Top Five Favorite Courses at University by Sean Michael

Long and Short Reviews welcomes Sean Michael who is celebrating the release of Educating the Professor. You can read our review of the book here.

Thank you to Long and Short Reviews for hosting me today!

Growing up, I loved school and that didn’t change when I hit University. In fact, my love got even bigger as I got to focus more on the things I loved. I took summer courses, not because I needed the credits, but because they offered stuff like companion courses Irish Lit and Irish History taught by a professor visiting from Boston University.

So, I thought I’d share my top five favorite courses I took at University.

5. Short Story – I loved this class for the professor as much as anything else – he had a great teaching manner which was probably a good thing as I had two other mandatory courses he taught.

4. Russian – I loved learning this language and even participated in a trip of university students to the Soviet Union.

3. Canadian Fiction – I read some awesome books in this class, including Coming Through Slaughter by Michael Ondaatje which really opened my mind to what fiction could be.

2. Spy Novels – this one had great reads, but also an old prof who meandered from one thing to another that I found absolutely fascinating.

1. Science Fiction – yep, I got to read my favorite genre as homework! Even the fact that the prof was dry as dust and an egomaniac didn’t ruin it. (And to be fair the ego was well deserved, every non-fiction book on Science Fiction I read for papers referenced him in the bibliography.)

Sean Michael
smut fixes everything

Kenneth Brannigan is a small-town history professor. He’s happy with his life, loves the classes he teaches, and lives in a tiny apartment in a converted house with his best friend, Tim, next door. He’s still recovering from a bad breakup and is content to stick to his comfortable routine. It’s Tim who insists he come to the Queer Alliance’s Rainbow Mixer.

At the mixer, Kenn meets David Burgundy, a new-to-town TA who is working on his masters. Dave is drawn immediately to Kenn and is thrilled when Kenn offers to show him the best pizza place in town. One meal leads to two, which leads to Dave and Kenn spending most of their free time together… and Kenn loosening his self-imposed rules regarding dating and sex for some kinky fun.

Kenn’s ex isn’t going to just let Kenn be, though, and the happier Kenn is with Dave, the less the ex likes it. Will Kenn continue to run away from his past, or will his relationship with Dave help him face it head-on?

Enjoy an Excerpt

“I’m sure. So Anita said history. What’s your focus? Is that what they call it? Or would speciality make more sense?”

“My focus is North American history, specifically post-industrial and LGBT studies. I also teach western civ.”

“Cool. I’m archaeology. I’ll be doing my first TA work this year.” He was actually a little nervous. It was a sensation he wasn’t that used to.

“Ah, I remember those days. I’m sure you’ll do fine. Who are you working under? Dr. Jonas?”

“Yeah. She’s one of the big reasons why I decided to do my masters here.”

“Welcome to campus. It’s a good place.”

“Thanks.” Dave liked Kenneth’s quiet voice, and he wanted to engage him in conversation. “You have to tell me where the best pizza joint is. That’s always the first place I try to discover.”

“Do you like thick or thin?”

The temptation to ask if they were still talking about pizza was huge. Dave went for something not quite as suggestive, but he did let his eyes slowly climb from Kenneth’s feet to his face. “I guess it depends what I’m in the mood for.”

“If you like thin, then Oscar’s is the place. If you like thick crust, Davidos is great.”

“Davidos? You know I’m going to have to give a place that’s nearly my namesake a try. Especially if they’re thick….” He let the sentence trail off, his unspoken “Like me” lingering in the air.

Kenneth’s gaze flickered away. “It’s decadent. Try the sausage, if that’s your thing. It’s better than sex.”

Interesting. Kenneth had gotten it, Dave thought, but wasn’t sure what to do with it. Still, Kenneth had brought up sex, so Dave would run with it. “I love sausage—pun definitely intended. And nothing is better than sex. Of course if you need empirical evidence….”

Kenneth chuckled softly. “I’m not in the market for anything more involved than pizza.”

“But you are in the market for pizza. You should come with me to Davidos. Better yet, we’ll have one from each back at my place and compare them, see which one is better.”

“Did you manage to find an apartment? I know that’s the biggest concern around here.”

“I’m rooming with a bunch of folks—it’s how I met Anita. You’d like it. I’m serious, come see it and eat pizza with me and tell me outrageous stories about the academy.” What he really wanted to know more about was Kenneth.

“Oh, I have papers to grade….” Those green eyes were fastened on Dave, though, the interest clear.

“Already? You’re a hard taskmaster. On yourself as well as the students.” He nudged Kenneth’s shoulder. “Come on. Play hooky with me tomorrow evening.”

“How about we meet at Davidos for supper? I don’t have any evening classes.”

Cautious. Dave wondered if there was a story there.

“Sure thing. Six?”

“Six thirty?”

A little pushy too. He kind of liked it. “Six fifteen.” They could meet in the middle.

“I can manage that. Uh. Do you have a phone number if I have to cancel or something?”

“I was just thinking we should exchange deets.” He pulled out his phone and handed it over.

About the AuthorBest-selling author Sean Michael is a maple leaf–loving Canadian who spends hours hiding out in used book stores. With far more ideas than time, Sean keeps several documents open at all times. From romance to fantasy, paranormal and sci-fi, Sean is limited only by the need for sleep—and the periodic Beaver Tail.

Sean fantasizes about one day retiring on a secluded island populated entirely by horseshoe crabs after inventing a brain-to-computer dictation system. Until then, Sean will continue to write the old-fashioned way.

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