5 Embarrassing Sexual Type Situations for Anyone… Other than Z. Allora – Guest Blog and Giveaway

Long and Short Reviews welcomes Z. Allora who is celebrating the upcoming release of her newest book The Longest Night. Check below the post to find out how to win an e-book one of the other Entwined BDSM stories: Lock and Key or Secured and Free.

5 Embarrassing Sexual Type Situations for Anyone…
Other than Z. Allora

Thank you so much for having me. I’m going to share with you 5 situations that could have been embarrassing… but I’m Z. Allora so I embraced them. I’m not saying I’ve never been embarrassed by sex or sexual situations, but it gives me much more joy to embrace sex and sexuality. Then I’m going to celebrate my new release The Longest Night, a sweet BDSM with a giveaway.

Here are 5 situations that could have been mortifying if I let them:

1) Bangkok Go-Go Bar: “I fuck him too.”

On one of our trips to Bangkok, we were at a go-go bar and the bouncer placed us right in front of the stage. The dancers took great pleasure in dedicating themselves to me. As the only person who was assigned female at birth in attendance, their goal was to embarrass me with attention….

Although once they realized that was a hopeless endeavor, they began to try to make me laugh. One sweet dancer decided making silly faces was the way to go.

He was right! I snortled again and again at his twisted fish lips face.

Later that evening, Mr. Alpha, the biggest, most muscular dancer that everyone doted on, directed his attentions to me.

He strutted his fine, oiled muscular body over to me. Stopping in front of me, he raked his gaze over me as if trying to start a fire with no tinder.

After a moment of intense study, he announced with a confident smile, “I fuck you.”

*** All kidding aside, it was a lovely and thoughtful offer. It was clearly a coveted gift based on the reactions of the pouting of the patrons losing out on his attentions. ***

I shook my head, and elbowed my love. “I’m sorry, I’m with him.”

My love had stopped playing his game and smiled at the man in the loin cloth offering to fuck me. (Clearly my dearest heart knew there was no threat whatsoever.)

Mr. Alpha glanced at my love and grinned. He turned back to me and nodded. “I fuck him too.”

“Oh, thank you, but no. We’re good.” I didn’t want to insult him but I needed to be clear since I spoke only a few words of Thai.

*** This little scene had gotten everyone’s attention. The group on stage stopped dancing to stare at I’m sure what was a rare sight… Mr. Alpha being told “no.” ***

Mr. Alpha stared deeply into my eyes. “You very good. I make better.”

Thankfully, the bouncer at the door flashed a light signaling to the dancers that the police would soon be raiding the establishment.

Everyone darted away.

Mr. Alpha gave me one last longing look and ran out into the back.

My love and I beat a hasty retreat out the door.

2) The movers found handcuffs under our bed.

Mover: “Oh Mrs. Lady. Mrs. Lady. I found something of yours.”

I dash into the bedroom to find him smirking with an old pair of handcuffs, that had gotten lost under the bed, dangling from his fingertips. His intent was to embarrass or shame me.

Z.: “Oh God! Thank you so much! We’ve been looking for these.” I snatch them with a smile and clutch them to my chest. “These were my very first pair.”

Mover: Turns red, nods, and backs into a wall.

3) Carpet cleaner sucks up my bondage rope in his vacuum.

Cleaner: “Um, a… there’s some sort of rope attached under your bed.”

Z.: “Oh, yeah. Sorry, I must not have tucked it in when we were done…. But it’s still easier than tying it each time. Am I right?”

Cleaner: …..

4) “I’ve never been hit in the head with a penis… until today.”

Carpet cleaner (same one, different visit): Upstairs in that room with all the pictures on the wall (which is cover art from my books)….

Z.: Yes. (Not sure where he’ll go with this…)

Carpet Cleaner: “Well, until today I’ve never been hit in the head with a penis….”

Z.: “Oh, my. Are you okay?”

Carpet Cleaner: “Yeah, I just… didn’t expect it. Why do you have one hanging in there?”

Z.: (mentally rubbing my hands together) Well, that’s a tintinnabulum from Pompeii. Where shop owners would hang these penises with bells attached to bring good luck to the store.”

Carpet Cleaner: nods… “Okay, so I guess I was hit in the head with good luck.”

5) Flying with Sex Toys

TSA: “What is this?” He points to my case of vibrators with a smirk.

Z.: “Vibrators. Would you like to see how I use them?”

TSA: (smirk falters) ….

Z.: “You put them on either side of your temple. If you have a cold use them around your nose to break up congestion, and to help with sinus pressure.”

TSA: ….

Z.: “There are other uses as well.” (bats eyelashes) “Orgasms.”

TSA: “You’re fine. Go.”

Z.: “I can show you—”

TSA: “Next.”

Not only accepting who you are but embracing yourself is a joy all it’s own. My characters in The Longest Night have finally accepted who they are and are clear on what they want. They are no longer willing to settle.

The holiday season is lonely for construction worker Benjamin Morgan, a big muscular guy who just wants to submit, obey, and serve. But the men he’s attracted to usually don’t have a dominant bone in their bodies. He’s done seeking his BDSM dreams with someone who isn’t interested in putting him in his rightful place—on his knees at their feet.

When a friend sets up a meeting with Foster Ridgeway at the BDSM club, Entwined, Benjamin has his doubts. Of course he is attracted to bookish Foster, who works for the same construction company, but how will someone so small and delicate-looking master Benjamin? But when Foster–the tiny temple of dominance wielding a crop–heads toward Benjamin, he might get what he’s always wanted, just in time for Solstice.

Do you give too much information (TMI)? I do (see the above post if you question me LOL) and I’m wondering if I’m alone. Let me know in the comments to enter for a chance to win an e-book one of the other Entwined BDSM stories: Lock and Key or Secured and Free. I’ll contact the winner on Dec 23rd by email.

Many hugs, Z. Allora

About the Author: Z. Allora believes in happily ever after for everyone. She met her own true love through the personals and has traveled to over thirty countries with him. She’s lived in Singapore, Israel and China. Now back home to the USA she’s an active member of PFLAG and a strong supporter of those on the rainbow in her community. She wants to promote understanding and acceptance through her actions and words. Writing rainbow romance allows her the opportunity to open hearts and change minds.

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Buy the book at Dreamspinner.


  1. Debra K Guyette says

    I do have a tendency to reveal too much. I am trying to change that.

  2. Julie Garrett says

    Oh, hell yes. Over-sharer prime here especially of the sexual kind. My favourite one that comes up regularly is what are your hobbies? My usual reply of writing gay erotic stories and making wooden dildo’s tends to shut people up or get them interested.

  3. Cathy Mullican says

    I try not to, but sometimes I do.

  4. Thank you everyone for participating!
    The winner is: Julie Garrett!
    Congratulations! I’ll contact Long and Short Reviews to ask for your email. Big hugs, Z.

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