Watch Me by Jody Gehrman

Watch Me by Jody Gehrman
Publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin
Genre: Mystery/Suspense, Contemporary
Length: Full length (308 pgs)
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Stephanotis

For fans of dark and twisty psychological thrillers, Watch Me is a riveting novel of suspense about how far obsession can go.

Kate Youngblood is disappearing. Muddling through her late 30s as a creative writing professor at Blackwood college, she’s dangerously close to never being noticed again. The follow-up novel to her successful debut tanked. Her husband left her for a woman ten years younger. She’s always been bright, beautiful, independent and a little wild, but now her glow is starting to vanish. She’s heading into an age where her eyes are less blue, her charm worn out, and soon no one will ever truly look at her, want to know her, again.

Except one.

Sam Grist is Kate’s most promising student. An unflinching writer with razor-sharp clarity who gravitates towards dark themes and twisted plots, his raw talent is something Kate wants to nurture into literary success. But he’s not there solely to be the best writer. He’s been watching her. Wanting her. Working his way to her for years.

As Sam slowly makes his way into Kate’s life, they enter a deadly web of dangerous lies and forbidden desire. But how far will his fixation go? And how far will she allow it?

A gripping novel exploring intense obsession and illicit attraction, Jody Gehrman introduces a world where what you desire most may be the most dangerous thing of all.

I hadn’t read a psychological thriller in what seemed like forever and had high hopes for this one. I liked the opening of the story which is told in two points of view, Kate and Sam, first person, present tense narration which seems to be the norm now. Having said that, with this immediacy I felt I should have connected with one of these characters…I was hoping it would be Kate as she was the one being stalked, but I just couldn’t.

The story line is great, college professor being stalked by student who seems to come more unhinged as the story progresses. However, I couldn’t feel as scared for Kate as I’d like to because I just didn’t like or really feel like I was worried what might happen to her. Sometimes she came across as someone who you couldn’t believe is mature enough to be a professor. Other times, other than the literary connection between Sam and Kate, I couldn’t see why he was so obsessed with her.

Having said that, some of the dialogue is dazzling and their inner thoughts sometimes funny, especially in the opening chapters. The pacing is fast and I think this is a story that you really need to stick with because it’s thrill and creepy factor does pick up toward the second half of the book.

I know I’m a reader who likes to really connect with a character and that’s probably the reason this book didn’t resonate with me but it might for you, especially if you prefer plot driven books.

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