Interview and Giveaway: Heather Kinnane

Long and Short Reviews welcomes Heather Kinnane who is visiting with us today to celebrate the recent release of Truckie Needed. Ask Heather a question or leave a comment for her for a chance to win a copy of Erotic Writer Seeks Men, the first book in her Seeking Satisfaction series.

Heather told me that she’s been writing as long as she can remember and that it was always a childhood dream of hers to be published. Once she received her first contract, she started really considering herself an author.

“That was so exciting, and really confirmed for me that I could do this,” she said.

Truckie Needed was inspired by Kelly, a writing friend of Heather’s.

“I really wanted to write something new in my Seeking Satisfaction series, (which are all standalone books), but I was struggling to come up with any ideas, until Kelly made a suggestion, and here it is!” she exclaimed with a smile.

Heather has mostly been a pantser, writing by the seat of her pants with no plan in mind.

“In the past, this meant lots of editing as a re-read discovered huge plot holes and various issues with characters. Recently I’ve started plotting, just a little,” she explained, “and I find this gives me a good indication where there are plot holes that need to be filled, and how characters might need to be fleshed out a little.”

I asked her, “Who is your favorite author and why?”

“I don’t have one favorite author, and I’m not entirely sure how I would narrow it down to one either. Stories that I have absolutely loved include The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas, and Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi, as well as The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang. One of my favourite romances is Skipping out on Henry by C L Ogilvie. I fully intend to read more novels by these authors (and all the others on my shelf), but there are so many good books out there, I find I flit from one to the other without much consideration as to who it’s been written by, and more focus on what the story’s about and whether it sounds like something I would read.”

Story is, in her opinion, the most important element of good writing.

“I think story ties everything together, the characters, the plot,” she told me. “If you can tell a good story you can get away with most things – often even grammar mistakes! (But not spelling, if a book is full of spelling mistakes I just can’t read it).”

“How do you come up with your titles?” I asked.

“Titles are always tricky for me! Mostly my titles come from my writers group lol! On saying that, the title of Truckie Needed was easy, because of the series it’s part of. All the books in my Seeking Satisfaction series have something about seeking or wanting or needing in the title.”

The hardest part about writing for her is editing – she told me that it’s definitely the area she struggles with the most.

“It’s so much easier to write when the words are flowing, and so much harder to go back and beat it into shape,” she assured me.

I wondered, “What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing your book?”

“Hmm… tricky. I think perhaps it was while I was writing this book. It’s a bit gruesome too, so for those who don’t want to read anything like that, feel free to skip this! I was following the road where my characters travel, looking for interesting tid-bits to include in the story, when I came upon the story of a series of murders in a town called ‘Snowtown’ in South Australia. The poor victims bodies were stuffed into barrels and left in an abandoned bank vault.”

“Could you ever co author a book with someone?” I asked. “If so, who would you choose, and what would you write?”

“If you’d asked me this twelve months ago I would’ve said no way, but I’ve been thinking about this recently actually. I don’t know whether I could or not, but it would be interesting to try! As to what I’d write… hmmm. I don’t know that either. But I’ve read that some of the easiest ways to co-author is to have one person write in the POV of one character, and the other person write from the POV of another character, so that maybe a romance where I write one character and another writer writes the love interest might be a good way to start.”

Finally I asked, “What are the best and worst pieces of writing advice you ever received?”

“Best: Just keep writing! Worst: You must never do XYZ. In this case XYZ covers a whole bunch of different things I’ve been told I shouldn’t do, only to have a different person tell me ‘make sure you do XYZ’. (Actually, now I say all that, I think the best advice is, there are no rules.)”

Mattie has bought a tiny house, intending to drive it across the country to land she’s bought interstate. But Mattie doesn’t take into
account the fact that the tiny house is on the back of a truck, and she doesn’t have her truck license.

What to do? An ad in the local pub brings Ned and Jack into her life — two very eager and sexy young men who’ve been travelling around Australia and are more than happy to drive Mattie and her tiny house across the continent.

They might be leaving Western Australia’s deserts behind and heading to the chilly island state of Tasmania, where even in spring there is still snow on the mountains, but inside the tiny house, things are only heating up.

About the Author: I am the author of the romantic fantasy series, ‘A Faery Dream’, and the steamy menage series ‘Seeking Satisfaction’. I also write short stories, the shortest of which have been published at The Pittsburgh Flash Fiction Gazette (many of which you can find in my flash-fiction collection – ‘The Pittsburgh Collection’). I live in the Australian bush with my husband, children and pets. When I’m not writing I’m usually avoiding the housework by reading, gardening, or soaking up the natural world.

Website | Twitter

Interview and Giveaway with Kelly Wyre

Long and Short Reviews welcomes Kelly Wyre who is celebrating the release of Fight. She wrote the book to get over having her heart broken.

“I wanted to write a book about truth: how we have to work to find our truth and how we have to fight for it. The truth, as they say, is simple, but I believe living by it and living up to it are far more difficult feats,” she explained. “Both Nathan and Fury want to be true to themselves and both men find themselves in circumstances that make that almost impossible.”

She also has a short story coming out from Storm Moon Press in May. She did a novel-length tag-team fiction piece with AF Henley called Vision Quest.

“It will soon be available for free download on Smashwords, Goodreads, and Amazon, good Lord and the little gods of formatting willing,” she told me. “I’m working on the next New Amsterdam novel, a fantasy novel here and there, a series of short stories for a BDSM line, and Henley and I are also doing an ongoing art project called, Eight Turns of Fate . that tells a story via “modern” technology means.”

She’s currently reading The Gift and Second Star to the Right by AF Henley, Doctor Sleep by King, the first in the Kushiel’s series by Carey, the Special Forces Unarmed Combat Manuel, A History of Ballet, The Real Nureyev, and Cloud Atlas. I’m what you might call masochistically addicted to multi-tasking,” she said.

Kelly Wyre is actually a pen name. She told me that when she was a little kid and people would ask her what her name was, she would always say, “Kelly!” Well, since neither her first nor middle name is Kelly, her mother was… bewildered.

“It would just baffle and embarrass the hell out of my poor mother, who had to make up all these excuses for her overly imaginative habitual liar of a child,” she remembered. “So, I figured Kelly would be a good first name, as I’d likely remember to answer to it when called. And ‘Wyre’ is in homage to Anne McAffery’s dragon ‘Weyr:’ meaning, a nest of dragons. And I’d love to tell you some fancy story involving fear of copyright infringement about why I chose to spell it “Wyre” instead of “Weyr” and, thus, forever have to explain that it rhymes with “here” and “beer” and “fear” [the] “spear” but honestly? I think I just misspelled it in the early days, and it stuck. I’m a terrible speller. Sad but true,” she confessed with a laugh.

Kelly works in her office in her house– on the main floor with a view out two windows of the backyard and tract of forest and cow pastures beyond it. The desk is in the middle of the room arranged so that she can see the door.

“I hate working where people can come up behind me or enter a room from behind me. I also face what I call my ‘Inspiro-Wall.’ I hand-painted it in blue-gray, dark blue, and magenta and it’s covered with over 50 framed prints and probably another two dozen or so other random things. I have a music box shaped like an elaborate door handle. When you turn the ‘knob,’ it plays. I have sculpture, art done by artists of my characters, slogan buttons, a sign that has a zombie chasing a farmer on a tractor that reads, ‘EAT LOCALS,’ inspirational sayings, and memorabilia from concerts and travels. And that’s just the one wall. The rest of my office is also decorated, mostly with art and gifts given to me by friends and fans, and I have research books on shelves. I also seem to collect stuffed animals, hats, and weaponry. I have a four-foot stuffed rabbit and a myriad of other fluffy friends, six hats ranging from bowler to pirate, and I have two sets of throwing knives, kendo practice swords, a 20-guage shotgun, (yes, it works, no, not loaded, but, yes, do own the shells), an air pistol, and a hatchet. I consider myself well-prepared for the zombie apocalypse.”

“What do you like to do when you are not writing?” I asked.

“Sleep. Eat ice cream. Watch selected videos involving consenting, naked adults enjoying themselves on various pieces of furniture. Take really long drives and walks. Play games, hang out with friends, watch movies and TV shows, attend the occasional BDSM event, and run naked in the rain. That last one has nothing to do with the next to last one. At least, not yet. What can I say? I’m a cheap, odd, open-minded and occasionally damp date.”

Kelly loves hearing from fans and solicits comments on free works and fanfiction she’s written over the years.

“I also get emails, private messages, notes, and even the occasional gift in the mail. I love hearing from readers and chatting with them. I’ve been warned over and over about being ‘too’ accessible, but sometimes taking risks leads to fantastic moments.

“About three years ago, now, I got a private message from a steady commenter across a multitude of sites. It told me that she was going to be traveling with family through my general part of the country, and she was wondering if they would be getting close enough so she could stop by and say hi. She gave me her phone number, and when I called her, she was beside herself that I’d actually gotten in contact. It turned out she was driving right through my town, so I met her and her family for dinner and coffee. It was absolutely amazing. I gave her a little gift and a copy of the next, then-unpublished, chapter of a free story I was writing, and she gave me artwork that I still have pinned in my office, today.

“Another time, about a year and a half ago, a very close friend who lives in Florida was at a club one night when she runs into these two girls at the bar and strikes up a conversation. They all discover they enjoy anime and the same kind of fiction, and one of the girls looks at my friend and says, ‘Do you know [One of My Pen Names]?’ And, of course, my friend starts to laugh and says, ‘KNOW her? She’s my best friend!’

“Apparently, the girl was overcome with emotion, and my friend has to text me to tell me what’s up. I was out of town, at the time, and had actually thrown my hip out of joint. When I got the messages, I was lying on ice packs in a friend’s living room, so they were an amazing distraction. I call my friend and ask, ‘What’s going on, again?’

“‘[Girl’s name] is here and she’s read all your stuff.’

“‘What’s her online name?’ I ask, and my friend tells me, and I’m absolutely familiar with the girl and her lovely comments. ‘Oh my God, that’s [Girl’s Online Name]! Put her on the phone!’ So the girl and I got to have a very sweet conversation. It made my year.

“One last story about fan interaction… I no longer give out my mailing address, but back in the early days of even less Internet fame than I have now, (heh) I’d exchanged addresses with one of my biggest fans for a particular story. The story was one very near and dear to me, and this particular fan had become an online friend over the course of the story.

“One of the features of the story she and I loved so much were foot-tall, deranged angels who had hanged themselves with nooses and were often seen tearing off their own wings. (By the way? I also write horror. And now you know.) Well, one average Wednesday, I get a knock at the door and a package delivered. I cut open the box and inside it are dozens and dozens of origami angels made out of black paper. It must have taken her hours, but I had this gorgeous representation of the story. It was just… so cool. I still have one of the angels in my office.

“Obviously, I’ve been very lucky with my one-on-one fan time. I have to more careful, now, unfortunately, but I still try to answer emails, messages, and notes.”

“What is one thing your readers would be most surprised to learn about you?” I wondered.

“I’m not sure I can speak to what most people would find surprising, but I can tell you a few things that people have told me did, in point of fact, shock them. I’m married. To a man. (The latter seems to come as somewhat of a shock to certain individuals; but that’s okay. My friends inform me that I never a member of straight society.) I’m small in stature, but I have huge feet. Centipedes and things to do with eyeballs squick me right out. I have OCD and a memory like a steel trap. Which means I’m the really irritating person who remembers you wore the purple dress with the black flats six years ago to the Christmas party at Danny’s house, and we talked about France and average penis size when you had one glass to many of red wine. I try to curb this and keep details to myself, with greater and lesser degrees of success that are directly proportional to the amount of gin I’ve consumed.”

I asked her about the weirdest thing she’s ever done in the name of research and she shared this story with me (put your coffee down now… just a word of warning).

I don’t know if it’s the weirdest, but it’s one of the funniest. I was writing a series of short stories for an online writing contest, and I had to do the writing after the day-job. So, it’s late at night, I’m worn out and brain-numb, and I have to write this intricate physical moment between my two main characters: a small (nonhuman) female slams a poor, unsuspecting bartender against a wall and pins him. I kept trying to envision it in my head, but I couldn’t quite tell if it worked, and so, without thinking, I stalk out of my office, walk across the length of the house, and find my husband brushing his teeth in our bathroom.

“Borrow you for a minute,” I mutter, not making it a question.

“Mmmkay-eerk!” he says as I drag him out of the bathroom and throw him in the vicinity of the bedroom wall. I then proceed to put an arm across his throat and pin one of his hands at his side with my knee.

“Can we talk about this?” He asks around the brush, and I don’t bother to answer, completely focused on what I need for the story. I make a couple of adjustments, mumbling as I go, and then abruptly set my husband free.

“Thanks,” I remember to say, halfway out of the bedroom.

My husband pokes his head out the bedroom door, toothbrush in hand and mouth covered with foam, and he says, “Feel free to use me for your nefarious needs anytime, sweetie!”

A tolerant saint, that one.

Enjoy some of Kelly’s favorite quotes, many of which are probably on her Inspiro-Wall:

“Fear profits a man nothing.”
“Never let fear decide your fate.”
“What a strange and curious journey it is.”
“That which can be destroyed by the truth, should be.”
“Don’t let the bastards grind you down.”
“It will be all right in the end, and if it’s not all right, it’s not the end.”
“Energy created cannot be destroyed, only transformed.”
“Before the beginning of great brilliance, there must be Chaos. Before a brilliant person begins something great, they must look foolish to the crowd.”
“Harm none.”
“And the Lord said, ‘Let Vengeance Be Mine.'”
“I will eviscerate you in fiction.”
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
“Regret is a one-way, dead-end street.”

To celebrate the release of my novel FIGHT I’m running a contest! It’ll begin on release day, MARCH 4th, and run until midnight EST on March 25th

Three lucky winners will receive:
♠ A free e-copy of the book
♠ An MP3 audio file of Yours Truly reading one of the… juicer… bits of the novel

And if that’s not enough, one contestant will be eligible for the GRAND PRIZE:
♠ Ebook copy of FIGHT
♠ MP3 audio file
♠ Lego Nathan and Fury as featured in the video below!

Audio file will be in MP3 format and sent straight to your email addy along with the ebook. Figurines will ship for free worldwide.

Comment on any blog post in the READY FOR FIGHT BLOG TOUR to win. For more details and other ways to enter, see the entry on my website:

About the Author:3_24 Kelly Wyre Fire IconKelly Wyre enjoys reading and writing all manner of fiction, ranging from horror to romance. She used to work in advertising but is now happily chained to her writing desk. Kelly relishes the soft and cuddly and the sharp and bloody with equal amounts of enthusiasm. She’s a coffee addict, a workaholic, a chronic night owl, and loves a good thunderstorm. Currently Kelly resides in the southeastern United States.

Website ~ Blog ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Tumblr (NSFW!) ~ Goodreads

3_24 KellyWyre_Fight_coverlgTo Nathan Hunt, honesty is anything but the best policy. Telling the truth has gotten him nothing but heartache and pain; so lying about who he is and what he wants seems to be the only path to job security and friends. Hell, it even brings him a hollow kind of happiness.

Except, that’s not much of a life for any man. Especially one with Nathan’s passions. Desperate to cure his self-made misery, Nathan agrees to go along with a con that will score cash for Nathan to start over. There’s just one problem: lying is getting harder by the day. And a con who can’t lie, is a con who gets caught.

Nathan’s attempts to distract himself from his moral quandary lead him to a mysterious, intoxicating man named Fury. The Mixed Martial Arts fighter knows a thing or two about lies and pasts better left buried. He and Nathan have something else in common – they both want to be with someone who lets them be themselves.

Together, they undertake a journey that proves honesty is more dangerous and more difficult than either of them could have imagined. And as they combat addiction, thugs, guns, and their own inner demons, Nathan and Fury can only hope that their battle to be together will be worth the bitter fight.

INTERVIEW and giveaway: Christina Phillips

Long and Short Reviews welcomes Christina Phillips, whose latest release Bloodlust Denied was recently released. Leave a comment for a chance to win a digital copy of the book.  It’s categorized as a paranormal Regency erotic romance–but don’t let Christina hear  you refer to it as “mommy porn.”

“Condescending, much?” she said. “No, it’s not mommy porn. It’s not only for mommies and it’s not porn. Gah!”

Christina Phillips is actually a pen name, but Christina is also her real middle name–so she’s always been used to it and, in fact, she much prefers it to her actual first name.  I wondered how it came about.

“Almost by accident,” she told me. “I used the name online, and when I sold my first short erotic story I had already built up a web presence as Christina Phillips so it made sense to keep it.”

Christina told me that she’s always loved writing.

“As a child I had notebooks that I’d fill with stories and plays,” she said. “I recently found some English homework essays that I’d written when I was fourteen, and was reminded of how even then I always managed to weave in some element of the weird and wonderful! Except I obviously enjoyed the tragic ending, as none of my characters seemed to end up together. It wasn’t until we moved to Western Australia at the end of 1998 that I decided to write with the aim of publication.  I started my first book at Easter 1999 and had my first short story published nine years later.”

She currently working on the second book in her Highland Warrior Chronicles. The series has been acquired by Ellora’s Cave and feature gorgeous Scot warriors and their brave Pictish princesses. The books are set in the ninth century during the turbulent time when both Scot and Viking coveted Pictland so there’s plenty of conflict.

Not counting the twelve category romances Christina wrote before she was published, she has two short stories and five books published. Two other books are currently with her editor at Ellora’s Cave, and she’s got another book elsewhere.

“Which is your favorite?” I asked.

“It’s hard to pick a favorite because I love them all. But I do have a very special place in my heart for my first full length book that was published, FORBIDDEN. This is the first book set in my ancient world of sexy Roman warriors and magical Druid heroines. The third book, BETRAYED, was recently released and I love that one too. The world just really fascinates me and I love watching my heroes and heroines fighting for their right to love each other,” she said with a smile.

She uses the Internet a lot for research, but she also finds children’s reference books to be great sources of information.

“Especially when I needed to research different galaxies and complicated scientific things,” she admitted, “since the language is plain and straightforward and more importantly I can understand all the words used!!”

Christina loves reading and writing about the darker side and, when she was a teen, she loved going to the movies to watch gory slasher films.

“I couldn’t do that now,” she told me. “I am a squeamish scaredy cat who can’t even watch horror movies any more!”

I wondered which she prefered–print or digital.

“Up until about three years ago I was a print girl all the way. Then I started to read a few ebooks on my iPhone and to my surprise discovered the small screen didn’t bother me at all. When Santa brought me an iPad for last Christmas and I transferred all my books onto it the larger screen was just fantastic! I now buy nearly all my books in digital format because I love the convenience of having them all in one place (plus my book shelves were so stuffed full I could never find anything in any case!!)”

“If you were stranded on a desert island and were only allowed to have five modern conveniences with you, what would they be?”

“Would I be allowed to take a fully functional flushing loo? Because I don’t think we realise just how much we rely on our loos until they’ve gone!!! Seeing as this would require plumbing, I’d also take along a shower unit and while I’m at it an air conditioner too,” she said, smiling, “I’m sure the gorgeous guy who’d be keeping me company on this island could help me rig up some kind of solar power source to keep everything running (I do get a gorgeous guy on the island, don’t I?) In which case I’d also take along my iPad filled with e-books, as I would finally get time to go through my tbr pile!!

“For my last mod con I would take a fridge freezer! Did I totally cheat my way through this question?”

“Yes, but that’s okay!”

“Do you listen to music while writing?” I asked.

“I’ve never listened to music while writing, as it’s far too distracting. Ideally I prefer a quiet house to write but that isn’t always practicable so I’ve got used to blocking out background noise. But when my muse is feeling all wrung out and in need of some serious inspiration I always turn to Meat Loaf’s Bat Out of Hell album. I absolutely love those lyrics. So much heartbreak, angst and shredding of the soul! I’ve been known to play that CD non-stop for hours. So much so that my three kids know all the words to all the songs! But hey, that’s not a bad thing is it?”

“Not at all. It’s one of my favorites as well.”

As a child, Christina loved the Chronicles of Narnia and has re-read them many times, even as an adult.

“Who could resist a magical land found through the back of a wardrobe? Or talking animals?” she asked. “When I was 18 I first read Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel and was completely blown away by the world building and story. It’s truly hard for me to remember that the reasons why Neanderthals died out in the book might NOT be the real reason! It was all just so compelling. This is another book I’ve re-read many times. And the ending always makes me cry!”

If you already know Christina, it won’t surprise you to learn that her favorite TV show is Battlestar Galactica (the new version). She can spend hourse discussing the storylines and character arcs (and admitted that given half a chance, she does!)  Her favorite quote from the show is “All this has happened before and will happen again.”

Another one of her favorite quotes comes from Galazy Quest: “Never give up! Never surrender!” And, in the same vein, another quote she likes comes from her years of struggling to become published: “Don’t get mad. Get published.”

About the Author: 7_15 INTERVIEW Christina Bio PhotoChristina Phillips has always loved writing, and while her efforts in eighth grade usually involved space ships, time travel and unfortunate endings, as soon as she discovered romance novels a whole new world opened up. She now writes fantasy and paranormal historical romance about strong heroines and gorgeous warrior heroes who, no matter how torturous the journey, are guaranteed their happily-ever-after. Christina was born in the United Kingdom, but now lives in sunny Western Australia with her real-life hero, their three children and three regal cats.




7_15 Bloodlust DeniedTired of the thin-blooded aristocrats in 1815 London, Alexius yearns for better sport. He is drawn to a dark-haired seductress who shows no fear and refuses to obey his commands. Entranced by such novelty, he denies his bloodlust and decides to keep her to warm his bed.

Immortal vampire hunter Morana has never mistaken her prey before, but the dark stranger mesmerizes her, enticing her to forget everything but the dangerous pleasure she finds in his arms.

Neither one can deny the pull of the other, but there is something beyond the lust—a recognition neither can put a name to. The past and present collide and unless they discover the truth behind the lies, Death will triumph once more.

Inside Scoop: Silk makes much softer shackles than iron, but is just as binding as our lovers engage in light BDSM sport with spanking and mild submission in this risqué Regency story



INTERVIEW and giveaway: E.L. ESCH

 Long and Short Reviews welcomes E. L. Esch whose debut novel Beauty in the Breakdown was released in October. Leave a comment for a chance to win an ebook copy of it.

E.L. has recently signed the contract for her second book. I asked her to tell us about it.

“It’s a contemporary adult romance about a man named Red who’s recently been released from prison. Unspeakable things happened to him there, and now he finds himself free but without a job, money, and family. His sister hates him, and he’s not too keen on her either given past issues. Red thus finds himself alone and miserable. He feels the eyes of strangers on him wherever he goes, silently judging him for a crime that should never have been labeled as such. Desperate for any sort of solace, he find himself in a shady bar one night downing the driest cocktails on the menu. There he meets Silo, a fellow ex-con who understands him a lot better than Red thinks.”

She’s been writing since the fourth grade, but didn’t start to look at it as something she would like to pursue until her sophomore year in high school–and she wrote what would become her debut novel when she was seventeen to eighteen years old.  She’s now nineteen.

“I am for sure still learning the ropes of the genre and the writing world as a whole, but don’t underestimate the young ones,” she told me with a smile.

“Are you a plotter or a pantser?” I asked.

“Definitely a pantser. I’ll put together extremely vague notes about the overall story plot, but when it comes to the details I just stand up and run with the words. Some might think this makes a story difficult to start, but I don’t think so. I will admit I usually go back and rewrite the beginnings of my stories several times though, probably because of this. Still, I like when the story comes to me as I’m writing it. It keeps the stories fresh to me, instead of already knowing what’s going to happen next.”

E.L. always starts with her characters’ overall personalities as opposed to physical traits when she writes.

“Are they outwardly cold with a hidden soft center? A player who hides behind smiles because he/she is afraid of commitment? After figuring this out I usually try to figure out if they have any special or unique physical traits related to their lives like a scar from a fall off a bike or a burn mark from an accident…stuff like that. Then I’ll focus on hair, skin, and eye color and the more basic traits,” she told me.

“If you were on the staff to have a book adapted to movie, what would you pick?” I wondered.

“I think I’d be happy to see almost ANY erotic romance book adapted into a movie, especially a M/M or F/F one. Society can handle it. We’re big boy and girls, right? So why not? I think it’d be a breakthrough in the movie industry. There’s plenty of awesome erotic romance stories out there with great characters and romantic plotlines.”

“How do you personally distinguish between pornography, erotica, and erotic romance?”

“To me, pornography is a blatant display of sexual activities to titillate an audience. Erotica deals primarily with sexual subject matter but encompasses a wide array of mediums such as art, writing, etc. Erotic ROMANCE is a story or idea that deals largely with sexual subject matter but has an ever bigger romantic base to it. It’s primary focus is not the sex, but rather the romance behind it. In my opinion, anyway.”


About the Author: 5_16 author_picI can mostly be found staring into the screen of my PC or laptop into all hours of the night, hyped on caffeinated soda and likely procrastinating something important by losing at Internet Checkers or browsing the web (The day I win a game of Internet Checkers is the day I can write more than a few pages at once without procrastinating). When I’m not doing that, I’m either out being my nerdy self or, of course, writing. I’ve been writing since the fourth grade, and have no plans to stop. To me, one of the greatest pleasures in life is being able to create worlds and characters whose lives I can share with others.




5_16 ELE_BeautyInTheBreakdown_coverinLuke Martin Cleary isn’t out of the closet to his brother, and that’s always been okay since he isn’t involved. Then he meets Rowan, a fragile man with a dark past and one hot body. But Rowan’s heart and body are broken and guarded, and it’s going to take a lot of love to touch someone so completely untouchable. Literally.

Rowan Wilheim Nails is a man in pain. Ever since an abusive falling out with his ex-boyfriend, he’s developed a phobia of being touched by another person–a phobia of being hurt again. So when Luke and Rowan meet at a bar and end up at Luke’s apartment later on, Rowan is skeptical of spending the night in Luke’s bed. There’s only one thing he can do to make touching Luke’s skin bearable–get drunk.

Luke hates Rowan’s coping method, but how can he help change it when he doesn’t understand Rowan’s situation? By getting involved, he decides, even if that means divulging his secret to his brother. And so Luke begins breaking Rowan and his walls down, slowly and tenderly and maybe a little more roughly in the bedroom, but definitely without hurting him again. No matter how long it takes or how untouchable Rowan claims to be, Luke is determined to heal Rowan so that one day there’ll be nothing between their hearts but each other’s skin.


5_2 bronze cLong and Short Reviews welcomes Lexi Post whose newest book Masque was recently released by Ellora’s Cave.   Leave a comment on this interview for a chance to win this lovely Venetian mask made it Italy.

Lexi starts with the characters and, because she writes erotic romance inspired by classic literature, she also re-reads the orginal story. Masque was inspired by Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Masque of the Red Death.” Then she decides who, or whose ancestor, would be the focal point of her story. She also pulls the characters’ backgrounds and emotional baggage from the original story.

I asked her to tell us something about Masque that’s not in the blurb.

“Oh, but there is so much to tell! There is a villainous ghost who will do anything to keep from crossing over because where he is headed is not as fun as staying in the Abbey.  I also have ghosts that become more solid as the moon turns full and they disappear completely when it is a new moon. And of course, I kept the 7 colored rooms that Poe had in his story, but instead of entertainment rooms, I made them Pleasure Rooms. After all, this is erotic romance,” she said with a wink.

Lexi has just sent her editor To Bea Rappaccini, which was inspired by Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story “Rappaccini’s Daughter.”  Lexi’s Bea is as poisonous as Hawthorne made his, but she can expel those poisons through intercourse.

“Unfortunately, this makes long-term relationships a bit difficult since she causes the men to become ill,” Lexi explained. “In fact, she already put one man into a coma! So when she falls for former logger, Zach, things get interesting. I hope my editor likes it. I’m crossing my fingers.”

“Do you use a pen name?” I wondered. “If so, how did you come up with it?”

“Yes, I do.  Lexi is the name I grew up with and my family still calls me that, except my siblings who call me Lex. I wanted to use a name I would actually turn around to when called. All my names have changed throughout my life for various reasons, so picking any one of them would have worked, but Lexi sounded sexy, you know?  Then came the hard part… what last name to pick.  Like I said, I had many to choose from, but I finally decided upon my biological father’s last name. I had a wonderful father growing up, but I thought it fitting to use my biological father’s last name for my erotic books.  After all, as my mom will tell anyone, it was a hot, torrid love affair that produced me!”

Lexi joined  the Valley of the Sun Romance Writers in 2007.  She had left her full-time job and decided she wanted to write full-time and only work part-time.  From that time on, whenever she met someone new, she always introduced herself as a romance writer.

“It was empowering and a self-fulfilling prophecy,” she told me. “Of course. I was armed with the wonderful statistics the Romance Writers of America always provided for when I encountered those who would put down our genre. Back then, I would boil it down to ‘If it wasn’t for romance, your bookstore couldn’t afford to remain open.’ Now I take a different tack.  ‘Why is good winning over evil and love overcoming obstacles a bad thing? We have the news reminding us the opposite can be true every night. Why is that better?'”

I asked Lexi to describe her writing space for us.

“I am very lucky. The only one I have to share my writing space with is my cat Giz. My husband bought me a warm, L-shaped oak desk for my birthday one year. On one side, it rises to six feet, all bookshelves. The shorter end of the L fits below the window, which gives me a beautiful view of the Caribbean ocean. I’m not kidding. We decided it was too cold for us in Phoenix, so we sold everything and now rent a small house on the beach here in the Virgin Islands.  And I mean ON the beach. There is only 50 feet of sand separating us from the ocean! Actually, the beach is my second writing space. I have discovered that sitting in the sun with my eyes closed lets me see scenes in my head without people thinking I’m strange. Simply sitting on the couch with the television off will garner strange looks from family and friends. Trust me, I know.”

The hardest part of writing for Lexi is The Black Moment.

“I hate torturing my characters, but I make myself do it. Take my hero in Masque. Even before the story opens, Synn has claimed the guilt for killing 73 people by bringing the Red Death into the Abbey (Pleasure Palace). Then to make matters worse, when the constable opens the gates and finds Synn alone and 73 graves, he shoots him.  But a higher power has placed Synn in stasis as long as he stays within the Abbey walls. This is where he has been for 150 years, trying to help the 73 ghosts of the people he killed cross over.

“Imagine the hope that grows inside him when Rena Mills buys the Abbey to turn it into a haunted bed-and-breakfast. He is so engrossed in moving her through the Pleasure Rooms to complete the Masque and free his friends, that when she discovers his betrayal, he is unprepared for the devastation of losing her. I hated writing that moment. He’d already been through so much and for so long. Even writing about it makes me squirm.”

When Lexi writes her first draft, she writes for two months straight every day.

“My best time of day is 10:00pm until 2:00am. That is when I am most creative. I also like it completely silent, so it’s a good thing I like that time of night. All I can hear then is the waves. After finishing that very rough draft, I leave the work alone for a month before starting revisions.  I do revisions during the day, along with incorporating feedback from critique partners, and polishing. I like to have multiple stories in different stages so that I always have something to work on depending on the time of day.”

“What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?” I asked.

“I’m not sure that I have one beyond finding inspiration in classic literature for erotic romance. That is somewhat . . . unusual.  I’ve always loved reading and was introduced to the classics long before romance came along. Okay, let’s strike the ‘long before.’ I loved literature, but what always disappointed me was the sad or ambiguous endings. I wanted the stories to end well. However, I don’t rewrite the classics in an erotic romance way, mainly because the classics are classified as such because they are amazing stories as they are. I prefer to be inspired by them. With Masque, it was the thought of how would the person (if it was a person) in Poe’s story feel to have been the one to kill everyone in the Abbey? And those seven entertainment rooms of Poe’s, well they would have to be Pleasure Rooms with a different experience in each one if it was going to be erotic. With To Bea Rappaccini, it was how would a woman, who was as poisonous as she was beautiful, survive today if she could only release her poisons by having sex with men, yet keep from killing them. Then of course, she would fall in love with one man and that would get very complicated.”

“How did you do the research for these books?” I wondered.

“First, I re-read the story I want to be inspired by. Then I research the time period and figure out how it will relate to my story. That is usually a lot of internet search. And, of course, there are the names which I generally find in my reference books (Synn came from there), though sometimes the names come from strange places. For Rena’s ex-fiancé, I couldn’t decide on a last name. Then I was grading a paper on Fredrick Douglass’ autobiography and it hit me. Since Rena’s ex lived in Maryland and was not one of the ‘good’ characters, I decided he should have the name of the family who owned Frederick Douglass, which was Lloyd. Then there is my characters’ motivation. I have a colleague who teaches psychology and I run my hero’s and heroine’s motivations by her. In fact, just this week I was chatting with her about a work I will be starting to write next month. Unfortunately, he told me I needed more to the hero’s background. So more sitting in the sun time for me. Well, someone has to do it. There are the wonderful loops and chapters I belong to as well.  When I get stuck, I throw out my question on those and there always seems to be someone who has an answer or a place I can find the answer.”

I asked Lexi to share the scariest moment of her life with us–riding out a microburst while on her houseboat in Arizona.

“You never really know how you will react when confronted with a fearful event. It was 12:30am and I was just shutting down my computer. I was in my office, which was on the lower level, where part of the room is actually under the water. The winds came out of nowhere. No forecast of this weather phenomenon.  People describe microbursts as upside down tornados. I didn’t know that was what it was, but the boat started rocking really badly because the waves, even inside the marina, grew huge. Fast. My husband woke up and came into the living room. I was still in my office, holding up this six-foot bookshelf above my desk. Having the tallest boat on the lake also meant we had the heaviest, and within minutes  a couple of the ropes holding us to the dock broke, but we had ten on her, so we were still safe . . . sort of.  My husband grabbed some life vests and threw one to me. He couldn’t reach me because some furniture had toppled over.  It was the first time I ever put a life vest on because I thought I needed it.

In no time, two more ropes broke and the waves started picking our houseboat up and slamming her down onto the dock.  Each time cabinets would open and dishes would come flying out and crash against the opposite walls. Statues toppled, plants crashed, the pocket doors slammed with each hit. I lost count after 70. We had 80mph sustained winds for 90 minutes. For an hour I stood in the doorway of my office, one hand braced against the jamb, my other braced against the bookcase, holding it against the wall. If it came down, I wouldn’t escape injury. For that hour, I was afraid. I kept saying ‘Please stop. Please stop. Please stop.’ And then I hit that breaking point. Like I said, you never know how you will react when afraid. Something inside me had reached its limit and anger burned hot. My chant became ‘Stop it. Now!’

“The microburst left as quickly as it had appeared. One houseboat had sunk, another was halfway down before the marina crew got pumps into it and saved it. Ours was considered totaled by the insurance company. When the water had calmed enough, my husband moved a piece of furniture so I could crawl out by going under the spiral staircase to the floor above. Our hull had held, having been built out of airplane aluminum, but the dock, well, let’s just say ‘mangled’ would be putting it mildly. The benefit I got out of that as a writer was what I felt will always be with me, and it is great fodder for that emotion in stories.”



About the Author: 5_2 Lexi Post photo small (2)Lexi Post spent years in higher education taking and teaching courses about classical literature. From the Medieval work “The Pearl” to the 20th century American epic The Grapes of Wrath, from War and Peace to the Bhagavad Gita, she’s read, studied, and taught great classic literature.

But Lexi’s first love is romance novels. In an effort to marry her two loves, she started writing erotic romance inspired by the classics and found she loved it.  Lexi feels there is no end to the romantic inspiration she can find in great classic literature.

Lexi lives with her husband and cat in the Caribbean where gorgeous sunsets, warm weather, and driving on the left are the norm.

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5_2 masque_msr finalRena Mills plans to turn an abandoned abbey into a haunted bed-and-breakfast to prove she can be successful without her ex-fiancé. What she finds inside is Synn MacAllistair, the distinguished, self-proclaimed Ghost Keeper. Her dreams soon fill with sexual cravings for him. But are they dreams?

Synn, born in 1828, is determined to free the souls of the resident spirits, blaming himself for bringing the Red Death that killed them. When Rena steps into the old Pleasure Palace, he’s sure he can take her through the after-midnight Pleasure Rooms and stoke her passion to complete the Masque so the souls can cross over. Her innocent fire makes him crave more, but it’s far too late for him.

As Rena begins her erotic journey, her heart becomes more involved with every sensual caress until she discovers by completing the Masque she would lose her ghosts. Synn’s betrayal wars with her compassion for her ghostly friends. Torn, she must make a choice between her financial security and freeing seventy-three trapped souls. Either way, she could lose her Synn.

Masque is available at:


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 Ellora’s Cave


Long and Short Reviews welcomes Jessica Freely whose latest book Alex in Wonderland was recently released. Leave a comment for a chance to win your choice of one of the books from Jessica’s backlist.

Jessica Freely is a pen name.  She had a publishing career in science fiction and YA before she branched out into m/m romance.

“Not everybody was on board with this new direction in my writing and I needed a way to frewe myself from my own insecurity and the judgements of others,” she told me. “Jessica Freely just came to me.”

Jessica’s lived in the Detroit area her whole life. Except for the time she was in college, she’s never lived more than two miles from Woodward Avenue.

“I love the city in spite of and sometimes because of it’s many, many problems. The people here, who have stayed through everything, are a really determined, energetic and friendly breed. It’s a big small town,” she explained. “You get to know people. I like how deep my roots are here. The city is engraved in me and we’re part of each other. And it’s always fun when you go out of town to announce that you’re from Detroit and see the reactions you get.”

She’s been writing since one Christmas night in 1985 when she sat down and started writing the first story she would eventually submit to publishers. She was 21 and in college studying for a computer science degree.  By the time she  graduated, she knew she wanted to be an author. She worked in her field for six months then quit. She’s been working part-time jobs and writing ever since.

She’s currently revising the next installment in her Freedom Series, which began with Unlawful and is a spinoff from her fall release His Own Devices.

“In this new book, Undaunted, Larke and Droje are on the run from Corporate Security, trying to get to the movement safe house before they’re caught and tried for treason,” she told me.

Jessica has an office in their home; she painted it yellow, so it’s sunny even in the winter. She sits in a recline with her laptop on her lap, even though she admits it’s terrible ergonomically. She has a large bulletin board on the wall in front of her on which she’s pinned images that strike her fancy–like a gigantic collage. She finds it helpful to glance at it when she gets stuck.

“I divide my time between my office and a local coffee shop where the staff and I have an agreement that they won’t give me the password to the wifi,” she told me. “I probably get most of my actual writing done there.”

Jessica gets up in the morning and meditates, then she goes and works out. From the gym, she goes to her local coffeehouse, has breakfast, and chats with friends until about 10:30 am, then she settles down and writes until about 2 pm. She will go home, walk the dog, and answer emails and so on.  Her husband comes home, they eat dinner and watch a little television.  Around 8, she’ll go back to work until 10 or 11 pm.

Her worse habit is that she’s a terrible perfectionist and very detail oriented–she’s always struggling with the urge to tweak what she’s written. She’ll even do this if she doesn’t have a whole draft written yet.

“I get sucked into the details of a scene and rewrite it, spending hours on it only to discover later that it needs to be cut,” she confessed.

“What was the scariest moment of your life?” I wondered.

“My husband and I took a trip to Belize several years ago and we stayed on a little island right off a coral reef. We were warned not to swim out there because there was a current that could carry you out to sea. I was snorkeling close to the island and I saw a beautiful fish and I followed it. Suddenly the bottom dropped away and I saw all kinds of coral and big fish, and I realized I was on the reef. I started swimming back but the island was moving away from me sideways. I have never felt so small and vulnerable in my life. I started panicking and hyperventilating and I realized if I kept it up I’d die for sure. So I forced myself to calm down, pick a strand of seaweed in the direction I needed to go, swim to it, pick another, and swim to that. It was probably only about twenty minutes but they were the longest of my life.”

About the Author: 5_1 HeadshotJessica Freely can’t resist a wounded hero. As a reader and a writer, her favorite stories are of soul mates finding redemption in each other’s arms. Married to the love of her life in a beautiful relationship based on mutual goofiness, Jessica also warps minds as an instructor in Seton Hill University’s Writing Popular Fiction MFA program. Her dog, Ruthie, doesn’t seem to care that Jessica’s an award-winning and best-selling author in multiple genres. She just wants to play tug of war with Jessica’s pages.

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5_1 AlexinWonderland_JessicaFreely-453x680What can go wrong in a sex club? Plenty.

Fresh out of a sexless relationship with a manipulative, two-timing boyfriend, Alex enters the notorious sex club, Wonderland, looking for action. But between the dungeon of dubious Doms, the malfunctioning steam room, and the “alien” go-go boy with glow-in-the-dark everything, it’s beginning to look like Alex will never get laid again. Then a mysterious masked man gives Alex the dance of his life—and more—only to disappear without a trace.

Try as he might, Alex can’t find the man who swept him off his feet. But when the night is through, and the masks are cast aside, Alex makes a startling discovery. What he’s been looking for all night, and maybe all his life, might be the biggest and best surprise of the night.

Buy the book

INTERVIEW and giveaway: SARA JAY

Long and Short Reviews welcomes Sara Jay, whose newest novella The Book Collector is out. Leave a comment on this interview, and you might win a free copy!

Sara is currently working on a novel, Hard as a Rock, to be released this summer. This will be her longest work to date and she told me she’s completely in love with her gargoyle hero, Basalt.

“It’s a love story thousands of years in the making between him and a faery called Canna. It has plenty of tragedy courtesy of a Greek god, but it also has a happily ever after ending,” she assured me.

Sara enjoys word plays when it comes to her titles.

Hard as a Rock is an AC/DC song that I love,” she explained, “and Nobody Rides for Free is pretty self-explanatory! The Boon Collector is a twist on The Bone Collector. Not all of my titles are like this, but I do have others in store, too.”

When Sara was little, her grandmother was her best friend and started writing books together when Sara was four—tiny things filled with pictures that Sara drew of animals that talked. She hasn’t really ever stopped writing since then. Her first full story in elementary school was about a war between Barbie and GI Joe. She’s had poems, short stories, blog posts and articles published online and offline since she was 13, and Changeling Press published her first novella, Nobody Rides for Free, last year.

For Sara, good characters are the most important thing—if she doesn’t get hooked on a character, she won’t finish the story.

“The worst thing an author can do to me is to give me boring, superficial or otherwise unlikeable characters,” she said. “At least one has to be incredibly interesting. I can forgive you for killing off someone I love–I am a big tragedy fan–but not for boring me to pieces.”

Her own characters pretty much develop themselves, she told me.

“I get a scenario in my head–a faery meets three bikers in the desert, for example–and I sit down to write it and they pretty much tell me their story. It might take a day for a first draft, or it might take weeks. I do take some time with my naming characters, though. Sometimes I give a character pages of dialogue before I find out his or her name, or I actively search for the perfect name.”

Some of her favorite authors include Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, Joyce Carol Oates, JK Rowling, Amy Tan, and Suzanne Collins.

“Right now I am plowing through Jim Butcher’s Dresden books like they’re a drug,” she admitted. “I am in love with this world and wish I could slow down to enjoy it, but I just can’t.”

When she was younger, she was heavily influenced by Christopher Pike and still is to this day.

“He really gave me something better to read than the recommend book lists I was provided by teachers at my ‘appropriate’ reading level,” she told me.

I asked Sara to describe her writing space for us.

“I have a wonderful office filled with things I love–from South Park, Strawberry Shortcake and Wizard of Oz figures to posters of The Hunger Games. I have a dreamboard, several desks, an altar, and tons of creative instruments and art supplies…and yet I often write in the floor of the living room once everyone is asleep. I think adding carpet to my office would make a huge difference! I have to have my feet level with my waist. I keep a tall footrest under my desk, but writing on the floor at a tiny table or chair is even better. I don’t like my legs to dangle. And I like to write on a sugar high. I’ll write 4,000 words in a single night if I’m on a sugar high. Yeah, they’ll have to be heavily edited later, but they’ll be on paper!”

She writes for work every night from 8 pm to 4 am, except for the days when her husband is off work. She also often work all day Saturday, Wednesday, and sometimes Friday, depending on the week. She might write a few pages throughout the week on her fiction, but Sunday nights she tries to get a full night of writing in. During the day, she’s busy homeschooling her daughter.

“Getting to that page every day is the hardest part of writing for me,” she told me. “My life is full of full time work, homeschooling, volunteering and participating in several organizations and clubs, so it’s often hard enough just to schedule in sleep. I’m bad at procrastinating, have a full plate and my own blood pressure resents it all sometimes–so yeah, definitely just sticking to my schedule.”

“What do you like to do when you are not writing?” I asked.

“My strongest asset as a writer is my vast array of interests. I think if you want to write, you should be an intensely curious person. I ask why almost as much as my seven-year-old does, and you better believe that I schedule field trips as much for me as for her! All of this stuff goes into my writing sooner or later. I like to explore, travel, create or experience art, play with my daughter, date my husband–and read. I could read sunup to sundown and be one happy camper.”

The name Sara Jay is a pseudonym she uses for her erotic writing—it’s formed by using her own first name and her middle initial spelled out.

“I write many other genres that have not been published yet, so I felt like I should use a pen name for my erotic fiction,” she explained.

“How do you judge what makes a good erotic story when writing your own fiction?”

“If you want to turn someone on, you have to turn yourself on. It’s just like any other genre: to scare someone, scare yourself! To make people cry, you must cry. So I know that if my writing is turning me on–and it does; my husband and I even read it aloud to one another!–it will turn other people on, too.”

Finally, I asked her, “What advice would you give a new writer just starting out?”

“Just write! Get to that page every day. Promise yourself you’ll write for at least ten minutes or for one paragraph, then it will escalate from there. And don’t give up. One company’s rejection letter (or dozens of companies’ letters!) is another’s acceptance letter. Trust me; it happens every few months at my house!”

About the Author:

4_15 INTERVIEW authorpicSara Jay is a supernatural erotic romance writer from Missouri. An award-winning poet and full-time freelance writer, she loves Marvel comics, fantasy lit and homeschooling her daughter. Sara has also taught children in Spain, managed a restaurant, served as the editor and producer of a popular youth activism website, and been published in several books both on and offline. She runs the local 4H and homeschool groups and is active with her daughter in several other programs. Sara is married to her high school sweetheart and has four shapeshifting cats.


You can find Sara online at:

4_15 INTERVIEW boon collectorTimid Tisha Sanderson never had much luck in love or life. When a smoking hot demon, Bane, comes to collect a debt from her ex-lover and decides to make her pay up instead, her life suddenly becomes more interesting.

Tisha finds herself on both the giving and receiving ends of torture in Hell as she attempts to escape Bane. As the lines between pleasure and pain blur, Tisha begins to connect with long-forgotten parts of herself. Her completion of the final dark deed grants her freedom.
The question is, does she still want it?