the contemporary and paranormal to LGBTQ and BDSM themes. No matter what the length, her works are always hot, but with a lot of heart. She enjoys giving her characters a second chance at love, no matter what the form. She’s been the runner up in the Kink Category at Love Romances Café as well as nominated at the LRC for best author, best contemporary, best ménage and best anthology. Her books have made it to the bestseller lists on

When she’s not writing, Megan spends time with her husband and son as well as three dogs and three cats. She enjoys art, music and racing, but football is her sport of choice. Find out more about Megan and Wendi at: Sign up for the newsletter here:

Website, Blog, Fan Page, Amazon Author Page, Bookbub, Instagram, Goodreads, and Twitter

Five Things K-lee Klein Likes to Do When Not Writing – Guest Blog and Giveaway

Long and Short Reviews welcomes K-lee Klein who is celebrating the recent release of her newest book Unbroken Hearts. Enter the giveaway at the end of the post for a chance to win a copy of the book.

Thanks for being here for my Unbroken Hearts blog tour! And thank you Long & Short Reviews for taking part. Unbroken Hearts, book 2 in the Unbreak My Heart series, was released on October 11th from Dreamspinner Press.

Though it’s the second edition, the new Unbroken Hearts contains more than just a polished, rewritten Unbroken Hearts, but also the short Unwrapped Hearts and 25,000 words of new material in the love story between Brett and JT. I hope you enjoy it and please make sure to enter the Rafflecopter draw at the end of the post.

I considered talking about my Top 5 recipes but…I don’t cook. Lol. So without further ado, here are the Top 5 things I like to do when I’m not writing.

1. Movies. I love films, especially big action superhero flicks that are best enjoyed in the theatre. I’m one of those weirdos who still buys DVDs of the movies I love. The Captain America films are my favourites and I may have seen each of them at least 5 times in the theatre. I also collect gay films and a lot of comfort watches.

2. Reading. What writer doesn’t like to read, at least in my experience? Of course, my reading habits are a little off since I’ve been stuck in a wind tunnel of fanficiton for a few years now. There’s just something about the familiarity of the characters and the fact I already love them with all my heart. Anyone ever heard of Stucky? They’re totally my OTP. 😉

3. Music. Live music (I’m a concert hound), music in the car, or just crutch-dancing in my living room and being judged by my cats–music is very important in my life. I have several stories featuring musicians because I love writing them too. I’ve even written songs for some of my books, Unbreak My Heart & Unbroken Hearts included.

4. Spending time with my kids. They’re all in their 20s (coughcough—and 1 is 30) and even though we live in the same city, can a mom ever see her kid enough? I have a girl & 2 boys and we’re all very close. We go for dinner or play crazy (inappropriate) games. And we go on holiday every year together to a little cabin by a lake. This year we’re spending time Christmas in Mexico. I can’t wait!

5. Travelling. Whether with my family, my husband, or by myself, I love going packing up and hitting the road—preferably on a plane, train or cruise ship. I’m not big at being in the car, especially since I’ve messed-up both knees. Traveling can be painful now but it’s hella worth it every time.

Country singer turned rancher Brett Taylor fought his way out of the bottle, so he could have JT Campbell in his life. JT’s patience, intelligence, and humor broke through Brett’s walls of depression, and now the once-isolated rancher and his young California guy in search of himself are together on Brett’s Texas ranch.

While Brett and JT are more in love than ever, they’re still dealing with past baggage and learning how to move forward. Brett’s former lover casts a long shadow over their lives—one JT tries to pretend doesn’t bother him. Can Brett soothe his fears with the sort of sappy, sentimental Valentine’s Day JT was taught to shun growing up—but secretly always wanted?

When Halloween rolls around, a costumed night out at the local bar might lead to another romantic first. And on Christmas morning, JT awakes to some sweet loving and the most meaningful gift he could ever imagine. The New Year truly brings a new beginning—ushered in by some silly, sparkly, and sexy fun.

One year. Four important holidays. Two men who have worked hard for the love and trust they share and the bright future that’s finally within their grasp.

About the Author: K-lee Klein loves guys with long hair and tattoos, and you’ll often find her front and center at her favorite rock concerts. She has bounced around Western Canada all her life, but will always consider the solitude and beauty of the British Columbian mountains home. Her life is blessed as the proud mother of three now-grown but still spoiled kids, the servant of two bossy felines, and the wife of a truly patient husband.

Her writing muse is terribly temperamental, so to keep him close by and in check, she had him inked on her left calf. The gorgeous, long-haired, mostly naked, kneeling angel that resulted is truly a work of art, although he’s still a handful and hopelessly uncontrollable. She writes on his schedule and inspiration.

K-lee tends to fall easily into obsessions. When something grabs her attention, she jumps into it headfirst with complete abandon. Actors, musicians, superheroes, fictional characters, and brainwashed assassins all hold spots on her cannot-get-enough list. She once followed Thirty Seconds to Mars around the United States and Canada and saw them perform fourteen times that year. Obsession sometimes leads to ideas for her kneeling angel to turn into stories.

Although an introvert in person, she’s extroverted online and has met many wonderful friends there, sometimes with the added fun of meeting them in person at gay romance conferences. She’s grateful for all the people in her life who accept her as she is and support her through her ups and downs as mom, wife, and joyfully obsessed writer.

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Buy the book at Dreamspinner Press or Amazon.

Top 5 Breakfasts by Kim Dias – Guest Blog and Giveaway

Long and Short Reviews welcomes Kim Dias who is celebrating the upcoming release of Breakfast at Midnight. Enter the Rafflecopter for a chance to win a copy of the book.

In Breakfast at Midnight, Fred and Callum meet at a Denny’s and bond over breakfast eaten at, yes, you guessed it, midnight. They talk about Fred’s divorce, Callum’s troubles with his band, their individual insecurities (and they may fall in love along the way). Fred orders the same thing every time he’s there, but I’m not that consistent with my favourite breakfast foods.

Kim’s Top 5 Breakfasts
1. Avocado toast.

Maybe it’s awfully millennial of me, but I have no shame about my love for avocado toast. I like it simple: the avo mashed with salt, pepper, and a little bit of lemon juice; sourdough bread lightly spread with butter. If I was the kind of person who had basil growing on her windowsill, I’d crush up a few leaves of basil into the avocado, but, alas, I have not once been able to keep a basil plant alive. (A moment of silence, please, for all those poor dead basil plants.)

2. Eggs Benedict.

It’s my ideal brunch, really, but I’m fussy about it. There are only two or three restaurants I’ll order it and one of those restaurants is my older sister’s apartment. It’s the Hollandaise sauce that makes or breaks the dish, and there’s nothing more disappointing than getting excited for a wonderful breakfast only to discover your Hollandaise tastes like plastic. If I feel like spoiling myself, I’ll go to the little brunch place in town that serves perfect Eggs Benny (they have a chipotle Hollandaise that’ll make your tastebuds see stars) or I’ll show up at my sister’s apartment saying, “Please will you feed me?”
(A cup of coffee helps the bribery process.)

3. Omelette.

The omelette is the perfect breakfast for when you’re feeling indecisive. Do you want veggies or bacon? Protein or carbs? Mozzarella or cheddar? Just throw everything you have in your fridge into a frying pan, toss some eggs in after it, mix it all up, and put it on some toast. Voila—breakfast.
(Omelette also makes a brilliant I-haven’t-been-to-the-shops-in-two-weeks-but-I-want-to-eat-actual-food meal. Unless you’ve run out of eggs. In that case, I can’t help you.)

4. French toast

My favourite thing when I was a kid was waking up on Sunday mornings and heading downstairs, sleepy-eyed and still in my pyjamas, to find my mom making French toast. Now that I’m older and trusted near a stove, I love lazy Sunday mornings where I’m still in my pyjamas, still sleepy-eyed, a little bit taller, and making French toast just for myself rather than for a family of four kids. Pair it with a cup of coffee for the perfect I’m-the-protagonist-of-a-romance-novel breakfast.
(An additional tip: top your French toast with syrup and grated cheese. You’re welcome.)

5. Crepes

The perfect versatile breakfast. Do you want to be healthy? Spread them with peanut butter. Feel like something a little bit sweet? A mixture of sugar and cinnamon. Are you in the need of something indulgent? Nutella. My recipe is ridiculously easy, but saying, “I made crepes” always sounds amazing and it’s my go-to breakfast when I want to impress people.
(My recipe: whisk two eggs, one cup of milk, one cup of water, and one teaspoon of vegetable oil together. Add two cups of flour, two teaspoons of baking powder, and half a teaspoon of salt. Beat well to remove lumps. Cook the crepes in a hot pan and serve them to whomever you’re trying to woo.)

Hope can be found in unexpected places.

Lonely, still struggling with his divorce, and suffering from writer’s block, successful thriller author Fred spends much more time in an all-night Denny’s than is healthy for any man. It’s the last place he thought he’d meet someone like Callum, who has literally run away from the internationally famous boy band Leos.

Despite their age difference, the two become friends, and their long nights of soul-searching might help them find the courage to face their problems: Fred’s deteriorating relationship with his daughter and Callum’s career issues. It’s easy for their lives to tangle together, and each might provide the other the means to move beyond the past—even if it’s not a journey they can take together.

About the Author: Kim Dias has been writing for years, but has been making up stories for what feels like forever. She writes love stories, preferably with a side of hot sex; Literary Review’s Bad Sex in Fiction Awards constantly inspire her to do better.

When not focused on her studies at the University of Victoria, Kim spends her time working on her novel, which she swears will one day be finished. She loves dogs, reading in front of fireplaces, and days spent in the sunshine. She believes whole-heartedly that stories can change the world.

Buy the book at Dreamspinner Press.