Long and Short Reviews welcomes Christina Phillips, whose latest release Bloodlust Denied was recently released. Leave a comment for a chance to win a digital copy of the book. It’s categorized as a paranormal Regency erotic romance–but don’t let Christina hear you refer to it as “mommy porn.”
“Condescending, much?” she said. “No, it’s not mommy porn. It’s not only for mommies and it’s not porn. Gah!”
Christina Phillips is actually a pen name, but Christina is also her real middle name–so she’s always been used to it and, in fact, she much prefers it to her actual first name. I wondered how it came about.
“Almost by accident,” she told me. “I used the name online, and when I sold my first short erotic story I had already built up a web presence as Christina Phillips so it made sense to keep it.”
Christina told me that she’s always loved writing.
“As a child I had notebooks that I’d fill with stories and plays,” she said. “I recently found some English homework essays that I’d written when I was fourteen, and was reminded of how even then I always managed to weave in some element of the weird and wonderful! Except I obviously enjoyed the tragic ending, as none of my characters seemed to end up together. It wasn’t until we moved to Western Australia at the end of 1998 that I decided to write with the aim of publication. I started my first book at Easter 1999 and had my first short story published nine years later.”
She currently working on the second book in her Highland Warrior Chronicles. The series has been acquired by Ellora’s Cave and feature gorgeous Scot warriors and their brave Pictish princesses. The books are set in the ninth century during the turbulent time when both Scot and Viking coveted Pictland so there’s plenty of conflict.
Not counting the twelve category romances Christina wrote before she was published, she has two short stories and five books published. Two other books are currently with her editor at Ellora’s Cave, and she’s got another book elsewhere.
“Which is your favorite?” I asked.
“It’s hard to pick a favorite because I love them all. But I do have a very special place in my heart for my first full length book that was published, FORBIDDEN. This is the first book set in my ancient world of sexy Roman warriors and magical Druid heroines. The third book, BETRAYED, was recently released and I love that one too. The world just really fascinates me and I love watching my heroes and heroines fighting for their right to love each other,” she said with a smile.
She uses the Internet a lot for research, but she also finds children’s reference books to be great sources of information.
“Especially when I needed to research different galaxies and complicated scientific things,” she admitted, “since the language is plain and straightforward and more importantly I can understand all the words used!!”
Christina loves reading and writing about the darker side and, when she was a teen, she loved going to the movies to watch gory slasher films.
“I couldn’t do that now,” she told me. “I am a squeamish scaredy cat who can’t even watch horror movies any more!”
I wondered which she prefered–print or digital.
“Up until about three years ago I was a print girl all the way. Then I started to read a few ebooks on my iPhone and to my surprise discovered the small screen didn’t bother me at all. When Santa brought me an iPad for last Christmas and I transferred all my books onto it the larger screen was just fantastic! I now buy nearly all my books in digital format because I love the convenience of having them all in one place (plus my book shelves were so stuffed full I could never find anything in any case!!)”
“If you were stranded on a desert island and were only allowed to have five modern conveniences with you, what would they be?”
“Would I be allowed to take a fully functional flushing loo? Because I don’t think we realise just how much we rely on our loos until they’ve gone!!! Seeing as this would require plumbing, I’d also take along a shower unit and while I’m at it an air conditioner too,” she said, smiling, “I’m sure the gorgeous guy who’d be keeping me company on this island could help me rig up some kind of solar power source to keep everything running (I do get a gorgeous guy on the island, don’t I?) In which case I’d also take along my iPad filled with e-books, as I would finally get time to go through my tbr pile!!
“For my last mod con I would take a fridge freezer! Did I totally cheat my way through this question?”
“Yes, but that’s okay!”
“Do you listen to music while writing?” I asked.
“I’ve never listened to music while writing, as it’s far too distracting. Ideally I prefer a quiet house to write but that isn’t always practicable so I’ve got used to blocking out background noise. But when my muse is feeling all wrung out and in need of some serious inspiration I always turn to Meat Loaf’s Bat Out of Hell album. I absolutely love those lyrics. So much heartbreak, angst and shredding of the soul! I’ve been known to play that CD non-stop for hours. So much so that my three kids know all the words to all the songs! But hey, that’s not a bad thing is it?”
“Not at all. It’s one of my favorites as well.”
As a child, Christina loved the Chronicles of Narnia and has re-read them many times, even as an adult.
“Who could resist a magical land found through the back of a wardrobe? Or talking animals?” she asked. “When I was 18 I first read Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel and was completely blown away by the world building and story. It’s truly hard for me to remember that the reasons why Neanderthals died out in the book might NOT be the real reason! It was all just so compelling. This is another book I’ve re-read many times. And the ending always makes me cry!”
If you already know Christina, it won’t surprise you to learn that her favorite TV show is Battlestar Galactica (the new version). She can spend hourse discussing the storylines and character arcs (and admitted that given half a chance, she does!) Her favorite quote from the show is “All this has happened before and will happen again.”
Another one of her favorite quotes comes from Galazy Quest: “Never give up! Never surrender!” And, in the same vein, another quote she likes comes from her years of struggling to become published: “Don’t get mad. Get published.”
About the Author: Christina Phillips has always loved writing, and while her efforts in eighth grade usually involved space ships, time travel and unfortunate endings, as soon as she discovered romance novels a whole new world opened up. She now writes fantasy and paranormal historical romance about strong heroines and gorgeous warrior heroes who, no matter how torturous the journey, are guaranteed their happily-ever-after. Christina was born in the United Kingdom, but now lives in sunny Western Australia with her real-life hero, their three children and three regal cats.
Tired of the thin-blooded aristocrats in 1815 London, Alexius yearns for better sport. He is drawn to a dark-haired seductress who shows no fear and refuses to obey his commands. Entranced by such novelty, he denies his bloodlust and decides to keep her to warm his bed.
Immortal vampire hunter Morana has never mistaken her prey before, but the dark stranger mesmerizes her, enticing her to forget everything but the dangerous pleasure she finds in his arms.
Neither one can deny the pull of the other, but there is something beyond the lust—a recognition neither can put a name to. The past and present collide and unless they discover the truth behind the lies, Death will triumph once more.
Inside Scoop: Silk makes much softer shackles than iron, but is just as binding as our lovers engage in light BDSM sport with spanking and mild submission in this risqué Regency story