This post is part of Long and Short Reviews’ Winter Blogfest.
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Christmas in Melbourne by Sandra Carmel
While you northern hemisphere dwellers are freezing your bits off over Christmas, in Australia, we’re often scorching hot. Though, I’m from Melbourne, which is world-renowned for its unpredictable weather. Four seasons in one day is no exaggeration. I remember one Christmas in particular, where it reached forty degrees Celsius and dropped down to seventeen in just a few short hours!
I have an Italian background; however, I’m born in Australia, and so we don’t have the standard Christmas staples when it comes to our shared feast. It’s a big, extended family affair and there can’t just be meat and veges. Oh no! Some sort of pasta, usually several options such as gnocchi and lasagna are included as well as specific Italian festive food e.g. arancini (aka rice balls with essentially a meatball in the center), and savory donuts, some with anchovies. And then, of course, there’s dessert. But not just one—multiple. From a fruit platter to cheesecake to apple slice to rum balls and cannoli. I come away almost every year, feeling like I’m about to burst.
I was going to say, ‘enough about me’ but apparently, it’s not. LOL. I can’t possibly finish this blog post without some mention of my passion—writing racy, flirty and downright dirty romance. Speaking of which, my steamy contemporary novella, Last Hope, book one of the Intertwined Love trilogy, has strong links to Christmas. It deals with some tough but rewarding challenges, physically, mentally and emotionally for Cole and Hope on their journey to love, which I feel fits with the whole spirit of the season. What better time than Christmas to inspire hope and joy? And on that note, wishing you and your family a safe and enjoyable festive season, and happy and prosperous New Year.
A perilous journey to the peak of love…
Cole, a cutting-edge game software company CEO, organizes a Christmas present his long-term girlfriend, Hope, will never forget—a marriage proposal at the top of Sydney Harbour Bridge on Christmas Eve. And it ends up unforgettable all right, but not in the way he’d envisaged.
While on a mountain climbing trip, he has an accident and sustains a life-changing spinal injury, forcing him to miss their special date, leaving Hope stranded, alone and without answers. Cole struggles against his heart’s desire and cuts Hope out of his life without explanation, determined not to burden her with his disability. Can he confront his fears, pull himself back together and rekindle a relationship with the love of his life?
Sandra Carmel is a bestselling Australian author of racy, flirty and downright-dirty romance novels, novellas, short stories and poetry, who enjoys stimulating herself and others with words. An obsession with Jane Eyre, and her infatuation with Mr Rochester, were key motivators in commencing her romance writing journey. So far, she has taken the scenic route from steamy paranormal to sci-fi to contemporary, creating provocative stories that delve beneath the surface of desire. She reads and writes a lot, frequently disrupted by her ever-attentive, cheeky cats, and sinfully amorous array of book boyfriends.
Buy the book at Books2Read.
Ooh this sounds good!
Oh, it is!

Your menu sounds amazing!
It’s definitely food coma material!

I have a friend in New Zealand and we were just talking about the differences between us! However, I do live in the desert southwest of the US, so I can definitely relate to huge temp changes between day and night.
All that said, your food traditions sound amazing. Have a wonderful holiday!
You never know temperature-wise what you’re going to get here. It could be boiling or like this year, it’s super rainy but mild. Not cold but not hot either!
Thank you! Hope you have a fab holiday season too, and thanks for checking out my blog!

Congratulations Colleen, Lydia and Aymee! You have each won an ebook copy of Last Hope. Please direct message me via my Facebook page: with your email address and whether you prefer an ebook or pdf file and I will send it through! Hope you had a fabulous Christmas and happy New Year!

Thanks so much! Have sent the DM.
Hello, Sandra, I’ve sent you an email about this prize as I don’t have a Facebook account. How neat. Thank you for doing this!