Nurse to Forever Mom by Susan Carlisle

Nurse to Forever Mom by Susan Carlisle
Publisher: Harlequin
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (254 pgs)
Heat Level: Sensual
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

Could a temporary arrival…

Lead to a forever mommy?

In this Single Dad Docs story, Maple Island Clinic founder Dr. Cody Brennan is committed to protecting himself and his two little girls from any more heartbreak. But vibrant temp nurse Stacey Ryder challenges him and their emotional connection slips past his defenses. As Stacey’s time at the clinic draws to an end, can Cody and his daughters convince her she’s the one they’ve been waiting for?

The girls need a mom and he needs a partner. Seems easy? Find someone to fill the roles. But it’s not that easy when heartbreak is involved.

I know when I pick up a Susan Carlisle book, I’m in for a good time. I’ll laugh, I’ll cry and I’ll root for these characters to get together. This book was no exception.

Dr. Cody wasn’t looking for a wife. He wasn’t. He’d been through enough. But working so close to Nurse Stacey is almost more than he can handle. I liked the tension and sparks between them. The partnership while at the clinic is palpable. I wanted them to get together from the start. Stacey is original and energetic–just what the girls need, too.

I raced through this book needing to know what would happen next and hoping the characters would get their happy ending.

If you’re looking for a feel good book that’s guaranteed to warm your heart, then this is the book for you.

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