The Hardest Part of Writing by K.M. Warfield – Guest Post and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. K. M. Warfield will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The hardest part about writing is….

Finding the time.

I know a lot of people will say to schedule it. To make that an event that cannot be interrupted. To force yourself to sit down and write for x many hours a day at a certain time. That doesn’t work for me.

And I don’t think it works for a lot of other authors.

I work a full-time job. I have a house to take care of, bills to pay, cats to feed, and a husband who needs time with me as well. I have to take a bath. Sleep. Eat. Have time with friends.

I also have the oh so fun trifecta of anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Which means there’s days where the best I can do after work is take care of ME. Even if that means a 3-hour nap or doing nothing beyond sitting on the couch and playing games on my tablet.

Forcing myself to write makes it harder. I’ve tried. And I feel insanely guilty when months go by and I don’t bother to open a file. I have to be in the right frame of mind or it’s a struggle. Not a small one, either. Honestly, some days it feels like I’m trying to climb Everest while wearing a tank top and shorts. It’s not going to happen.

I’ve learned to be okay with that.

Am I envious of those who can sit down at a certain time every day and write? Absolutely. But each of us has our own process. There’s no right or wrong way to get a story out of your head. What works for me won’t work for another author, and vice versa. But the book is better when I don’t force it to come out. I’m better as a person. Don’t get me wrong. I’d love to write daily. I’d love to be able to afford being a full-time novelist. I love those times when the words are flowing, my hands are flying across the keyboard, and my mind is so focused on the scene at hand that I can watch it like a movie in my mind. Doing that for one, two, even three hours straight is intoxicating.

I also know I need to rest and managed me as much as my characters. There is nothing wrong with that.

Thia Bransdottir is shunned for being half Fallen, a race feared by many. She tries to disguise her lineage, but her lilac eyes make it impossible. When her Father is killed, she is taken to the cloister to be a servant of her faith. Jinaari Althir is sworn to protect Thia from the disgraced half of her heritage. Under his holy vows, he must keep others from killing her for their prejudice and using her for her power. He must succeed, there is no room for failure. Trust for someone like Thia is difficult.

Jinaari may say he is there to protect her, but can he truly do his best when he knows she is of the Fallen? Will Thia stay safe in order to fulfill her purpose or is she fated to die for her origins?

Enjoy an Excerpt

Thia let out a scream as an arm circled her waist, lifting her off the ground momentarily. Her hood fell back, her pale blonde hair blowing in the stiff wind. “Consorting with the Fallen now, Althir? I didn’t think you were this kind of ‘honorable’.” A male voice sounded in her ear.

She twisted her body, struggling to free herself. Whoever held her tightened his grip, forcing her closer to him.

“Let her go, Alesso. This is bigger than any grudge you have. The Gods are involved.” Thia snapped her head up at Jinaari’s voice. His sword was out, his eyes looking at her captor.

Thia’s heart hammered in her chest as fear set in. “Where were the Gods when my family was taken, Althir? Maybe this witch knows how to find them. I won’t know until I ask.” Alesso’s body shifted as he changed his stance.

“She’s part of my task, Alesso. You were there when it was given to me. Put revenge aside long enough to obey Garret’s will.”

What did Father Phillip teach me? After one of the acolytes tried to grab me that first week after Papa died? Pushing down her fear, Thia slammed her foot onto Alesso’s. He screamed in surprise; his arm relaxing. Breaking free, she ran toward the captain. The captain gestured toward her as the sound of swords meeting rang out. She stopped as she got to him, turning to see Jinaari and Alesso fighting.

About the Author: Born in the late 1960’s, K. M. has lived most of her live in the Pacific NW. While she’s always been creative, she didn’t turn towards writing until 2008. Writing under the pen name of KateMarie Collins, she released several titles. In 2019, the decision was made to forge a new path with her books. The Heroes of Avoch series, along with a new pen name, is the end result.

When she’s not writing, she loves playing Dungeons & Dragons with friends, watching movies, and cuddling up with her cat. K. M. resides with her family in what she likes to refer to as ‘Seattle Suburbia’.

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Buy the book at Amazon.


  1. Thanks for hosting!

  2. Marcy Meyer says

    Sounds like a good story.

  3. Sounds like a good read.

  4. Marisela Zuniga says

    I enjoyed this excerpt, thanks for sharing

  5. MICHAEL A LAW says

    This looks like a fantastic read. Thanks for sharing.

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