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I live in the Okanagan Valley, and summer up here is spectacular. The days are long and warm and the rivers are sparkling clear and just daring you not to come on in for a swim. We have numerous beaches – all of them free and three of them within walking distance of my house.
I live a block from the Shuswap River and love to drag the kayak down there in the early morning to go for a paddle. The dog comes with me – she loves to kayak as well. Sometimes, especially if it’s really hot out, she’ll walk to the very front tip of the kayak and jump in for a swim. She jumps from there because she knows I can’t reach her to stop her. She’s a smart little brat! When she’s had enough, she dog paddles over to the side of the cockpit and lets me pull her back into the kayak. Dripping wet. Into my lap. I don’t think I’ve ever managed to go for a paddle without getting at least slightly soggy.
One of my favorite places to paddle is a secluded little lake that is only accessible by kayak or canoe. You go through a marshy swamp, then paddle under a very old railway bridge. The bridge is low, narrow and the water under it is only a foot or so deep at the best of times. In late August, even the kayak is scraping bottom. Motor boats can’t manage it no matter what the water level. On the other side of the bridge is more marsh. You paddle through it for just a few minutes, and then the waterway opens up into a pristine lake that is just brimming with wildlife. I’ve seen deer, moose, otters, beaver and more types of birds than I can count. There’s bald eagles, at least three types of hawks, blue herons standing on their stilt-like legs and ducks. Lots of ducks. And geese. And even a few trumpeter swans, although they tend to prefer the river. I actually bought a waterproof camera (not cheap!) just so I could photograph all the amazing wildlife.
When I’m too lazy, (or it’s too hot to move) I hide in the gazebo my son built for me in my back yard. A nice cold drink, my laptop, the pets at my feet, and I’m a happy author. I can write to my heart’s content. Summer in the Okanagan is truly an amazing time of year!
“Natalie’s loved and lost and she’s not so sure she wants to risk her heart again. She’s willing to settle for a challenging career as a space-pilot instructor and a succession of no-strings attached lovers. But that’s before her boss saddles her with the last thing she wants—a new partner.
Jebediah recognizes his perfect match in Natalie from the moment she seduces him on a dare. Everything that makes her a top-notch pilot, from her fearlessness to her passion, make a night in her bed both challenging and unforgettable. Too bad she cuts Jebediah off the moment they’re assigned to a mission in the outer limits of Alliance space.
A dangerous confrontation with a brutal enemy, an exploding drive engine and a traitor close to home throw everything into perspective. Natalie is going to have to put the past behind her and risk it all, because when your partner is also your lover, failure is not an option.
A Romantica® science fiction erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave
About the Author:Anne Kane lives in the beautiful Okanagan Valley with a bouncy Jack Russell terrier, a cantankerous Himalayan cat, a bossy little calico and too many fish to count. She spent many years trying to fit in and act normal, but finally gave up the effort. She started writing romance, and her fate was sealed when she won a publishing contract with Red Sage Publishing and just a month later Changeling Press accepted her first submission. Since then she had published more than thirty stories in a variety of sub-genres, all with a happily ever after.
Her hobbies, when she’s not playing with the characters in her head, include kayaking, hiking, motorcycles, swimming, skating, karate, playing guitar, singing and of course, reading.
Buy the book at Ellora’s Cave
Sounds like a nice place
bn100candg at hotmail dot com