Pursuit of Innocence by Bethany Rosa – Q&A and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. A randomly drawn winner will receive a $25 Amazon/BN gift card. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

What are your favorite TV shows?

I love, love, love Schitt’s Creek and Ted Lasso. I’m not a big laugh-out-loud type of person, but those two shows can certainly get me going. Game of Thrones is also the only other series I’ve watched entirely. I usually get bored. I also like government conspiracy shows like Reacher and Jack Ryan. I don’t watch TV very often. If I have free time, I’m reading.

What is your favorite meal?

I don’t know if I can pick a favorite; I love to eat. Ahi tuna sashimi has been my recent fav. Lasagna, Thai fried rice, steak, and lobster are a few others.

If you were to write a series of novels, what would it be about?

Well, I am. They’re all about pursuing love and exploring passion—two things everyone should have in their life.

Is there a writer you idolize? If so, who?

Too many to name. I idolize the authors who are true to their writing and persevere in the face of criticism. I especially idolize those who do it themselves without the help of a big-name publisher, but I think no less of those who do. I’ll mention two authors because, in my opinion, they deserve it. E L James, because she must have thick skin for some of the horrible things people say. You can dislike a book, but to be downright mean is uncalled for. I love her entire story of success. As well as Stephanie Meyer for many of the same reasons. Plus, their books are some of my favorites.

How did you come up with the title of this book?

It was initially just Innocence, but I discovered the market is saturated with books by that title. I knew I wanted to keep the word innocence in the title, so I brainstormed different possibilities and availability before choosing. Pursuit made sense because that is what these men are doing, pursuing Lily, and she is the embodiment of innocence, so it just worked.

“I’m done waiting around. You’re mine. No more games or pining over someone else when it’s me you want. You won’t remember his name after I get through with you.”

Lily knows exactly what she wants in life. To graduate, land a high-paying job, and forge her own way. Nothing will distract her. Until the ultimate playboy, billionaire Sebastian Dubree, barges in. Not to be overlooked, Lily’s longtime crush, Jackson, decides she’s worth the fight.

Reluctant to succumb to either, she quickly becomes a challenge to conquer.

Lily must decide between the familiarity of her childhood longing or the newly discovered passion ignited by the dominant CEO. But can she surrender without losing herself in the process, or will someone take matters into his own hands?

Boundaries blur between desire and resistance in this gripping coming-of-age romance, leaving readers yearning for more.

Enjoy an Excerpt

I hit a wall. A solid, warm wall that smells dreadfully sinful. Before I have time to process, two firm hands are on my shoulders to steady me. “Hey, watch where you’re going” comes the deepest, sexiest voice imaginable, which would be incredibly hot if the words spoken were anything other than rude and demanding. Looking up, which is crazy, considering I’m one step higher, I freeze as my eyes land on a dark, handsome god of a man who looks like he wants to commit murder. What is it with me and jerks tonight?

His eyes get bigger, and his brows furrow as soon as my shocked gaze meets his. He has short black hair that’s longer on the top and styled perfectly. His menacing eyebrows are folded downward from scowling at me. The dark scruff that shadows his face is so sexy, trimmed razor straight, accentuating his perfectly chiseled jaw. Mentally slapping myself, I apologize.

“Crap, I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there.” He doesn’t release his hold.

“That’s because your head was down. Your eyes should be looking forward.” His voice is hard and demanding.

Flustered and—I reluctantly admit—slightly turned on by his strong, firm grip and penetrating stare, I stand there frozen in place. After what seems like minutes but I’m sure is only seconds, I snap out of it and apologize again. “Sorry, I’ll watch where I’m going from now on.” The words rush out as I pull away to leave, this time keeping my head up. I think I hear him say something else behind me, but I don’t stop. Running into one of the hottest guys I’ve seen in a while should’ve been the highlight of my night. Instead, I’m more irritated. Do all good-looking men have a license to be an ass?

About the Author: Bethany Rosa raised four amazing daughters before fulfilling her dream to become a writer. Her goal is to ignite passion in readers through her erotically charged stories. When not immersed in writing, Bethany finds joy in life traveling the world alongside her husband of 25 years. Home is divided between the mountains of Montana and the Arizona sunshine.




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