How I Researched The Scheme by Amethyst Drake – Guest Blog and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award a $25 Amazon GC and a signed book to one randomly drawn winner, a $10 Amazon GC and a signed book to a second randomly drawn winner, and a signed book to a third randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

How I Researched The Scheme

When I decided to set my novel in the past in a city that I don’t know well, I knew research would be a top priority. My characters and plot were set. But I wanted to add details about Baltimore, espionage tactics, and technical details to make the story come to life.

One of my first steps was diving into the world of espionage. Since three of my four main characters have backgrounds in the intelligence community, I wanted to get a strong grip on the covert aspects of my plot. I used Spycraft Secrets: An Espionage A-Z by Nigel West for reference and inspiration. This book is a mini encyclopedia on everything from famous cases to the secret tools spies use to stay under the radar. West’s book helped me add color to the backdrop I was creating for my detectives.

The location of my novel was another important research topic. My husband and I had visited Baltimore before, but I wanted to get as many local details as I could. I started by reaching out to the Chesapeake Chapter of Sisters in Crime. Since I am a member of the national organization, the local chapter was very willing to help me. I sent them a survey with questions about the city and the surrounding area. Several people responded, giving me a wealth of ideas for scenes and a list of locations in Baltimore’s diverse neighborhoods. I also looked up a list of Baltimore awards for “Best of” 2009. Then I researched which stores and restaurants were still open today. I also subscribed to the Baltimore Sun newspaper online. Early this spring, my husband and I made a special trip to Baltimore to explore the city and visit locations I might use in the series. This trip was vital to my understanding of the city.

On the more technical side, I leaned heavily on the resources from the Baltimore Police Department’s website and the Maryland State Police for information about local regulations, certifications, and the structure of their departments. I wanted Katherine’s investigation to feel authentic, and these resources helped me ensure I had the details right. The organization of the police force, the licensing process for private detectives, and firearms regulations all make an appearance in The Scheme.

I’m lucky to have an in-house expert when it comes to the technological aspects of my story. My husband, an IT professional, and his colleagues were a huge help in answering all my technical questions. We discussed everything from digital cameras to email security, especially how certain processes would have worked in 2009, when The Scheme is set. Setting my story in 2009 was important to me because it allowed me to tap into a pre-pandemic world, where technology was just starting to boom. Of course, Google was also invaluable for checking dated details, such as which version of the iPhone was out in 2009 and whether vehicles had Bluetooth capabilities yet.

Katherine Carson, a former intelligence operative turned private detective, has never been in it for the money. But when a desperate CEO offers double her usual fee to find his missing daughter, she can’t refuse.

Set in Baltimore, 2009, what begins as a simple missing person inquiry transforms into a complex case of espionage, financial crime, and deep-seated grudges. For Katherine, this case strikes a personal chord, stirring up haunting memories from her own past. As unexpected connections emerge, she must confront her unresolved guilt.

Can Katherine and her team of private detectives solve the case before it’s too late, or will the turmoil of her past consume her?

Enjoy an Excerpt

Katherine slowed down as she closed the final feet between them. Her target was cornered. Marty attempted a final desperate move, grabbing some scaffolding to haul himself up. The cold metal groaned in protest and shook under his weight. Katherine reacted instinctively as the scaffolding began to shudder. She leapt over the scattered debris, snatched Marty by his belt, and pulled with all her strength. She managed to rip Marty away mere moments before the neglected structure top-pled over, sending a billow of dust and debris into the air.

They both covered their faces and waited for the dust to settle. Marty’s chest heaved as he gaped at the place where he had been standing moments before.

He coughed and stammered. “You saved me.”

“Don’t get sentimental on me, Marty, I need information.” Her eyes blazed with intensity. “Why did you run?”

“Are you kidding? The last thing I want is to tangle with you again. I couldn’t believe it when they told me you’d be on the other side of the case.” Marty tried to scramble to his feet.

“What case? And who’s they?” Katherine helped Marty up.

“The prosecutors. The stolen pesticide?”

“Marty, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I haven’t heard about stolen pesticide. I’m here to ask for your help,” Katherine gritted her teeth, “as one professional to another.”

“Oh.” Marty looked relieved and straightened his coat. “In that case, sure. Anything you want.”

“Great. I’m looking for a young woman who has gone missing. Tell me why you were following Olivia Ames.”

About the Author: Amethyst Drake is a passionate storyteller. She excels at crafting delightful characters and enjoys developing com-plex relationships among them. Mystery has always been her favorite genre to read, making it a natural choice for her writing. She aims to blend her personal experience with mental health and the moral complexities of intricate interpersonal relationships into engaging novels.

Amethyst loves reading all kinds of mysteries, suspense, and thrillers and enjoys watching classic detective and espionage dramas like “Murder, She Wrote,” “Perry Mason,” and “Mission: Impossible.”

She also loves hearing from readers! Connect by signing up for her newsletter at or email


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  1. Thanks for hosting!

  2. I liked the excerpt.

  3. MICHAEL A LAW says

    This looks awesome! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thanks for hosting me today!

  5. Looks a good read.

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