Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Happy early Thanksgiving to everyone in the US! And even if you aren’t American, it never hurts to be thankful for all the wonderful things in your life, right?
This week’s topic is: Reasons Why I’m Thankful for Books.
Books have long been a big part of my life and I’m sure most of you can relate. Some of the reasons why I’m thankful to have a wide assortment of books in my life.
- They keep me entertained.
- They help me learn more about subjects I didn’t know much about before.
- They help me understand the world around me and the people that inhabit it.
- They bring me peace from the stress and anxiety of day-to-day life.
- They give me a reason to cuddle with my cats. Not that I need one, but still.
- They give me a way to spend time with someone while they’re doing something I don’t necessarily enjoy. Example: my husband was a huge gamer. I’d read while he played his video games, and it was a way to spend time together.
- They help me connect with my kids. I can read about subjects they’re interested in or books they’ve read.
- Audiobooks help me get through boring chores like folding laundry.
- Cookbooks help me explore the world through food as well as switch up my menu plans.
- They help me expand my horizons by inviting me to new worlds or by taking a new look at a familiar one.
I really like the idea of #6!
Thanks! It worked well for us!
YES! I’d never finish my chores (or boring work tasks) without audiobooks.
Right? And an intense thriller is great for the treadmill. LOL!
Yesss animal cuddle time! Thanks for visiting my post!
Gotta love the animal cuddles! And thanks for the return visit as well.
The 6 is amazing, I love how both hobbies can be accompanied
Thank you! It always worked well for us, we would chat and be together while doing our own things.
I’m always reading while my husband enjoys all the sports on tv!
That, too! Mine was mostly a gamer, but man did he love his tennis.
Nice list!! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!
Thanks, and you, too!
A great list
Have a good week!
Thanks, and you, too!
Love all your blessings around books, they certainly are something to be very grateful for.
Thank you! They’ve for sure helped me get to where I am now.
I read whilst my husband watches tv that I don’t really care about, which gives us a chance to spend time together whilst both doing our own things! Although sometimes he talks to me and I literally do not hear him haha.
Hahaha! Mine would have his headset on while playing video games online with his friends. Every time I thought he was talking to me, he’d be talking to a friend. LOL
I love the opening about remembering to be thankful even if someone isn’t American.
So true and I don’t think it hurts any of us to remember this any day of the year, too. Books are always magic in that they have a fabulous ability to entertain us and sometimes, even take us on an adventure, too!
Thanks so much for visiting my website today. I appreciate this.
I tend to forget that not everyone is in the US! But you’re very right. Gratitude is important to our every day lives. You’re very welcome and thank you for the return visit. I appreciate you, too!
I love all of these reasons, especially #6. My husband loves to watch t.v. and I would rather read, so he does his thing and I sit next to him and do mine. That way, we’re both happy while we spend time together!
Happy TTT!
I didn’t realize #6 was going to resonate with so many people. But I’m happy that it does.
I love listening to audiobooks, especially while driving, doing chores, or exercising.
The bulk of my audiobook listening is during my daily commute. I mentioned in an earlier comment that a thriller is ideal for the treadmill!
Great points! The cat cuddles one is so true, they always seem most interested in sitting on you when you’ve got a book it your lap!
Earlier this year, I lost my ragdoll, who was a huge, fluffy cat. Anytime I laid down in bed to read, she’d situate herself between myself and my e-reader. I think she knew I couldn’t read around her. LOL
These are all great! I love that you mentioned reading while spending time with someone doing something else — this came up for me a lot while my dad was declining and in a nursing home. He wanted the company, but wasn’t able to talk much, and like that I sat next to him with a book even if he was mostly just watching TV. Cuddling with cats while reading sounds awesome!
Aw, I’m sorry about your dad, but I’m glad it gave you a way to be with him, even when he wasn’t up to much. And I love having a warm, purring cat near me when I’m relaxing.
I wish my bunnies would cuddle while I read… instead, they get jealous of the books, hahaha.
Great list!
Hah! I had a bun once who would cuddle, but he’d also gnaw on whatever you were holding at the time, too.
I love all of these! My dogs love to cuddle with me when I’m reading, until they decide to lay across the book and hog all my attention. But I can definitely identify with all of these reasons.
My cats like to sit on me between me and my book/e-reader, so I can relate!
We had some similar answers and your others are great too!
Great minds and all that!
Yes to all of these! I love to read while my hubby is gaming or watching sports, too.
I can only agree with all of these! I don’t have cats to cuddle, but I do love to cuddle with my dog while reading