Katey and Her Possessed Budgie by Brian Curtin

Katey and Her Possessed Budgie by Brian Curtin
Publisher: Devine Destinies
Genre: Young Adult, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Paranormal, Contemporary
Length: Short Story (116 pages)
Age Recommendation: 10+
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

The mind can be a powerful tool if you have the willpower to use it.

Katey learns of a massive corruption attempt. Spirits approach her to cooperate with them in an attempt to end it. Will the new powers she is given be of any use—and will she have the willpower to use them?

Katey used to be an ordinary girl before her pet budgie, Charlie, started talking to her and friendly spirits gave her special powers to help them defeat a terrible evil. Will she adjust to her new life in time to make a difference in the outcome of the war?
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Katey is an extremely well developed character. Her impatience and tendency to judge others before knowing all of the facts trips her up repeatedly, but her perseverance and inquisitiveness soften the edges of her faults. Her cringe-worthy mistakes only serve to make her feel like a real person, though, and I can honestly say that she is the most memorable young adult protagonist I’ve met so far in 2013.

There were a few plot holes that distracted me from an otherwise engrossing storyline. When Katey discovers an uncomfortable truth about the spirit world I was left wondering how it would affect the climax of this novel. If taken to its logical conclusions this revelation should have prompted Katey to reevaluate some of the other things she was told about the conflict she had been drawn into.

By far the funniest scenes involve Katey’s conversations with Charlie. Imagining a tiny bird waxing on about all of the topics Charlie cares about brought a smile to my lips more than once. The best scenes in Katey and Her Possessed Budgie involve how people react to Charlie’s new found linguistic ability and what they say and do once they realize that it isn’t a parlor trick.

This book does include language that some families might find objectionable. The profanity is limited to a handful of occasions, though, and is in very much in character for the individual who uses it. With the exception of these words this tale is obviously written for the 10+ age group based on its dialogue, plot structure, and the types of things that the characters find humorous. I otherwise have no qualms about recommending it to readers in this age bracket.

Katey and Her Possessed Budgie is a great choice for middle grade readers who love the fantasy genre and are ready to tackle slightly more mature story lines.

The Wells Bequest by Polly Shulman

The Wells Bequest by Polly Shulman
Publisher: Puffin (Penguin Books)
Genre: Contemporary, Historical, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, YA
Length: Full Length (273 pgs)
Age Recommendation: 10+
Rated: 3.5 Stars
Reviewed by Lupine

Leo never imagined that time travel might really be possible, or that the objects in H. G. Wells’ science fiction novels might actually exist. And when a miniature time machine appears in Leo’s bedroom, he has no idea who the tiny, beautiful girl is riding it. But in the few moments before it vanishes, returning to wherever—and whenever—it came from, he recognizes the other tiny rider: himself!

His search for the time machine, the girl, and his fate leads him to the New-York Circulating Material Repository, a magical library that lends out objects instead of books. Hidden away in the Repository basement is the Wells Bequest, a secret collection of powerful objects straight out of classic science fiction novels: robots, rockets, submarines, a shrink ray—and one very famous time machine. And when Leo’s adventure of a lifetime suddenly turns deadly, he must attempt a journey to 1895 to warn real-life scientist Nikola Tesla about a dangerous invention. A race for time is on!

Would you believe time travel was possible? I wouldn’t and neither did Leo … until a small time machine appears in his room and he sees a tiny girl and another rider…Himself!
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When he starts to search for this mystery girl, he finds the New-York Circulating Material Repository, a magical library which lends out famous and even magical objects instead of books. Hidden away in the storage is the Wells Bequest, which holds all the sci-fi machines in all books, including a shrink ray, lasers, robots and that time machine.

When Simon, a worker at the NY Repository, threatens the others with Tesla’s death ray, Leo must attempt a journey to 1895 to stop this contraption from ever getting into Simon’s hands.

When I opted to review this book, I was under the impression it was the sequel to “The Grimm Legacy”. It’s not … exactly. More of a book that has some of the same settings. I admit to being disappointed I didn’t get to see more of the characters I’d come to love in the first book, but once I got past that, I enjoyed The Wells Bequest for what it was instead of being frustrated for what it wasn’t.

Packed full of history, mystery, and of course the romance between characters, The Wells Bequest has a great plot for readers who love science fiction, the great inventions created, and who enjoy learning something new about the world’s greatest inventors.  I especially enjoyed when Leo and the mystery girl, Jaya, must go back to fix what Simon has done to the fabric of time, without ripping their own future to shreds.

Truthfully, the story was a little slow in the beginning, and I found it easy to set the book aside, but after the first five chapters, Polly Shulman had me hooked. It was a real page turner at the end, and it was hard to predict what else might pop out around the corner.

The Grimm Legacy by Polly Shulman

The Grimm Legacy by Polly Shulman
Publisher: Puffin (Penguin Group)
Genre: Contemporary, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, YA
Length: Full Length (338 pgs)
Age Recommendation: 10+
Rated: 4 stars
Reviewed by Lupine

Elizabeth has a new job at an unusual library – a lending library of objects, not books. In a secret room in the basement lies the Grimm Collection. That’s where the librarians lock away powerful items straight out of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales; seven-league boots, a table that produces a feast at the blink of an eye, Snow White’s stepmother’s sinister mirror that talks in riddles.

When the magical objects start to disappear, Elizabeth embarks on a dangerous quest to catch the thief before she can be accused of the crime or captured by the thief.
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Polly Shulman has created a contemporary fantasy with a fascinating setting and premise, starring an ordinary girl whose after-school job is far from ordinary and leads to a world of excitement, romance and magical intrigue.

Elizabeth is new at her school, and she wants to make some new friends. Her social studies teacher recommends that she take a job at the Repository, where they store ancient and even magical items that people can borrow.

It also houses the Grimm Collection, a room that holds things like Cinderella’s glass slippers or the seven league boots or even a magical tablecloth…but someone starts to steal things out of the collection and Elizabeth and her newest friends decide to find out who it is.

This novel is not for the faint of heart, as it holds many surprises and is perfect for those who like a mystery around every corner. It even deals with real world problems, along with the magical ones.

I enjoyed it a lot, and it had a good plot. I got quite attached to the characters and enjoyed how the author mixed realistic things with magical. The Grimm Legacy is perfect for people who like a little fantasy that takes place in the real world.

Atlantis Rising by T. A. Barron

Atlantis Rising by T. A. Barron
Publisher: Philomel (Penguin Books)
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, YA
Length: Full Length (384 pgs)
Age Recommendation: 10+
Rated 5 stars
Reviewed by Lupine

Voted BoM by LASR Readers 2013 copy

In a magical land called Ellegandia, a young boy named Promi scrapes by, stealing pies, cakes and sweets to survive. But little does he know that his country is a pawn in an ages-old war between good and evil, battled both in the spirit realm and in the human world. Harboring secrets of his own, Promi teams up with a courageous girl named Atlanta and the two vow to save their land—and each other—no matter the cost. But their vow has greater repercussions than they ever could imagine—in fact, it may just bring about the creation of Atlantis, an island cut off from the rest of the world, where magic reigns supreme.

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Promi steals food, clothes and anything else he needs to survive. But little does he know that when he attempts to steal a pie from the Divine monk that he would be caught, thrown in a dismal dungeon and his life would change forever. Soon, he learns that his country is a battleground for a war between the spirit realm and human kind. Hiding a birthmark that has been written about in multiple prophecies, Promi tries to ignore the imminent battle that will come. But when he meets a smart girl named Atlanta, the two of them, and a kermuncle named Kermi, try to save their land—and each other—no matter what happens. But their actions reap a much bigger surprise…

This book was a total page turner. There was never a dull moment, and there were plenty of surprises hidden around the corners. I was frantically flipping through the pages, anxious to see what would happen next and frequently surprised by what did occur.

The characters were what really made the book great, though. Though they started out as perhaps less than admirable, I was pleased with the changes of heart that the characters went through while they journeyed together. It was, overall, one of the best stories about Atlantis that I have read yet.

It’s perfect for fans of Mythology, folklore and fantasy of all ages.

Brotherhood by A.B. Westrick

Brotherhood by A.B. Westrick
Publisher: Viking
Genre: Historical, YA
Length: Full Length (368 pgs)
Age Recommendation: 10+ (some violence)
Rated: 5 Stars
Review by Snapdragon

The year is 1867, the South has been defeated, and the American Civil War is over. But the conflict goes on. Yankees now patrol the streets of Richmond, Virginia, and its citizens, both black and white, are struggling to redefine their roles and relationships. By day, fourteen-year-old Shadrach apprentices with a tailor and sneaks off for reading lessons with Rachel, a freed slave, at her school for African-American children. By night he follows his older brother to the meetings of a group whose stated mission is to protect Confederate widows like their mother. But as the true murderous intentions of the brotherhood—-now known as the Ku Klux Klan—-are revealed, Shad finds himself trapped between old loyalties and what he knows is right.

A powerful and unflinching story of a family caught in the enormous social and political upheaval of the period of Reconstruction.

This is a remarkable personal journey that will hold readers enthralled.

I didn’t expect to be held enthralled.  In fact, I didn’t expect to enjoy Brotherhood. The South during the reconstruction period seems singularly lacking in charm: in fact, Brotherhood has a lot of anger which colored everyday life–anger and hatred and not only for people far away.

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Shad’s sense of justice kicks in not only when someone is cruel to him, but when he sees the shady side of people, even people that are supposed to uphold the law. He is not okay with cruelty, and that sets him aside and ultimately (for this reader) is what makes this book worth reading. He does meet, and admire a young girl named Rachel, who is not white.  However, he was a not-quite-hater even before he ever met her. We are touched with his desire to impress and later, protect her, but I think, ultimately, it was not she who changed him. He seems to have recognized something within himself, although he is limited by those around him.

He struggles with who he was born to be and that struggle displays the very limits of his courage – even to him.

Brotherhood is a surprisingly evocative story of a young man living in a time that somehow couldn’t quite shape him. He wasn’t a better person than those around him, but then again, really, he was. Did he become the best he could ever hope to be, in his circumstances? This might be the central question.

Author A.B. Westrick is to be congratulated for this daring novel, and exploration of lives – of both victims and tormenters. It makes me hope always for kinder times…and kinder people. It also exposes that potential for kindness, and for a better general understanding, even as the tale struggles through the mires of racism and just plain outright hate.

Brotherhood is beautifully written and completely engaging. It’s frustrating yet hard to set aside. Make it a must read.

Amanda in England: The Missing Novel by Darlene Foster

Amanda in England: The Missing Novel by Darlene Foster
Publisher: Central Avenue Publishing
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Action/Adventure, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Short Story (118 pages)
Age Recommendation: 10+
Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

Voted BoM by LASR Readers 2013 copy

Amanda Ross is visiting England and taking in all the sights. She gets lost in the maze at Hampton Court, does some shopping at Harrods, meets the ravens in the Tower of London, explores Windsor Castle, and rides the London Eye. When she discovers a vintage book is missing from a collection, she is determined to find out who stole it. Amanda befriends a pair of tough teenagers from the streets of London, an elderly bookshop owner, and a big, friendly, clever, Maine Coon cat named Rupert. Follow Amanda through cobblestone streets, medieval castles, and underground tunnels in her quest to find the missing novel!

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The most memorable scenes in this story involve Amanda discovering the cultural differences between her hometown in Alberta and London. Everything from clotted cream to the advanced age of certain buildings is new and exciting to her. Amanda’s joyful reactions to the rich histories of the places she visits piqued my interest in learning more about them.

What made the plot even more rewarding was how slowly the mystery of the missing books unfolds. Amanda has to work hard to uncover every single clue, and none of them are easy to piece together. I expected to figure out what was happening much earlier on in the plot than I actually did, and it was quite rewarding to finally come to the correct conclusion.

This is the third book in the series, but I had no issues catching up with the highlights of Amanda’s previous adventures. If anything the tantalizing glimpses of the mysteries she’s attempted to solve in the past made me want to go back and read the first two instalments! Amanda is intelligent, resourceful and plucky, and those traits make reading about her adventures a real pleasure.

Amanda in England: The Missing Novel is a delightful romp through modern-day London. I highly recommend it for readers in late elementary school or for anyone who loves solving playful mysteries that do not reveal their secrets easily.

Nolichuck! TJ’s Wild Frontier Adventure Books 1 of the Green Book Series by Jackson Keene

Nolichuck! TJ’s Wild Frontier Adventure Books 1 of the Green Book Series by Jackson Keene
Publisher: Treble Heart Books
Genre: Action/Adventure, Contemporary, Historical, Paranormal
Length: Full Length (281 pgs)
Age Recommendation: 10+
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Lavender

TJ’s just an ordinary fourteen year old kid with extraordinary problems at home and school: A broken up family from his parents’ bitter divorce, evil bullies almost every afternoon, failing grades, boring classes, snobby girls, mean teachers, cut from basketball tryouts, few friends. Life is rough for TJ Cockrell.

And then that mysterious little green book had to go and throw him into the past. And not just any past, but into the untamed forbidding forests of 1802 eastern Tennessee along with the savage Indians, wild beasts, bloodthirsty robbers, backwoods ruffians, and log cabin living! Yup, it’s definitely not 2011 Knoxville anymore.

And he thought his present life was bad news! But TJ’s adventures are only beginning. Along the way, he fights off killer beasts and bandits and braves, gains a world of confidence in himself, finds his first real love, and meets a fantastic frontier family who really has it together. When he returns to the present, he’s a brand new person––ready to defeat deadly robbers in his own home, beat the bullies at school, win the girl, gain friends, and make great grades. He even gets his family back together again. Sort of. In the end, the little green book is really cool. And TJ can’t wait to go on another action-packed adventure into the perilous past!

Imagine being fourteen and unpopular at school. Many have had to go through that torture, the abuse, the ridicule, and the daily troubles. T.J. is a struggling 14-year-old. He’s upset about his parents’ divorce and the fact that him mom and sister—his best friend—moved away. He’s doing poorly in school and gets bullied.
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Then finding the green book in his historian father’s home office changes his life. T.J.’s dad was once just an average historian until something strange happened and propelled him into great success. His knowledge of history became more detailed, from personal experience.

T.J., a nice kid, is about to experience the thrill of going back to the past, as his father did. He goes back to early nineteenth century Tennessee and experiences the wild times and people of that era. Danger is everywhere. T.J. faces wild animals and people out to hurt the innocent. Then he meets a kind man who takes him in and allows him to stay with him and his family. At their homestead, T.J. becomes one of the family and learns lessons about hard work, survival, and true familial and community closeness. He even has a romance with a girl who is down-to-earth. His experiences change him. He can no longer take the coward’s way out, not when others are depending on him.

When he goes back to his present, two killers have broken into his home. It’s interesting what he does, how he faces them. It’s also interesting how he faces his bully at school and the new girl.

This is a book about personal growth, but it’s presented in an entertaining, adventure-filled way. Sometimes there was a lot of telling instead of showing, but it was still an emotional read. T.J.’s character is well developed. The world of the past is drawn well. Readers of time travels and historical or coming of age books will probably like this one.

Dragon Ice by Sue Perkins

Dragon Ice by Sue Perkins
Publisher: Desert Breeze Publishing, Inc.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, YA
Length: Short Story (94 Pages)
Age Recommendation: 10+
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Reviewed by Cyclamen

Neisha meets Tane in her dreams but finds out he is real when he travels north to rescue her people from the ice dragons. Unfortunately he is injured on the journey and finishes it trapped in the humans’ underground home. A discovery regarding the ice dragons requires Tane to mediate between the northern and southern dragons and arrange the possible release of the humans. The weather turns to an icy cold winter while Neisha and Tane grow closer together. Will the humans be able to leave their underground home when the warmer weather arrives, and will they all to leave?

When the Earth became overcrowded, settlers were sent off into space to make their way on new worlds. Over one hundred years ago one such group crash landed on an icy plateau, an area which was also home to the ice dragons. The people were forced to live underground in caves because the ice dragons would not allow them to travel through the mountain pass to look for better lands.

Neisha and her community have never known anything other than life underground. She goes outside briefly whenever she can, but the weather is brutally cold and the ice dragons circle around herding her back into the caves. But in her dreams she contacts a young man named Tane. At first she doesn’t think he is anything more than a dream, but in fact, Tane is also a descendent of Earth settlers, in this instance, settlers who arrived on this world fifty years ago, but they landed in the warmer areas. When Tane learns of the plight of Neisha’s community, he and his friend Rik set out to see if something can’t be done to help Neisha’s people, because in Tane’s part of the world there is an alliance between dragons and humans, and they work and live together in harmony.

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The budding romance between Neisha and Tane is handled delicately and sensitively. Because of the weather and Tane’s broken leg, the two of them spend a lot of time together through the winter, trying to figure out how to save the community. In addition to these two young people, there are also several other well-drawn characters, and my favorite is Shonta, the oldest member of Neisha’s community. She is old, but she is smart and savvy, and certainly game to try something new.

I was impressed with the amount of detail that is given when the community has to plan how to relocate. There are a lot of elements to take into consideration and I felt these planning details are realistic and ingenious. The plot moves rather slowly in places, and while I might have liked a bit more action, the slower more deliberate pace matches both the winter season and the time needed to convince one hundred people to move out of the only homes they have known.

This is a wonderful book about dragons and also the importance of not making assumptions and talking things through. I’m sure that lovers of dragons and fantasy will truly enjoy this book.

Chase Tinker and the House of Secrets by Malia Ann Haberman

Chase Tinker and the House of Secrets by Malia Ann Haberman
The Chase Tinker Series
Publisher: Crossroad Press
Genre: Contemporary, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Suspense/Mystery, YA
Length: Full Length (224 Pages)
Age Recommendation: 10+
Rating: 4.5 Stars
Reviewed by Cyclamen

In Chase Tinker’s world, magic, lies and secrets can be a lethal combination…

After spending the summer at his grandfather’s gigantic, incredibly magical house, thirteen-year-old Chase Tinker thought things couldn’t get any more bizarre, or that the secrets and lies couldn’t get any worse, but he was wrong.

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Magical powers are wonderful, or so Chase and his younger brother Andy now believe after spending a summer at their grandfather’s wonderful magical house. But Chase soon learns that secrets come with those powers, and some of those secrets are dark indeed. Add to that the fact that Chase has developed new powers which explode each time he sneezes and the magical mayhem is off and running. He can’t control these extra powers and sometimes they have unexpected outcomes, such as when he accidentally turns his teacher into a puddle of slimy goo.

Malia Ann Haberman has written another absolutely captivating story about the magical Tinker family. This is the second novel in the series, but it stands alone just fine. There is an abundance of magical craziness, and the story is full of adventure. The evil Marlowe family returns. There is a kidnapping to be followed by a rescue mission. A mysterious magical girl shows up. But beyond all these adventures there lies a dark secret which will change them all.

Chase is a very believable and likeable character. He is a typical thirteen-year-old who is sure that he knows what is best for everyone. He is kind and loyal, stubborn and pig-headed, great at magic and horrible at math, and he has a deep and abiding love for his family. The other characters are also well-developed, even the ferret, Maxwell, who ends up saving his friends.

The plot is action-packed with many twists and turns. Some of the secrets which are revealed came as a total surprise to me and yet, once revealed, they certainly fit the story. Chase, who has some major issues with his father, discovers some truths which help him to grow and mature. The story ends for the moment, and the ending is a satisfactory stopping point. However, this is obviously not the last book in the series.

If you are looking for a humorous, action-filled, suspenseful story with lots of ins and outs, then this could be just the book for you. I would encourage readers who want to get the most pleasure out of the series to start with Chase Tinker and the House of Magic. And my fervent hope is that the author is hard at work at publishing the next book in the series, because I for one am ready for more magical adventures with Chase and his family.

The Grotto Under the Tree by John A. Theo Jr.

The Grotto Under the Tree by John A. Theo Jr.
Publisher: Astraea Press
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, YA
Length: Short Story (139 Pages)
Age Recommendation: 10+
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Cyclamen

Sebastian and Sara mistakenly descend into a mystical land where elves, mermaids, gnomes and other mythological creatures live. The two discover they have stumbled into an ancient battle between these fair folk and evil creatures called the Kylo. Their guide on this journey is Capri, an elf lord who is on a quest to find his lost tribe. The Kylo chase the children and Capri in his flying galleon north into the Arctic Circle where they find the most unlikely ally. During the final battle the children learn about sacrifice, love and ultimately forgiveness.

Sebastian and Sara discover a hidden grotto when they climb into a hole left after an ancient oak tree is destroyed. The two fifth graders are best friends, and when Sebastian gets it into his head to explore, Sara reluctantly follows. They find themselves in another plane of existence where elves, mermaids, gnomes and other mythological creatures live. This is a magical tale of friendship and love, of trust and believing, and of sacrifice and redemption.

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While this was an engaging story, I found the dialogue to be flat and stilted in places, lacking the ring of truth. However, the story teaches important lessons about the sanctity of life and the need for faith and trust. It just was a bit formulaic for my tastes. Sebastian embodies the old saying that a child shall lead them as he learns to trust. “That is the essence of faith, child. When things seem at their worst that is when you must believe more than ever.”

The setting for the novel is fun and very imaginative. It begins in Massachusetts, but soon Capri has them sailing, both in the water and in the air, on a live ship. The descriptions of the grotto as well as the ship are fascinating. I think many young readers will enjoy this tale, reveling in the mysteries which unfold. And they will also discover answers to some age old riddles as they travel with Sebastian and Sara into the Arctic Circle.