The Cat Who Chased Ghosts by Nic Minnella

The Cat Who Chased Ghosts by Nic Minnella
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Middle Grade (8 – 12 y.o.), Mystery/Suspense/Thriller, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Paranormal, Contemporary
Rating: 4 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

In a sleepy little town, an ordinary-looking cat hides an extraordinary secret that will transform his owners’ lives forever.

When the Thompson family inherits a dilapidated old house, their overprotected son Timmy forms a strong bond with Whiskers—a chronically lazy tabby who’s not what he seems.

As Timmy explores the house’s mysteries, a chilling discovery puts his courage to the test. With the help of Whiskers and some newfound friends, he must face supernatural forces beyond his imagination and rescue a soul in peril.

Would you trust a ghost?

This was a delightfully spooky read that added exactly the right amount of horror to everything else that was going on. I especially enjoyed the scariest scenes that happened right before the end. They played around with the audience’s expectations of which characters we should trust and what might happen next just like Neil Gaiman’s Coraline did years ago, and they kept me guessing until the end.

It would have been helpful to have more character development, especially when it came to Timmy. As much as I liked him, I did find myself wishing I knew more about his personality and how these adventures changed him. He was obviously a caring kid, but I’d find it a little difficult to describe him in other ways like whether he was extroverted or introverted or what hobbies he had with the exceptions of spending time with cats and trying to solve old mysteries. This is something I’m saying as someone who adored the plot and wished I could give this a five-star rating. Everything else about it was excellent.

I loved the timeless feeling of this story. While it was definitely set in the present, there was so much about it that could have just as easily happened fifty years ago or fifty years from now. After all, there are always children who don’t quite understand the mysterious and confusing rules that grownups follow and adults who never quite forget what it feels like to be a child. The author’s humorous approach to these evergreen themes made me chuckle, and I nodded my head along as I found ways to empathize with every single character here, including smart little Whiskers! While this was obviously intended for the middle grade age range, I’d warmly encourage adult readers to give it a try, too, as it has something to say to them about the quiet magic of life as well.

The Cat Who Chased Ghosts made me yearn for Halloween even though I read this in the middle of summer.

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