The Silver Sphere by Michael Dadich

MEDIA KIT the-silver-sphere 5(1)

The Silver Sphere by Michael Dadich
Publisher: Evolved Publishing
Genre: Fantasy
Length: Full (182 pgs)
Age recommendation: 14+
Rating: 4 Stars
Review by Rose

Shelby Pardow never imagined she could kill someone. All she wants to do is hide from her troubled father… when she is teleported to awaiting soldiers on the planet Azimuth. Here she is not a child, but Kin to one of the six Aulic Assembly members whom Malefic Cacoethes has drugged and imprisoned. He seeks to become dictator of this world (and then Earth by proxy).

His father, Biskara, is an evil celestial entity, tracked by the Assembly with an armillary device, The Silver Sphere. With the Assembly now deposed, Biskara directs Malefic and the Nightlanders to their strategic targets. Unless….

Can Shelby find the other Kin, and develop courage and combat skills? Can the Kin reassemble in time to release or replace the Assembly, overthrowing Malefic and restraining Biskara?

High school kids transported to another world through magical portals, joining together to save the world… what’s not to love?

There are many good things to like about The Silver Sphere. The author wastes no time in jumping right into the action–from the first line of “Your world will be over soon, won’t it, dear Bianca?” to the last line that hints at another volume in the series to come–the book doesn’t slow down. The chapters are short (averaging around 3 pages per chapter) and the action is frequently breath-taking.

The book has multiple POV characters, but–as each chapter features one–it’s not difficult to keep up with them. The one drawback to this story is the fact that not all of the characters are seen as much as they should have been. Hopes are, since this is the first book of the series, later books will be able to feature more of these characters.

Recommended for fans of the fantasy genre teens and up! I’m looking forward to the next book in the series.

Drasmyr by Matthew D. Ryan

Drasmyr by Matthew D. Ryan
Publisher: Self
Genre: Dark Fantasy
Length: Full (200 pgs)
Age recommendation: 14+
Rated: 5 stars
Review by Poppy

We vampires do not make easy prey. Our weaknesses are few, our strengths many. Fear is something we do not know, and death but a distant memory. So tread softly, pray to your god, and gird yourself with silver when the moons arise and night’s dark prince awakens. We fear not the wizard, nor the warrior, neither rogue, nor priest; our strength is timeless, drawn from darkness and we know no master save the hot lust of our unending hunger. We long for blood, your blood and no blade, nor spell, nor clever artifice, can keep us long from our prize. Feel our teeth at your throat, your life ebb from you, and know as darkness comes to claim you that the price of your folly is your everlasting soul.

Drasmyr effectively returns us to the days when vampires were evil (not sparkly) and something to be feared.

Truth:  I almost didn’t choose to read this. I wasn’t impressed by the blurb (really, it tells us nothing of the story) and didn’t love the cover (and I’ve been known to buy–or not buy–a book for the cover alone).  But I gave it a try, skeptically started the first page and was completely hooked.  This author has mad writing skills!

The story is told from various points-of-view: a mage, a thief, a bounty hunter and, of course, from the vampire’s himself.  He’s evil to the core and has all the vampire traits of old:  he’s a shape-shifting, coffin sleeping, blood-thirsty, immortal.  It’s surprisingly refreshing to return to this type of vampire after reading so many romanticized versions of the creature.

The writing is deeply descriptive, interesting, complex. This isn’t a fluffy read, but it’s oh-so good.  The characters are so real and we become truly and completely invested in them.  Though the author is marketing this a YA dark fantasy, it’s a book that will appeal to any and all fantasy lovers.  And, thankfully, it’s just the beginning.  I checked: he’s writing more!  I, for one, am thrilled.

Folks, if you’re looking for a story that will grab you and hang on tight, for a story that enthralls and leaves you wanting more, then look no farther than Drasmyr.  It’s really that good.

Tools of Prophecy by Michael A. Rothman

Tools of Prophecy by Michael A. Rothman
Publisher: M and S Publishing
Genre: Fantasy
Length: Full (369 pgs)
Age Recommendation: 8+
Rated: 3.5 stars
Review by Poppy

The TOOLS OF PROPHECY is the second volume in an epic saga which describes a prophecy that has placed the Riverton brothers in the lead roles of a struggle to save their world from being overrun by unspeakable horrors. This destiny requires that they face off with the demons that nearly destroyed their world over five centuries ago.

In the first book, the population of wizards had been practically eradicated by the former tyrant. The Rivertons are now charged with creating an Academy of Magic, recruiting qualified students, and furthering their own training with secrets that have long been held by the reclusive elves.

Despite their youth, a mysterious spirit has engaged them in an epic struggle to gain mastery of their newfound skills, help raise and train two armies, and stay alive long enough for their final showdown with destiny.

The only things that stand in their way are the assassins hired to destroy them and the Demon Lord’s minion who holds a personal grudge and intends to witness the young boys’ deaths.

I so enjoyed the first book in this series that I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the next.  Tools of Prophecy is a solid fantasy novel for kids.  It’s definitely the second book in a series, and I’m not certain how well it would stand alone, but that’s okay: Heirs of Prophecy is a great book, so read it first!

This book continues the battle between good and evil, introducing an even greater good, the antithesis to Sammael.  It also brings in other evil entities, and begins to unite the various factions in the land who are fighting for good.

It’s this coming together that slowed this book down a bit.  The first half is mostly the various folks finding their place. The establishment of the new school, training, and so on.  While certainly necessary, as much of this learning is integral to the plot later on, it did make the story drag a bit.

Still, things certainly pick up again in the second half, as threats become real, battles rage, evil attacks good and main characters may (or may not) survive.  The author has a firm grasp on his characters, and they don’t act without motivation.  Some feel a little smug to me (Sloane, for instance … there were times I wanted to sit her in a corner), but I need to remember that these are kids we’re dealing with, ones who don’t have the benefit of time and experience to temper their behavior. They’re endowed with these amazing gifts and powers, it’s only natural they’d get a bit smug or arrogant at times.  One thing I do enjoy with these books is that the parents are present, and they act like parents should.

The book has everything a reader wants: action, romance, excitement.  And the ending!  Exciting, interesting and “can’t-catch-your-breath” exhausting. Then, just when you think it’s all clear, the author tosses in a cliffhanger again and leaves me wanting more.  I am looking forward to the next book in the series and I highly recommend it to kids of all ages.

Heirs of Prophecy by Michael A. Rothman

Heirs of Prophecy by Michael A. Rothman
Publisher: M and S Publishing
Genre: Fantasy
Length:  Full (369 pgs)
Age Recommendation: 8+
Rating: 4.5 Stars
Review by Poppy

The Riverton family had been enjoying a simple summer vacation when, through a fluke of nature, they found themselves in a strange new land.

The Riverton brothers quickly realize that in this world, they have gained unusual powers. Powers that their parents fear will attract the attention of Azazel himself – the merciless wizard who brutally controls this world.

The two brothers soon learn that an ancient prophecy has finally been initiated by their arrival in Trimoria. As the heirs of this prophecy, they are destined to lead the armies of men, dwarves, elves, and even a misfit ogre against the prophesied demon horde.

Only one thing stands in their way.

The evil wizard who has learned of their presence, and has sent assassins to wipe them from existence.

Heirs of Prophecy is a fun, action-packed book that’s appropriate for all ages.  Truthfully, it’s been a while since I’ve read a middle grade book, so I wasn’t sure it would hold my attention.  It did that and more.  I completely enjoyed it!

It starts off a little slowly with the Riverton family packing for vacation, but once they take their little unscheduled side trip to the land of Trimoria, things certainly pick up!  The author’s done a fine job of showing us the land and its people clearly, with each character being unique.  I enjoyed the family interactions, with the boys being boys and the parents actually parenting!  While I think the boys acted a bit older than their chronological ages, that may have been in part due to the circumstances. Certainly the tween and teen boys from a hundred years ago or more acted with more maturity than those of today. And the Riverton brothers are thrust into a world where they’re required to grow up quickly.

There’s no shortage of conflict here, either. From a bully in the town, to ogres and a crazy, powerful wizard, we’re kept on a roller coaster of excitment.  I’ll admit, once I was done reading this, I shared it with my thirteen year old daughter, and she gobbled it up and asked for more.

I highly recommend this book for both kids of any age (there aren’t any truly terrifying parts that would scare younger children) and for adults who have a love of fun, innocent fantasy.  It certainly appealed to all of those in my household. I’m betting it would do the same in yours.


Zirconya: The Sage of Aluh’Nehn by Diana Ilinca

Zirconya: The Sage of Aluh’Nehn (Zirconya 1) by Diana Ilinca
Publisher: Burst (a division of Champagne Books)
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Full Length (265 pgs)
Age Recommendation: 12+
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Poinsettia

A young elf named Caelum is forced from her world of Zirconya into an unmagical realm called Earth. Ignorant of the life she left behind, she lives as a normal human being, but nothing could be further from the truth. After seventeen years of unknowing exile, a man from her real world, Maze, comes to escort her back, but without her memories of Zirconya, his tales only convince her of his insanity.

When holes begin tearing through the dimensional fabric between Earth and Zirconya, Caelum must find a way to remember her past life before Zirconya’s existence is discovered. But how can she remember something she doesn’t even believe has happened? As if surviving high school isn’t tough enough, add the constant dogging by an annoying, though hunky, mythical man, and the appearance of a creature from her darkest nightmares, and you’ve got a troubled teen.

Sometimes a girl just wants to feel special, but Caelum didn’t want to be quite this special.

I was a little surprised when I started reading Zirconya. After reading the blurb, I thought the story would open on Earth. Instead, I found myself in the magical world of Zirconya as Caelum is riding her horse desperately trying to outrun an unknown pursuer. I was immediately caught up in Caelum’s predicament, and the pacing of the story only intensified from there.

Shortly after escaping her would be captor, Caelum discovers the sages of her world have been killed and she and her best friend Melanya are descendants of the sages of water and fire respectively. It would be a lot for even the most level headed girl to handle, yet I thought Caelum and Melanya absorbed the enormous amount of information they were inundated with remarkably well. Sadly, they didn’t have time to say goodbye to all their friends and family. Caelum does get to have a special moment with Aquin, the boy she intends to marry, and it was heartbreaking to watch them share what was their first and probably last kiss. I couldn’t help but wonder what the future would hold for them. Caelum and Melanya didn’t have much time to dwell on the huge changes they were about to face. They are informed that they are to be reborn on Earth immediately for their safety, but the ceremony doesn’t go quite as planned. I won’t spill the details, but I will say the ending of chapter two was so intense that I gasped.

From that point the pace of the story slowed briefly, but picked up again very soon. Caelum, whose name is Chloe on Earth, doesn’t remember a thing. She’s a typical teenager trying to navigate high school, so when Maze, her guardian, shows up telling her she’s a sage from a world called Ziconya, she understandably thinks he’s crazy. Despite offering her proof that he’s telling the truth, Caelum stubbornly refuses to believe Maze. I could tell Maze was going to be fighting an uphill battle trying to convince Caelum of her heritage.

Though Caelum is extremely obstinate, I found it easy to like and relate to her. Part of her yearns to be special and unique while part of her just wants to be normal. She wants to stand out enough that she attracts the attention of the guy she has a crush on, but she doesn’t want to stand out so much that she’s labeled weird. It’s a difficult line to walk, and I can certainly remember feeling that way when I was a teenager. Caelum didn’t seem to be able to handle stress very well, or at least not when she was living as Chloe on Earth. Every time things got intense or difficult, she ran away from the issue. She even cut school quite a bit, to the point her grades were suffering. I could only shake my head at her actions because she made things much harder on herself.

Maze is certainly an interesting character. At first he seems very arrogant and believes he can capture the attention of any woman he chooses. However, as he spends more time with Caelum, it becomes clear that he’s much more complex. He begins experiencing feelings he’s never felt before. He truly cares for Caelum, and I seriously suspect that he’s fallen in love with her. Given the rules Maze follows as a guardian and the life Caelum will lead as a sage, I can’t help but wonder if they’ll be allowed to have a relationship someday. I’m very curious as to how things will progress between Caelum and Maze in the next book and I’m wondering if Aquin, her first love, will be a factor at all.

I think the ending of Zirconya slowed down a bit too much. The majority of the book moved at such a fast and exciting pace that I expected all that build up to culminate in a thrilling ending. Instead, the roaring intensity tapered off until it was just a whisper. Despite this small issue, I was still intrigued by the way Ms. Ilinca ended the story. Now that I’ve read the book, I think I have more questions in my mind then when I started reading. I’m anticipating the second book in the series so I can find the answers.

Zirconya is a well thought out fantasy with a fascinating mythology and well developed characters. I’m so glad I had the chance to enjoy this refreshing story. I highly recommend it to young and old readers alike.

Sneak Peek Excerpt-R-Gangbusters, Angels & Demons/Sci-Fi Romantic Adventure

Happy Halloween, everyone!

I’m Michele Hart, and here’s a steamy excerpt of my steamy new Paranormal/Sci-Fi Romance release, Gangbusters, coming to you from BookStrand. Be the first to review Gangbusters! Release Day is Tuesday, November 1st, just when you counted on the monsters going away.

Who will stand on the front lines against evil in the future?
         Daniel Tierney and his fellow I-Marshals take down the organizations producing the most dangerous substance in the Alliance. But reporter Faith Vedder turns up at the worst times, including Danny’s near-assassination. He’s had enough of her interference and requires her source of information.

         Faith won’t tell him anything that compromises her Pulitzer-worthy story, not even under the magic of hot attraction. She doesn’t know she’s surrounded by fallen angels at war. Danny’s not finished making demands. She doesn’t understand until a giant, snorting, winged monster slobbers down her back, threatening to flay her.

         The gangbusters can’t delay in their mission to shut down gangs until Danny learns the new criminal kingpin of their world is a man who once held Faith’s heart. In the guise of a gangland executioner named Heretic, Danny will destroy him. Even if it destroys Faith.

         Angels are watching. Demons are plotting. Faith is the key.

Are you in the mood for heat?


[This excerpt is rated R for just the beginning of unabashed sexual stimulation.]

 “Stand over here, in the candlelight.”

Faith went to the spot where Danny pointed, and she stood in her Pulitzer gown for his inspection. He gained his feet, produced a thornless red vine rose from the side table, and he twisted it around the dress strap, then he returned to the bed and took in the sight of her. A rose was a gift of love, not a gift of acquaintance or friendship. The flowery fragrance enhanced her longing for him. The candlelight silvered his gray sight in a tactile way, but she always did feel his eyes when they were fixed on her.

“Do you like the gown?” she couldn’t help asking. His concentrated attention through overlong salt-and-pepper bangs caused her nipples to rise and brush against the soft cloth, quickening her for his capture.

“Very much. You look stunning in the dress, Faith,” his baritone voice murmured. His lips pressed together, revealing the tension it gave him. “The threads of the lace shimmer in the flame glow.”

Oh… Soft, flickering light seemed to cling to him instead of illuminating much else in the room. His breathing livened. His study of her lasted so long, she began to shy from his devoted gaze. “Have you had enough yet?”

“No. You aren’t enforcing a time limit, are you?”

She broke into an embarrassed smile, and his sly gaze said he enjoyed his torture of her.

“I’m divided. I want you to eat, but I want to take that dress off you.”

“Some people think they have problems.”

Rising from the bed again, he collected the covered plate and eating utensil, and set them in her hands held out before her. Then he removed the cover to present a dish in the meatball family. His smile bordering on the diabolical, he loaded the utensil and put it to her mouth. Her sharp eye on him, she accepted a flavor she’d never encountered before, savory, mysterious, delectable. So was Danny.

Stalking, he roved around until he was behind her, and he leaned, pressing his nose to her exposed neck, inhaling her freshly bathed scent as she chewed. The act carried such an animal-feel to it. The alpha-male predator had brought his chosen a meal…and he savored his upcoming reward for that.

Having already been beneath him, arrested and detained by him, she chewed quicker. Was she sweating yet? She soon would be. Oh, gawd, she already throbbed, her body programmed now and eager for his possession. Did he know he owned her? She bet he knew.

His hair danced over her bare shoulder. “You smell like delicious dinner.”

Every word he uttered with that deep voice was verbal chocolate, making her ache all the more for him. “You always have an invitation to feast upon me, Danny.”

She felt his lips thin into another secret smile against the sensitive flesh as he pressed sizzling kisses up her neck to her ear. “Every night I’ll figure out a way to put you in my bed.”

Should she tell him how easy that will be?

Weakened, she scooped up a forkful of dinner and fed him over her shoulder. He groaned his approval, and he sent his big hands to span and stroke her figure in the silky gown, a sensuous experience that blotted out everything for the moment but his contact and body heat. She would memorize a list of the things that made him groan. Hearing it launched cascades of thrill through her. His exploration slipped downward from behind her and onto her belly, pressing her against his long, hard physique and sliding downward to the heat between her thighs. She almost dropped the plate.

Mm…Danny and good food together. That was total pleasure.

Again, he commandeered the fork and sent a bite to her mouth. As she chewed, he placed a sucking kiss below her ear. Then she forgot to chew, taken by the fantastic shower of ecstasy he inflicted, and she had to remind herself again to chew. His breath on her body enticed her to a new level of want.

Another bite administered, he drew the zipper of the dress all the way down her back, and he slipped his hands into the dress, around her, and cupped her breasts.

Oh…” The rough surfaces of his palms and fingers abrading her tender flesh played with her nipples, stoking the fire.

“Take another bite.” His whispers rushed lightning through her.

Hands slid from her dress, and she turned to watch him pull his T-shirt from his torso, all iron-worked muscle, pale flesh, a thin scatter of body hair she wished to feel scrubbed against her. Again. His lion’s mane skimmed broad shoulders. His silvery sight never left her. Before, they’d made love in shadows, and she hadn’t seen him wholly nude. Just shirtless, he was beautiful, blessed with a holy kind of glamour that activated her soul.


He fed her another bite of dinner, then he released the clip holding back her freshly dried hair, and his long, tapered fingers caught her tumbling tresses. Stirred to a corrupt snicker, he took in the scent of her hair as though it told him everything about her, as if it fed every hungry part of him.

“How can your T-shirt say you’re faster than light when you’re so torturously slow with me?”

“I know, the longer I take with you, the more you’ll moan in my ear. And I like that a lot. It’s a triumph to feel you under my power, Faith.”

That just made her moan.

He took the empty plate from her hands and set it aside on the table, then he put her in his arms. He’d said he wouldn’t let her go to Max’s without making love to her. The intent in Danny’s eye revealed his plot to ruin her freshly bathed scent.

“Are you enjoying the moment of marking me for the demons to detect?”

“Enormously. I’ll kick them in their heads if they touch you.” His demon-slaying grin gave away his entertainment. She knew he meant for Max to get that message, as well.

“This is like unwrapping the most fun present.”

She loved being explored by him, adored it, and she noticed each lithe movement of his heavenly warrior-body, marveled at how well he’d been put together for hunting criminals and hellish merchants of misery. She’d never discourage him from doing that duty. Those monsters better run and hide.

Danny wasn’t a monster. Was he?

She reached for his jeans and unbuttoned them, feeling him hard beneath the metal teeth of the zipper. He pushed the jeans to the floor for the unwelcome interference they were. Her mouth went dry at the unveiled sight of him, worthy of an artist’s sketch, all muscle, brains, instinct, skill, action.

Danny was better than perfect. He was physically superior.

But what was he on the inside? The progeny of an angel, the breed of a demon. She recalled her brief study of the heavenly races. If Danny turned out to be more angel, what would that mean? Angels did many benevolent things, but they also struck down populations with disease, disaster, and genocide. A single angel wielded the power to destroy cities, cause famine, flood a planet.

Angels were heaven’s hit men.

Danny snatched her up by the waist, capturing her, pressing her against him, and snickering over his plans for her.

Oh… She could barely wait.
Don’t stop. Read more.
Investigate steamy, peril-packed excerpts, watch a woe-filled book trailer @:
Be the first to review Gangbusters.

Available November 1st at   ISBN# 1-61034-926-1
Consider pre-ordering for 15% off.

Read and live an adventure.
Have an action-packed day,
Michele Hart
Paranormal/Sci-Fi Romance Author
~ Walk Another World ~

Witches and Warlocks and Demons – Oh my!

Here’s a man with the face of an angel and the power of a warlock if ever I’ve seen one. How do you feel about evil within beauty? Is the most dangerous antagonist the one who you suspect the least because of the outer packaging? Is the smooth guy with the GQ style the one to be wary of?
It breaks my heart when the bad guy is beautiful. But it is often the case. Maybe they were too spoiled, too pandered, too often given their way to want life any other way. It would be easy enough if they were just pure crazy than pure evil. Instead, when I run into that exquisite charm, a face I want to stare at for hours, and a heart cold as ice, I have to believe in demons.
Want to write your own ending? This book leaves you wondering…


Ménage Amour: Erotic Fantasy Ménage a Trois Romance, M/M/F

The Fates have a way of playing silly games with Immortals.

Cian is the Chosen–the only being capable of initiating the unfolding of the events foretold in the Prophecy. However, he must claim a female mate first.

After waiting centuries for his partner to be born, she would have to be his equal, as powerful as he, physically capable of handling the daemon possessing him, capable of freeing him from the immortal Droughan.

However, the Fates gave him Candace, a young, inexperienced witch who looks more like an ethereal fairy than the first-level witch entrusted with an ancient power. She is a virgin, and Cian and his best friend, Regan have to initiate her through the Trinity Ceremony.

Will the two alpha males be able to share Candace, thereby sexually enhancing her to make her physically capable of handling the daemon that possesses Cian?
“Imagine a soul-mate reaching deep into your dreams, someone who waited centuries for you. That’s Cian, the ultimate lover and consummate hero on so many levels. Candace, the spunky virgin witch with powers to fulfill an ancient prophecy, was nothing the wizards expected and everything Cian and Regan needed. Would two alpha males share sex to keep the woman they needed safe and the world from destruction? I raise questions and the characters answer them.” ~ Eliza ~
A Siren Erotic Romance

Introducing Myself – Marie Tuhart

Hi Everyone,

I’m Marie Tuhart and I write contemporary erotic romance for The Wild Rose Press. I’m so happy to be here today at the Whipped Cream blog and to be a part of this wonderful giveaway.

To kick off, tell me what is your favorite fantasy? Bondage? Having a full body message? Have your feet rubbed? A man to do dishes for you – clothing optional?

I want to hear from you.

My favorite fantasy is coming home from work to a full body message, along with some very erotic sex later on.

Bones of Faerie by Janni Lee Simner

Bones of Faerie by Janni Lee Simner
Publisher: Random House
Genre: Action/Adventure, Paranormal, Fantasy
Age Recommendation: 14+
Length: Full Length (247 pgs)
Rating: 4 suns
Reviewed by Snowdrop

The war between humanity and Faerie devastated both sides. Or so 15-year-old Liza has been told. Nothing has been seen or heard from Faerie since, and Liza’s world bears the scars of its encounter with magic. Trees move with sinister intention, and the town Liza calls home is surrounded by a forest that threatens to harm all those who wander into it. Then Liza discovers she has the Faerie ability to see—into the past, into the future—and she has no choice but to flee her town. Liza’s quest will take her into Faerie and back again, and what she finds along the way may be the key to healing both worlds.

Not your typical YA faerie book – this well-written story gives us a different look at the realm of faerie vs. humans. A war has destroyed the human world and has left humans feeling as though they cannot trust anyone for fear that they will hurt them with magic.

Liza, has been brought up to fear magic. She was easy to empathize with as she panics and feels she will be no longer wanted by anyone if she reveals her evil (magic) side. As she flees her town, her stubborn nature and strong will are what help her in the upcoming adventures and keep her moving forward.

Liza is joined by a few misfits along the way; Matthew, a fierce protector, who is touched by magic and has been hiding it for years; Allie, the best friend with magical healing powers and Tallow a tag-along cat with a humorous personality. The four make a great team and rely on each others’ strengths to help them through many obstacles.

There was a tiny glimmer of romance developing between Liza and Matthew, though Ms. Simner did not expand upon or explore the idea of their budding romance in this novel. It would have been truly exciting to see unfold while they were going through such an emotionally charged journey together.

The use of American landmarks is quite creative. There are references to different rivers and landmarks from the state of Missouri. The destruction left by the war is so descriptive during the misfits’ adventures along the abandoned highways and cities.

The one thing that is alluded to is that there are always two sides to a story. I think it would be wonderful to see both sides of the history of the war. There are glimpses here and there, but are never really elaborated upon, nor do they explain what started the war in the first place. The fae left the plants and forests to have magic within them that seek to kill humans, which is also not explained. This bit of dark magic makes Ms. Simner’s tale that much more interesting and unique. I feel a sequel could be created that may explain the past war and could easily carry on with the characters in their new awareness of magic and it’s uses. All in all, a wonferful read that I recommend for lovers of magic and adventure.

Hunter Brown and the Consuming Fire

Hunter Brown and the Consuming Fire by Christopher and Allan Miller
Publisher: Warner Press
Genre: Action/Adventure, Contemporary, Fantasy
Age Recommendation: 10+
Length: Full Length (366 pgs)
Rating: 4 Suns
Reviewed by Lupine

After returning from his first trip to Solandria, Hunter Brown finds himself alone with memories of his adventures and many unanswered questions. He returns to school with the sneaking suspicion he is being watched, but his tendency to think he is being trailed by the Shadow lands him in a heap of trouble.

Soon, Hunter takes a wild ride to Solandria with two new friends, Trista and Rob, and a furry creature, Boojum. The land has greatly changed. The Codebearers have been scattered and the Resistance is weak. With more questions than answers, Hunter, Trista and Rob begin their quest, led by a mysterious flame. Their goal is to find the Seven mentioned in the Author’s Writ. But they face a brutal adversary, Xaul, who threatens to steal the flame and destroy all that remains of the Resistance.

Has Aviad abandoned them all to the Shadow? Will Hunter and his friends find the courage to complete their quest… or will they be too late?

It’s great fun again as we join Hunter Brown in a wonderful new adventure! Here, back in the “real” world of Earth, Hunter finds himself deserted by his friend, Stretch, who will not believe that the world of Solandria is real, or any of the adventures Hunter says he had. Even though Stretch takes all of Hunter’s friends with him when he leaves, Hunter finds new ones in Rob, who is another teenaged Codebearer, and Trista.

Before we know it, Hunter is swept off into another adventure in Solandria. He has a new adversary, Xaul, a Xin warrior with a Vertis sword that has been twisted into the way of evil. Xaul desires The Flame, a mysterious fire that gives mythological powers.

Hunter sets off on a perilous journety to find the flame before Xaul does. Hunter vows to protect the flame with his life, if need be, for if he does not Xaul will take it. And then, it will be used to kill the Codebearers and destroy the Writ.

This was another nail-biting adventure for Hunter, and I didn’t want to put this book down, even when I grew sleepy or had other things that needed doing. The Miller brothers are fabulous authors who color their text with imagination and detail. The characters, as before, were three-dimensional and so realistic. The always jolly Stoney was my favorite character. I liked him because he always tried to do the right thing, even when it was difficult or painful. Even more wonderful was the fact that he was so happy and his joy made other people (including me!) feel better.

The book was also populated with terrifying creatures. The Fangworm was particularly fearsome, at least for me. With its four fangs as long as spears, spikes up its back and skin covered with tough scales, he was a difficult monster to defeat. The Scourge — a kind of mist haze that could take any shape it desired — was a terrifying, albeit clever, construct as well.

Truthfully this book had me hanging off the edge of my seat with every page I turned. Well-paced with an excellent plot, it’s perfect for fantasy and action/adventure readers. I give it four books, and can’t wait for the next installment in this series.