Playing High by Beth Pellino-Dudzic – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award paperback copies of both books in the series: Playing Hard and Playing High (US only) to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Gina Will Do Anything to Protect Her Husband and Her Band

Perfection is one of the hottest bands on the rock n’ roll scene and they are being wooed into the seductive pitfalls that come with fame. How will they continue to rise when temptation is all around them?

Lead singer, Gina, is seen as The Sexy Siren of Rock for her onstage heat and glamour, but her true love is offstage—as wife to guitarist Trevor, and mother to their miracle baby, Roxanne.

Keeping a family together while touring with the band is hard enough, but Gina is faced with an even more sinister challenge. Trevor’s old friend, Brian Mayfield is hell bent on separating the couple—using drugs, alcohol, and women as his weapons. But why is he so driven to destroy them? How far will tough-as-nails Gina go to protect the ones she loves?

Enjoy an Excerpt

IT WAS BACK TO REAL WORK on the album. Gina sat with the guys for a couple of days trying to sort out the music and lyrics and was making headway. Perfection thought they had a solid four songs, but that wouldn’t be enough. However, it was time to go to New York. The McNaughtons wanted the entire band of Perfection to attend their wedding. Even Brian Mayfield was invited. He would lay very low for this event. However, Brian Mayfield would prove to be problematic down the road. Skip Glazer and his wife June were part of the band family. Skip was always working on the band’s business, even when it was an off day.

Tommy and Anne Whelan were invited to the wedding. Tommy worked for Brown Fence Records; he was the producer for Perfection. And had asked specifically to work with the band. Tommy was a well sought after producer in the music world. He wanted to take Perfection to the highest level. He had a close attachment with them. Gina and Trevor hired a private jet so their guests didn’t have to pay airfare. Everyone wanted to attend this wedding since no one was there for the first one in Vegas.

Gina was keeping a huge secret. It might slow down the rehearsals, maybe the recording, certainly now wasn’t the time to share it, though. She wondered when and how she would tell Trevor.

About the Author: Beth Pellino-Dudzic was born in the Bronx and grew up in Westchester County, New York. She earned a BA in Business Administration and worked at IBM. She has three adult daughters and a new Granddaughter. She currently lives in Alabama with her husband and their miniature dachshund, Truffle. Although The Perfection Saga is fictional, many of the stories hark back to Beth’s time in the Rock ‘n’ Roll world. Beth’s favorite pastime is football, everything football. She also is an excellent cook and baker.

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