Halloween Blogfest: Nancy Adams

Groaning Ghosts
Ghosts are scary! Not laundry scary, but still pretty damn scary. I also find them utterly fascinating. I love that thrill of hearing ghostly tales, it gets my adrenalin pumping and I always feel the need to look over my shoulder.

There was only one time that I wanted nothing to do with the ghostly realm and that was when my family decided to move from Toronto to Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. That alone was scary, especially for a city girl, but we moved us into a house whose original owners had passed away in the house…both in the master bedroom! YIKES!

Of course, we didn’t learn of that until we spoke to some locals, though by that point we knew something wasn’t right. We had already heard thumps coming from my parents’ room when we were all downstairs and the tap in the kitchen would turn on by itself.


By far, the spookiest event happened when I was living in the house by myself.

After a day of work, I went home and while making dinner I heard a couple of loud thumps. I brushed it off as the traditional groans of an old house. Later, I was watching a bit of TV and my little yapper, Peppy, walked to the bottom of the stairs just off the living room and looked up like there was someone there. I took a quick look and saw nothing then went back to my show, chalking it up the odd behaviour to bad eyesight as she was getting on in years.

By eleven o’clock, I was ready for bed. I completed my nightly ritual, and then headed up stairs. My German shepherd, Sarah, zoomed up in front of me, while Peppy followed behind. When I reached, the top Sarah was just sitting at the top standing next to my bedroom door. She just sat there, ears perked up, staring past me down the hall. When Peppy finally joined us, she stopped in her tracks next to Sarah, and stared at the same spot. I encouraged them to follow, but neither budged. I even tried grabbing Sarah’s collar but she put on the brakes and then ducked into my room making herself at home on my bed.

I didn’t make a big deal of the creepy feeling I suddenly had and carried on my way. By the time I reached my parents’ room, I had goose bumps on my arms and that creepy feeling, like that some…thing…one, was watching from inside the room. I didn’t see anything threatening, but I did get the feeling that I wasn’t wanted, so I got out of there…fast. I very quickly walked back to my room, closed the door, got into bed and pulled up the covers. Because everyone knows, your covers protect you from ghost. *queue eye roll*

The next morning, the door to my parents’ room was closed. I certainly didn’t close it; there was no way I was reaching in that room to pull a door closed. At the time, I wondered who did; I also wondered what the heck went on in there. Really? All this paranormal activity was happening in a bedroom. What else went on in there! Knitting classes. Sheesh!

It did leave me wondering if desire and love followed us into death. And after what I experienced, I’m going to say…Hell yeah it does.

Now that I write erotic romance, my mind goes into over-drive with the kinky possibilities. What could two ghosts or souls, get up to without having bodies to do it in? A little multiple action? Maybe they had their silk scarves and paddles ready to go. Or, maybe, they were simple folk who wanted to get down and dirty with the classic cowgirl? The possibilities are endless. Maybe the better question should be what couldn’t they do!

Those lucky ghosts.

Whichever is the case, years later I used the events of that night and the layout of that house in helping me write my new paranormal erotic romance, The Soul Within. Guess that means I’m indebted to frisky, ghosts…?

Leave a comment for a chance to win an e-copy of the The Soul Within and $10 GC to TEB or Amazon.com

About the Author:

Besides her addiction to trash novels and bed linens, Nancy has been known to spontaneously rearrange furniture and stay up to the wee hours of the morning reading. Writing is a new passion for Nancy, which began in 2008 with ‘hobby’ writing courses, while her husband was deployed.

Nancy’s favorite genre…is anything romance related, although she does enjoy a good laugh. As for her own novels, she demands three elements, intrigue, humor and a good dose of naughty scenes. So, it wasn’t much of a surprised when the world of erotic romance pulled her in.br>
Her other hobbies include, walking the dogs, running, and painting (not on canvas…the house). Nancy lives in Eastern Ontario with her family and two furry beasts.



  1. That was a spooky story, they always say animals see things we don’t.
    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  2. Loved the story. How funny it is that we think if we pull the covers over our head it will protect us.lol

  3. I never thought of hot ghost-on-ghost love before. Intriguing!


  4. Now that is a thought…ghost with a sex-life! I love it!
    My dad grew up in a house that was one of the town’s notorious haunted houses! I remember the story my grandmother would tell of the ghostly activity in the bedroom…but seeing ow one spouse murdered the other, I am afraid I do not think those ghost were up to a little romance! LOl Loved your story and thanks for sharing it!

  5. This is so much fun, thanks for having me LASR!

  6. Ghosts are scary! Even the ones that seem friendly, not that I have met one yet. I would like to but not alone!

  7. Thanks for sharing your story. Funny how you can use it later,
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  8. Frisky ghosts. Giggle. Yay for them inspiring you.

    smurfettev AT gmail DOT com

  9. Congrates to Na for winning a copy of my new book The Soul Within and a $10 GC to Amazon.com. Enjoy your prize Na!

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