A Christmas Home by Greg Kincaid
Publisher: Crown
Genre: Fiction, Holiday
Length: Full Length (242 pgs)
Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by StephanotisTodd McCray, hero of A Dog Named Christmas, is now twenty-four years old and working at a local animal shelter, where he meets and quickly becomes best friends with Laura, a young volunteer. Laura, like Todd, has disabilities of her own, but her struggles are more physical than developmental. Their friendship is sealed when Todd — with the help of his trusted companion, the tenacious Labrador retriever named Christmas — trains a beautiful dog named Gracie to help Laura with the day-to-day life tasks that are difficult for her.
Life seems good for Todd, but all is not well in his hometown. Struggling families unable to make ends meet are abandoning more and more dogs, and the shelter is swelling to capacity. The local government is struggling to meet its obligations too, and in early December, on the cusp of another holiday season, Todd’s boss delivers the bad news. Due to funding problems, the shelter will close its doors before the end of the year. But what will happen to all the animals?
As the Christmas holiday approaches, Todd has limited time to find homes for all the dogs. Not to mention that he needs to secure a new job and figure out what to do when his friendship with Laura takes an unexpected romantic turn. All this seems overwhelming unless you’ve got a loving family, dedicated friends, and a couple of very special dogs behind you. In which case, nothing is impossible.
I know this is a little late to be reviewing a holiday themed story, but A Christmas Home is such an uplifting and heartwarming read, I think it’s the perfect read any time of the year.
I stumbled upon this book by accident and didn’t realize there was a previous book called A Dog Named Christmas published prior to this one. This book also features two reoccurring characters, Todd McCray and the Labrador named Christmas. You’ll have no problem getting into the story, if you hadn’t read the first one.
I liked every single character in this book. The author did a wonderful job making them three dimensional. Todd came across as a real life character and I loved his interaction with Laura who begins working with him at the animal shelter. They both have issues and needs. I felt myself being pulled more into the story the further I got into it.
I also loved the setting, and who doesn’t love an animal shelter and all the furry creatures? However, when the shelter’s in danger of being closed down, I really started turning the pages, somehow knowing that Todd’s going to come to the rescue but wondering if this is going to have a happy ending.
This story made me laugh, brought me close to tears at times, but most of all, like all good books should, it tugged at my heart strings and made me want more as I finished reading the last word.
I’ll definitely be going back to read A Dog Named Christmas and be on the lookout for more books by this author. This is one I highly recommend you put on your to read list.