Halloween Blogfest: Eve Dew Crook

An Autumn Memory
by Eve Dew Crook
Out to drink in the glorious autumn colors, find Indian corn, pick a pumpkin, breathe in the scent of burning leaves, and simply enjoy our favorite season, my husband and I drove around the lovely Finger Lakes in New York State. We passed roadside stands piled high with pumpkins and gourds in brilliant orange and green. Nearby, a road sign pointed to the village of Wilawana.

The name intrigued me. My mind wandered as I gazed at the scenery flashing by.

I couldn’t leave that name alone. It tickled my tongue and teased me into writing a poem.

An Indian doll I had seen in a folk museum flicked into memory, offering inspiration.

Lines Dreamed up on Passing a Road Sign
for Wilawana on Lake Cayuta in Autumn

By the shores of Lake Cayuta
Lived the princess Wilawana,
Daughter of the chief Sebago,
Harvester of herbs and manna.

Fair she was with ebon tresses,
Eyes as gentle as a doe.
Beads and fringe adorned her dresses,
Buckskin mocs wrapped heel and toe.

All the braves adored the princess,
Sighed as she would come and go,
Still, when one asked, “Wilawana?”
Her reply was always “No.”

Till one day a handsome hunter,
Mohawk from another tribe,
Cornered her inside the teepee,
Offered her blue beads as bribe,

Laid her gently on a blanket,
Ran his tongue across her lips.
All she said was, “Wilawana”
And flung her legs around his hips.

Now she walks around the village
Firmly tied to her papoose,
While Chief Sebago sighs and mutters,
“I was wrong to let her loose.”

Squaw dislikes her husband’s moaning
Answers loudly, full of verve,
“To name a daughter Wilawana
Gives you just what you deserve.”

Fantasy or romance? A bit of each, perhaps…but whenever I sniff the first delicious tang of autumn (and it’s a long wait in southern Arizona), it forever after invites me to a vision of icy lakes, riotous colors hypnotizing the senses, crackling leaves, and my own special, alluring Indian Princess.


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About the Author: I love to travel—have visited all 50 states and 21 countries to collect super memories and great backgrounds for my stories. Favorite pursuits are reading, including long walks listening to talking books, writing (from a play about fairies and brownies in second grade through all my life—stories, novels, plays, poems and limericks), and gourmet cooking when I can find time (I’ve an herb garden with rosemary, thyme, basil, oregano, and parsley). I’m married to an artist, have a photographer son, and now live in the Southwest. I’ve been a newspaper editor, a college professor, taught journalism and sci-fi, but love writing romantic suspense best of all. My first romantic suspense novel is TAKING THE TUMBLE.

Website: http://evedewcrook.com
Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Eve-Dew-Crook/538285129570527
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EveDewCrook

Buy the book at Amazon or The Wild Rose Press.


  1. Nice poem

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  2. Love the poem, especially the ending! 😉
    It was humorous.
    Thank you for sharing. I hope you have a wonderful week!

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