Top Ten Tuesday: Books that Make Me Hungry

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

This isn’t my dog, but it sure is cute!

This topic originally came from August 31, 2020 which feels like a lifetime ago to me! So much has happened since then.

Here are ten titles that make me hungry. (And I wonder if anyone else will select this same theme this week?)

1.Sweet Bean Paste by Durian Sukegawa

2. Love & Gelato (Love & Gelato, #1) by Jenna Evans Welch

3. Chocolat (Chocolat, #1) by Joanne Harris

4. Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe (Whistle Stop #1) by Fannie Flagg

5. Pomegranate Soup (Babylon Café #1) by Marsha Mehran

6. The River Cottage Bread Handbook (River Cottage Handbook, #3) by Daniel Stevens

7. Playing for Pizza by John Grisham

8. How To Bake A Chocolate Soufflé (Cherry Harbor, #1) by Carly Ellen Kramer

9. The Truth About Twinkie Pie by Kat Yeh

10. Miss Spider’s Tea Party by David Kirk



Traditional New Year’s Day Meal?

Several years ago, Judy and I were having a talk about New Year’s and mentioned making her traditional dinner of black-eyed peas, collards, cornbread and pork, something she did every year. I’d never heard of such a thing, but I live in New England by way of growing up in California, so figured it was a southern thing (Judy is from Georgia).

I was right.

I pumped Judy for more info as to WHY those foods. Apparently they are about luck and prosperity: black-eyed peas represent coins, collards are green-backs (or paper money), corn is gold and pork is for … well, honestly I didn’t know. So I looked around and found this article:

The True Story of Traditional New Year’s Lucky Foods

It says, in part:

Pigs relentlessly root ahead as they eat, as opposed to the backwards scratching of chickens and turkeys, and so are considered a symbol of progress.

Well … okay, I guess.

I have to be honest, though. I’ve never even eaten black-eyed peas. Or collards. It’s true! Maybe that’s why I’ve never been lucky enough to win the lottery?

We don’t have a traditional family meal for New Year’s Day. I’m feeling a tad left out. And I have to admit, Hoppin’ John Stew (pictured above — click the photo for another recipe) sounds pretty dang good.

What about you? Do you serve a traditional meal for New Year’s Day? Do tell!