The Vampire’s Bat by Tigertalez
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Short Story (130 pgs)
Other: M/F
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by XeranthemumWhen the mystery visitor he has been scenting for just over a week suddenly appears in his infirmary, wearing only his shirt, Seamus’s bonding instinct slams into him hard. But Maysa has been an experimental test subject and has developed a fear of needles so severe she cannot get past his fangs, and this delays their bonding. The delay sends him into a coma, and his only possible salvation is the blood of his beloved, who is still afraid of his fangs.
Maysa’s shifter scenting ability is off, so she can’t be sure Seamus is really her mate. Still, with other shifters, including her family, stuck in the hell she escaped from, and a perverted, sick and twisted hunter after her, she reaches out to Seamus. Placing her trust in his hands, she learns two very important things: don’t let your fear hold you back, and when it comes to her, Seamus is no mild mannered medic. He’s a force to be reckoned with.
The title snagged me but the story kept me. It’s a very busy yet fascinating book that brings together many elements of what makes a tale entertaining. Action, suspense, heroic actions and two diverse people coming together to fall in love amidst trying times are just some of the highlights that I enjoyed.
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I believe this book is smack dab in the middle of a series yet I didn’t feel lost. In fact, I thought the way the author caught me up to speed was clever. It almost came across like an info dump but in essence it was getting Maysa up to speed and her reaction and mine were the same, Wow! What was different is that it made Maysa feel guilty for adding to the pack’s challenges, while I was left with the feeling I should really read the back stories. They sounded exciting!
I enjoyed meeting all the people that were in Seamus’ world and found them pleasing and personable. I liked the feeling of support, camaraderie, caring and love that seemed to abound on various levels. These were people that were survivors, and they had a lot of love to give others. That was more than apparent when the group pulled together to perform a daring rescue. What they found was horrible, tragic and what amounts to a declaration of war. I like how everything was handled but there certainly were a lot of people to keep track of.
The point of view was mainly between the main protagonists, Seamus and Maysa. It was their growing relationship that was the focus of the story but there were a few sub-plots in there too. This book was better than a soap opera because I got closure on quite a few of them. There was even a short bit from Max’s POV, but I think that was a possible lead in to a future story. Sure sounded like it would be interesting.
The dialogue fit the characters, the writing was perfect and the villain was wonderfully evil and unrepentant. If he’s a symptom of the greater evil, then this series has the capacity to turn dark really fast. I hope that doesn’t happen because I found this story well balanced with a focus more on love than hate, and I prefer that.
When the hero and heroine finally are able to consummate their love, it was well done. Just enough description to show how well matched they were and how hot their passion burned. I enjoyed all that biting.
The title of The Vampire’s Bat may sound silly and comedic but it’s not. This novella takes the romance very seriously. The plot is meaty and the story is fascinating. This is a great choice for paranormal romantic suspense readers who like their books with a sexy edge.
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