The Rebel Doc Who Stole Her Heart by Susan Carlisle
Publisher: Harlequin
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (86 pages)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by LisianthusUnbuttoned by the maverick!
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Protected by her ice queen facade and wearing her designer suits as armor, heart surgeon Michelle Ross is always in control. Then maverick anesthesiologist Ty Smith sweeps into her operating theater and ruffles her well-groomed feathers!He is her complete opposite, but even Michelle isn’t immune to his charms—especially when she starts to see the real Ty. She knows that he’ll soon be back on his sleek black motorcycle, out on the road again, but can she stop her heart from leaving with him…?
I enjoyed The Rebel Doc Who Stole Her Heart quite a bit. I loved that the main characters were complete opposites when it comes to their world views. I really love that Michelle is so uptight and a bit of a control freak while Ty is all about living life and not a caring about schedules and being on time.
I found this story both sweet and heartwarming and it even had a good take away of running from problems never works. This story had a bit of spice, and I enjoyed the way it engaged me and even tugged at my emotions.
This story does a great job of allowing and showing both characters confronting their problems and growing. I love that it’s not just focused on one, that it shows that they both need to grow to be whole.
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