Halloween Blogfest: Charity Parkerson

Halloween Time Memories
Hi, I am Charity Parkerson and I am the author of 19 books including 11 Amazon best-sellers. I am also co-host of The Melissa Craig and Charity Parkerson show. If you’d like to check out any of those, you can read about them here: http://www.charityparkerson.com/ and I have a blog http://charity-thesinners.blogspot.com/ but I thought we’d have some fun today.

October is my favorite month, and I thought it might be fun to share a memory from our childhood (or adulthood) about Halloween. There are no rules. It can be funny or sweet, doesn’t matter. As an extra incentive, I will be giving away a $5.00 Amazon gift card to one randomly drawn commenter along with a few Smashwords coupons for some of my books. Don’t forget to add your email address to your comment so I’ll know where to find you.

I will kick things off…

When I was young we lived way out in the woods. There were a total of 4 houses within walking distance, we knew everyone who lived in those houses, and 3 of them were relatives. Each year, my sister and I would dress up in our (usually homemade costumes), get our pillowcases, and walk to all 4 houses. Our first stop would always be my Aunt Effie’s house. Now Aunt Effie was easily 100 years old, and seeing us in our costumes was always the highlight of her year. Each year she made a special batch of cornbread for us. We would knock on her door, and yell Trick-or-Trick then she would scoop out the cornbread and dump it in our bags NO ZIPLOC OR ANYTHING!! This is why we went there first! We would smile and say our thanks, before running down the road, and shaking our bags out in the ditch before moving on to the candy. 🙂

As awful as that sounds, it made her happy to give us that cornbread and it made up happy to see her excited so it worked out for everyone. Now it’s your turn, what is your favorite Halloween memory?

Oh, and I’d love for you guys to join me on Twitter @charityparkerso and on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/authorCharityParkerson

About the Author:

Charity Parkerson was born in Tennessee, where she still lives with her husband and two sons. She is the author of several books including six Amazon bestsellers. You can like her at Facebook.com/authorCharityParkerson. Be sure to visit her at www.charityparkerson.com and you can read her blog at http://charity-thesinners.blogspot.com

Her “Sinners series” was voted one of the top ten best books by an Indie author in 2011- Paranormal Romance Reads

She is a member of The Paranormal Romance Guild, is a Goodreads moderator, a member of Coffee Time Romance, a member of Long and Short Romance Reviews, and is a Library Thing author.

She won author of the week in August of 2011, and is a three-time winner of The Mistress of the Darkpath writing contest.

You can follow her on Twitter @CharityParkerso


  1. Cornbread, aw your aunt sounds so sweet. I lived in the city, and three brothers and I would literally bring home pillowcases full of goodies. My mom would buy like 5 bags of candy and when she ran out she’d use ours..how rude! Where I live now, we don’t get any trick treaters because its a lonely road:(.. You my lady are one of my favorite Authors! You rock! Kay in done.

  2. Favorite Halloween memory, the year I got to go trick or treating for the first time in a big town.
    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  3. Thank you, Kim! I agree, how rude!!

    Jean MP, I love trick or treating in the big towns. There is usually a block party or two here and it is so much fun.

    Thanks for joining in.

  4. One year for Halloween, we went to my grandma’s house. For Halloween night, we went to my cousin’s church where they were having a party. They had apples for bobbing. I think I got a earache from that but we had fun that night.


  5. I grew up in Australia, we didn’t celebrate Halloween so I don’t have any childhood memories to share. I do love Halloween and had a great time when my kids were little. It is a wonderful day.

  6. Amy, I’ve never done the bobbing for apples thing. It’s always looked like something that I wouldn’t be good at, lol!

    Ingeborg, I have several friends living in Australia. I tell them every year that they don’t know what they’re missing. 😀

    Thanks for joining in.

  7. I loved Halloween as a kid! Always had Halloween parties. One of my first teenage parties I was 12 and sweet on a boy I lived near. We all dressed up that year and mom let me have an outdoor Halloween party/BBQ. That whole night I kept hoping that young man would give me a “First Kiss”! I told ghost stories, entertained every person there, and tried everything my mind could think of the impress that young man, and nothing seemed to do the trick. I was so disappointed. I remember that following Christmas getting on the school bus one morning to go to school when that young fella threw a Christmas present at me and ran to the back of the bus. It was a stuffed bear that said to my sweetie. I was so shocked! I could not help but think maybe my ghost stories paid off after-all! LOL

  8. My favorite Halloween was the year my mom let my older sister and I have a pj party with a bunch of other girls from school. We sat around a huge bon fire and told ghost storys just to see who would go running inside first. There’s nothing like living out in the middle of the sticks. There aren’t many lights so outside in the dark, surrounded by the wooden areas you never knew for certain if maybe there was someone out there watching and waiting for a chance to attack a group of young kids. Does anyone want to go inside now where the lights are on?

  9. Cornbread for Halloween is new for me. It’s not candy but it’s different 🙂 I like seeing all the creative costumes on Halloween.


  10. Mountain Laurel, awww that’s so sweet!

    Regina, you have to love living out in the sicks 😀

    Hey Na, haven’t we met on Mistress of the Darkpath?

  11. Taking my kids out was my best memory. Our neighbors prepared special bags for the, We always had lots of fun.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  12. Debby, Halloween with the kids is the best 😀 I don’t think that I have many left before mine are too old for it.

  13. My fav memory is when my parents decided to throw a little bash that included turning our garage into a haunted house and turning our basement into party central.


  14. My favorite memory is getting dressed up and walking around my huge dark rural neighborhood because there were only so many kids and they all knew who we were we got actual goody bags full of candy instead of just two pieces. lol

    smurfettev AT gmail DOT com

  15. Yadkny, it sounds like you have an amazing family.

    I know! What happened to the days of having pillowcases full of candy?

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