Unsaid by Asmita Rajiv

Unsaid by Asmita Rajiv
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Non-Fiction, Contemporary
Rating: 4 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

The fallen autumn leaf laid on the grass…

Quivering yet unafraid
completely devoid of any shame
It let the earth embrace its pain
‘cause in healing there is no shame.
When I turned the leaf over
I found my face smiling back at me
And just like that on that autumn day
I found a piece of my broken me.

‘Unsaid’ is a collection of heartfelt poetry and prose attempting to make sense of these broken pieces. It invites you to explore the subtleties of love, companionship, and self-discovery. In today’s world of never-ending chaos, the book presents a refreshing opportunity for us to pause and reflect. It is written in a way that allows us to pick up any random page on a given day, reflect upon a thought, make it our own, and then move on to the next one.

Just by listening to our hearts, we can finally let the unsaid be said.

Almost everyone has thoughts they never share with anyone.

I appreciated the way all of the poems and essays in this collection were loosely connected to each other. They certainly stood as independent works, too, but there was something special about reading all of them and looking for their similarities. Together they created a complex and thought-provoking portrait of some of the most private parts of the author’s mind. I’d never met her before, and yet I finished this with the feeling that I’d somehow made a new friend because of how much of herself Ms. Rajiv freely shared with her audience.

With that being said, there were times when the subject matter jumped around a little too much for my tastes. I’ll discuss the two main topics in a moment, but there were many other subjects the author included in her work. Some of them were mentioned once or twice while others came up over and over again. It would have been helpful for this reader to have the entries that talked about the same or similar subjects to be grouped together so that I could better know what to expect next.

Building self worth and self esteem were among the most common themes of this book. The author had clearly spent a lot of time figuring out why she struggled with these things and trying all sorts of techniques to improve her opinion of herself and her abilities. This is a topic that isn’t given enough attention, especially in poetry. It was delightful to spend so much time reading about what did and didn’t work for her as well as seeing how she took pieces of her journey and created lovely poems about them. Here is just one of the beautiful tidbits I was lucky enough to read: “The more we accept each fallen piece, the less broken we are.”

If you love self-reflective poetry, Unsaid might be right up your alley. I know I certainly enjoyed it!

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