The Rooster Bar by John Grisham
Publisher: Doubleday
Genre: Contemporary, Mystery/Suspense
Length: Full Length (352 pages)
Heat Level: Sensual
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by NymphaeaMark, Todd, and Zola came to law school to change the world, to make it a better place. But now, as third-year students, these close friends realize they have been duped. They all borrowed heavily to attend a third-tier, for-profit law school so mediocre that its graduates rarely pass the bar exam, let alone get good jobs. And when they learn that their school is one of a chain owned by a shady New York hedge-fund operator who also happens to own a bank specializing in student loans, the three know they have been caught up in The Great Law School Scam.
But maybe there’s a way out. Maybe there’s a way to escape their crushing debt, expose the bank and the scam, and make a few bucks in the process. But to do so, they would first have to quit school. And leaving law school a few short months before graduation would be completely crazy, right? Well, yes and no . . .
Pull up a stool, grab a cold one, and get ready to spend some time at The Rooster Bar.
Law, lies and excitement…what’s not to love?
I’m a nut for Grisham’s work. I devour it. When I saw this book had come out, I had to nab it. I’m glad I did.
This was a one-sitting book – meaning I read it in one sitting. I couldn’t put it down. I thought about the characters after the book was done and wanted more. I can’t say I agree with their actions, but I understood to a degree why they did it. Mark, Todd and Zola are interesting characters. They’re typical students who got caught up in the desire to better themselves and over-borrowed money to do so at the college level. I know how being eyeball deep in student loan debt can feel. But they weren’t just in debt. They’d been had by the for-profit school they attended. Ouch.
My favorite character had to be Gordy, though. The guy had issues coming out his ears, but he had a big heart and was smarter than the other students. I can’t give too many details, but I cried over him. I did.
There were parts of the story that irritated me. I won’t lie. But there were parts that made me smile. I can’t imagine doing what Mark and Todd did, but it’s fiction. I can overlook it.
If you want a book that will make you think, rivet you to your seat and is good escapism, then this is the book for you.
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