Top Ten Tuesday: Scary Books With Flowers on Their Covers

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

All of the books in this week’s list are from the suspense and horror genres. This is a trend that I don’t quite understand as flowers feels so sweet and innocent to me.

Maybe they are being included as a juxtaposition to the frightening things that often happen in mystery or horror novels? What do you all think?










1. Toxic by Lydia Kang











2.House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland











3. The Bone Orchard by Sara A. Mueller











4. The Undead Truth of Us by Britney S. Lewis











5. They Drown Our Daughters by Katrina Monroe











6. Black-Eyed Susans by Julia Heaberlin











7. The Depths by Nicole Lesperance











8. Ghosted: A Love Story by Jenn Ashworth











9.  Jar of Hearts by Jennifer Hillier












10. Almost Insentient, Almost Divine by D.P. Watt


  1. Flowers seem so common on horror covers, don’t they?

  2. I love how you got so specific with your take on the topic. Very clever. Black-Eyed Susans has been on my radar for ages but I have yet to pick it up.

  3. Stephen @ Reading Freely says

    The Bone Orchard certainly looks interesting! Thanks for dropping by earlier. 🙂

  4. Great covers. Interesting how flowers can cover so many genres!

  5. Jar of Hearts cover is wow, stunning and haunting

  6. You bring up a great point about using flowers in these genres! I see a trend with some that kind of frame or cover a face, so maybe, it is some sort of juxtaposition or somehow relates to the character or story? It’s sure fun to think about! 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting my website today.

  7. All new covers to me because I avoid this genre! I love your perspective on the prompt! ~Carol @ ReadingLadies

  8. Creepy flowers are definitely having a moment and I am enjoying it (though it does make me look twice at innocent blooms!)

  9. OOoh nice topic! I like that they are scary books too! Loved House of Hollow! Read that one awhile back! Still need to read In Depths though! Love that cover! Great covers all around!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

  10. I love that you went with scary flowery books! These all look so gorgeous!

  11. These do bring the creepy vibes.

  12. Definitely love it when the covers look so soft and gentle, then the content will make you so creeped out and scared, so thanks for this list! 😂 The Bone Orchard in particular is gorgeous. I’ve also seen people bringing back Jar of Hearts on my GR home page lately. 😀

  13. I almost did a horror-themed post as well, but stalled out after T. Kingfisher’s A House with Good Bones. Great selections!

  14. Ooo these are so pretty!! And the books sound so good as well.

  15. I think the juxtaposition is exactly why they’re used on suspense/horror covers so often. In general, I like floral covers, but the ones where flowers are growing out of someone’s mouth or eyes weird me out completely! LOL

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!


  16. House of Hollow is one of my favorites!

  17. They are bold and eyecatching! Flowers are fascinating. I love their appearance, but some of them are literally deadly.

    Have a great week!

  18. Cool list – it is definitely an interesting juxtaposition!

  19. So many pretty covers! Love this list. 🙂

  20. Almost Insentient, Almost Divine looks beautiful!

  21. Great choices! I believe my favorite one is House of Hollows. On a different note, it’s so strange logging in on here and seeing some of my old books. (I used to write under the pen name Stephanie Adkins). Love your blog!

  22. I haven’t read a lot of horror, but it seems like they do mix with flowers on the covers quite nicely, somehow. I’ve been told I need to read Jar of Hearts, so thanks for the reminder! Also, I absolutely loved House of Hollow, so maybe I need to add some more of these to my TBR.

  23. Dedra @ A Book Wanderer says

    Great twist on the topic, and I think you’re absolutely right. There’s something about the darkness of the story vs. the lightness of the flowers.

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