Television Review: The Masked Singer

Review of The Masked Singer

Review by Ginger

I am not one who is known for watching reality shows and definitely not those where people get on stage to sing and dance. However, I’ve been hearing and seeing the advertisement for this new reality show The Masked Singer. A cast of unknown celebrities perform in costume to hide their identities. Each week depending on the audience’s vote along with the panel’s opinions one singer is eliminated — then unmasked! It’s hosted by the energetic Nick Cannon and has a panel of artists and performers who make up the judging panel of Robin Thicke, Jenny McCarthy, Ken Jeong and Nicole Scherzinger. It sounded interesting, it’s something different and besides there was really nothing else on television that I wanted to watch that night. I decided to give the premiere show a try.

The first contestant opened with plenty of hype and a bright introduction. The Peacock gave an awesome performance and actually had a great singing voice. His battle was against the Hippo, who was my least favorite. The second round was a battle between the Monster and Unicorn. This pair up I couldn’t pick which I liked best because I liked them both. And the final round was a competitive perform between the Deer and Lion. I was amazed at the choreography of the Vegas style back up dancers and in awe of the beautifully crafted detailed costumes that each contestant wore.

Before each performance was a short video of the celebrity in costume giving clues to who they are. My curiosity was piqued because I didn’t have a clue even with the opening description who could be under the mask.
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Here’s the trailer for the show:

The judging panel consist of a variety of talented opinions and they seem to work well with each other and most importantly they are funny. Nick Cannon’s energetic vibe as host adds additional flavor to the show and he interacts well with the contestants.

I’m a girl that loves suspense and this show certainly is entertaining in that aspect. The only problem I have is waiting a week to see what other masked performer will be added and which masked celebrity will be eliminated and revealed.

TV Review of: Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia – a Netflix Original Series

Review of: Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia – a Netflix Original Series
Created by Guillermo del Toro in conjunction with DreamWorks Animation and Double Dare You Productions.

Review by Xeranthemum

My youngest is the one responsible for this Netflix obsession. He was watching it while we were busy making plans for New Year’s Eve and, instead of focusing on what needed to be done, my husband and I were both sucked into the story. Three hours went by without notice. We finished this particular story loop about Merlin and Morgana, and good versus evil trolls, the next day.

What made this series so compelling? The characters, the plot and its intelligence. Yes, it’s a cartoon but computer generated or not, the presentation is filled with action, battles, lessons, growth in maturity and fantastical creatures, and the most compelling aspect, friendship. There are so many elements to take in that I more than likely will re-watch it from the beginning. It’s that detailed and good.

There are so many characters that flavor this series; good and bad trolls, regular humans and humans on a quest with a destiny, namely Jim. He’s not comfortable with the burden he will bear but with his friends at his side, he is forced to stand tall and accept his role. The troll hunter’s mom does not come across as dumb or disrespected. She has strength, she loves her son and she acts like a grownup should. Her unconditional love is a joy to behold. Jim’s respect for his mom and his clear love for her garners my respect.

Morgana was presented as convincingly evil but Merlin isn’t exactly a benign character. He’s more acerbic, canny, and Machiavellian. Actually, there were tried and true fantasy tropes sprinkled throughout the episodes and yet, they were made fresh and riveting within Jim’s role in the series. All 52 installments are amazing. Each show ends with a cliffhanger or a shocking revelation, or a threat from which there seems to be no chance of escape. That is how easy it is to keep watching show after show after show. The hours effortlessly fly by. It must be magic, LOL.

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For fantasy lovers this series is like candy, or potato chips – you can’t watch only one episode. I certainly couldn’t.

If you’re not sure yet, watch the trailer and be amazed.

If you are curious about 3 Below, the sci-fi fantasy sequel, then this trailer is for you:

Jim reminds me of Johnny Quest, but instead of his best friend being Hadji, it’s a troll with 6 eyes named Blinky, short for Blinkous Galadrigal, and humans Claire and Toby. Their friendship is a huge asset to the story. I heartily recommend watching the Troll Hunter series. It’s like a great epic YA fantasy book come to ‘life’.